Ring Name: Vi
Alignment: Heel
Nationality: American
Hometown: New Jersey, New Jersey
Hair Color: Violet
Eye Color: Violet
Age: 23
Height: 5’9’’
Weight: 160 lbs
Entrance Music:
Personality: A rather cold, hardened person, the only times Vi laughs these days are when she is around some special people- and when she destroys someone in the ring. She is reckless and incredibly driven. She won’t bother to acknowledge people other than the ones she cares about. However, she does have a somewhat dry, sarcastic sense of humor and can be at ease with people she trusts even a little bit. She doesn't trust many, however.
Past: Vi used to live in the poorer parts of New Jersey, making a living by stealing from museums and rich celebrities. She had a group of four other kids she lived with, along with her adoptive father, who ran a small bar in the underground. She had a sister once, back when she was a kinder, friendlier person, but she went missing one day and Vi has reason to believe she is dead. She was then thrown into jail when she was caught in the middle of a robbery at the age of 17. She got out at age 23 and was looking to give herself a place in society when she found LAW.
Has a major crush on Caitlyn - “Tell anybody and I’ll rip your heart out!”
Wrestling Information:
Strategy: Vi is the equivalent of a rushdown character from a video game. She’ll get up in your face, doing damage and forcing you to make bad decisions, then punish you for them even more.
Style: Striker
Preferred Matches: All
Attitude Towards Hentai: “Screw off. Oh, wait, it’s you, Caitlyn? Nooo come back…”
If it’s the right person: “You’re hot, cupcake.”
Endurance: 5/5 - This girl could be hit by a truck and then get back up.
Strength: 4.5/5 - After she gets back up, you’ll be hit by a tsunami instead of a truck.
Speed: 3.5/5 - She can dodge well, especially up close, but she’s just slightly above average when it comes to raw speed.
Defense: 2/5 - “Who taught you how to block?” - Vander/Warwick
Aerials: 1/5 - She’s good at using the ropes to parkour around and avoid attacks but not really using them FOR attacks.
Strikes: 5/5 - Her hits feel like she’s wearing giant metal gloves or something.
Submissions: 3/5 - Vi normally doesn’t use submissions, but she can lock in a solid headlock or bodyscissor here and there.
Powerhouse: 4/5 - She can take hits and dish them out just as hard.
Counters: 2/5 - Vi doesn’t really bother with counters.
Favorite Moves:
Superman Punch
Dragon Sleeper
Dragon’s Bite
Blast Shield - Violet blocks a hit, then delivers a suplex to her opponent.
Vault Breaker - Violet strikes her opponent’s crotch, doubling them over. This generally leads to a submission.
Denting Blows - Violet barrages her opponent with punches.
Relentless Force - Violet attacks her opponent’s weak spots with a barrage of kicks or punches, then sets them up for a piledriver.
Cease And Desist - Violet wraps her opponent up in a headscissors that locks her opponent’s arms in place as well.
Fun Facts:
- Vi used to be a fight club boxer after she got out of jail.
- Vi's birthday is May 1. Her favorite numbers are 6 and 51. Her name is VI.
- Multiple bad hits to the brain have given Vi a crap ton of concussions and amnesia.
- She thinks her sister is dead, but has no confirmation. Unknown to her, she is alive and well and runs a nightclub for criminals. The sister also knows that Vi is alive and amnesiac and is trying to trigger her memories with subtle clues.
Standard Ring Attire:












