Nicknames: The Hilariously Horny Futanari
Age: 21
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black hair with gray highlights
Height: 5’10
Weight: 165lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Face
Bubbly and cheery, Levi is more about the fun of wrestling than than the competitiveness. She enjoys telling jokes, no matter how terrible they are. She’s easy to make laugh, so she. Haheena also extremely lustful in the ring, thinking mostly with her futanari dick. All her matches end with her or her opponents too sexually exhausted to continue, either being euphoric endings to her.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: She’s athletically strong, so wrestling comes easy to her. She focuses on wearing her opponents down with smothers and powerful slams, then tries to lustfully fuck her opponents into submission or unconsciousness.
Style: Hentai
Type: Offensive Grappler
Preferred Attacks:
Breast/Ass Smothering
Hip Attacks
Lip Locks
Futanari Attacks
Preferred Matches: Alright with any.
Attitude To Hentai: “LOVE!!!”
Signature Moves
Hyena Buster: Like a normal bronco buster, but she places her dick inside their mouth and keeps thrusting into them until she floods their mouth with cum.
Finishing Move
Levi’s Lust: Levi either anally or vaginally fucks her opponent with them between the ropes, gripping their arms.

Hentai Strengths:
Haheena can ejaculate up to 3 times before showing signs of tiredness.
Hentai Weakness:
She can think with her dick too much, letting sexual domination overthrow her thoughts of winning. Dominatrix-like opponents as well, since they get her hard real quick with their dominating behavior.
Haheena is a futanari who takes things nice and easy, just enjoying the physical pleasures of life. Seeing wrestling as the most athletically fun, she started training for it as soon as she can. With how sexual active the wrestling scene is in LAW, she’d try joining in no time, seeing it as a lustful, fun paradise.
NSFW of her doing a Pullup:

Win/Loss Record: 0/0/0