Vivienne van der Zierden

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Vivienne van der Zierden

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Name: Vivienne van der Zierden
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blue
Height: 5’ 5’’
Weight: 120 pounds
Nationality: Dutch
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Music:
____________________________Wrestling Information__________________________
Strategy: Vivienne mostly relies on her speed and decent endurance to outlast most opponents. She tries to avoid striking for as long as possible, instead looking for opportunities to bring an opponent down onto the canvas where she is much more likely to excel. She is incredibly flexible and agile, due in no small part to her gymnastic and pole background, and so can contort her body around an opponent to trap them in painful submission holds. This is her main angle of attack and the strategy she will use most often to win. Getting an opponent down onto the ground in the first place, however, requires a completely different subset of moves and tactics.

While Vivienne is no striker, she does possess adequate enough training that she could hold her own against less or equally experienced fighters, but will easily fall prey to opponents who specialize in these techniques. Instead, she will use sweeps, tackles, and judo slams/throws to bring an opponent down to the mat. Alternately, she is very capable of using the ropes as a means to splay an opponent out. Her background in acrobatics makes her an impressive high flyer, and if given the opportunity, she can perform dazzling aerial maneuvers that send her flying straight in the direction of her rivals. If they aren't quick enough to slip out of the way, they just may find themselves a disheveled mess on the mat, providing Vivienne with all the room she needs to resort back into her comfort zone of skillfully applied submission holds.

She seeks to keep high-flyers and speedsters alike grounded, while for heavy hitters, she wants to goad them into a technical game, utilizing smart hand placement and positioning to avoid absorbing too much punishment. Her aim will ultimately always be to get her opponent fatigued and on the ground, where Viv excels, dishing out a variety of lengthy, exotic, sexy, and devastating submission holds on her opponents that often target a variety of body parts. She is also likely to add some dominating and humiliating aspects to the match once she gets into a position of control, for her and the crowd's enjoyment.

Vivienne is just as good of a lover as she is a fighter, perhaps even more so. Submission holds provide an excellent vantage point to take advantage of one's opponent, and Vivienne can often be found letting her lust get the better of her as she sexually devours girls unfortunate to be caught in her embrace. She tries to keep it lighthearted and pleasurable for the both of them, but at the same time won't stop herself from enjoying what her opponent's body has to offer her in its entirety, even if her opponent might be a little hesitant at first.

Style: Acrobatic High-Flying Hentai Grappler
Preferred Matches: Hentai, PoW, Standard
Signature moves: Boston Crab, Stretch Muffler, Schoolgirl Pin, Scissors (of many variations), Dragon Sleeper, Belly-To-Belly Suplex, Grapevine Pin, Sleeperhold, Smothers (also of many variations) Fujiwara Armbar, Camel Clutch
Crescendo: One of Vivienne's more cruel moves. A standard figure four ankle lock that she accompanies with a painful slam on the mat while still locked in the position. She rarely uses the hold as a submission, instead ordering her opponent to scream louder, and only releasing when she's satisfied with their wailing.

Big Swing: Humiliating swinging bow and arrow. Serves as equal parts physical pain and psychological torment.

The Great Goodnight: A triangle choke, one that can be hit in any place, any time!

18 Karat: Used to show off her hard work after a well-fought match, Vivienne puts her opponent into an agonizing spladle, locking in their legs with her own while showing their prize and glistening pussy for all the world to see. Depending on how she's feeling, Vivienne may decide to go for further stimulation, or let the humiliation and pain from the hold induce its own submission.

Guilty Pleasure: While her opponent is trapped in an abdominal stretch, Vivienne swings her leg over their neck to really secure the hold. Using her free hand, she is then able to expertly play with their pussy while they are too confused to either scream or moan from the combined pain and pleasure of the hold.



Personality: Vivienne is naturally very bubbly and outgoing. She automatically makes her presence known in any room she occupies simply due to her unique persona and pleasurable aura. She prioritizes her own personal amusement and fun, but rarely takes it to a level where it's at the expense of others. Instead, she prefers mutual enjoyment, constantly toying, teasing, and flirting with those around her. The occasional mean-spirited joke certainly isn't beneath her, and she isn't afraid of dishing one out every once and a while if it can garner a few laughs, especially in the ring.

This translates excellently in-ring. She is an amazing crowd-pleaser, often gathering the audience's attention through dazzling and performative moves, as well as making full use of her cute and playful antics. She wants to appear as the good girl who isn't afraid to get a little too wild at times, and even bend the rules if it'll get a few extra reactions out of the crowd. She is masterful at carrying out this performance and is working hard to boost her fame both to current and hopefully new fans.

She does have a tendency to be somewhat absent-minded, and can easily be distracted. She lives completely in the moment, wandering from one amusement to the extent of a relentless pursuit of pleasure and joy. She doesn't care much for rules and regulations, seeing them as a hindrance to her pursuit of endless fun. She'll stick within the rule if she absolutely must but does enjoy flirting with boundaries of what's allowed. While she isn't overly competitive, Vivienne can't deny that the feeling of winning is one of immense satisfaction and joy. While the occasional loss will certainly put her in a bad mood, her hyper personality means that she'll quickly move on and recover in time for her next exciting matchup.

At the same time, she hasn't been able to hold down a serious relationship for more than a few months, not because she can't but simply because she doesn't want to. She finds that such relationships can quickly become boring, and thus tends to enjoy wild, brief flings with her companions and lovers. It's partly why the ring is so alluring to her, the fact that you get to both fight and fuck new women every time you enter, while still having the occasional rendezvous with the ones you find especially tantalizing, works perfectly in tandem with Vivienne's whimsical traits.

She tries to keep all banter, threats, and insults within the ring, never actually meaning anything rude that she might say. That being said, she can easily hold a grudge against those she thinks might actually be beefing with her. While she prefers to keep all her relationships amicable and friendly, she knows that not everyone is going to get along with her, and this is a fact that she can easily live with. Opponents that develop into rivals will find that Vivienne isn't one to give in easily, and she will valiantly defend the honor of both herself and her friends if the situation deems it so. She'll always look for opportunities to make amendments but will fight with equal vigor, passion, and even resentment if all peaceful routes fail.

Vivienne had always been a rebellious and playful youth. her parents were fortunate enough that her whimsical antics didn't take any darker or more violent turns, but that certainly didn't mean her wild behaviors were any easier for them to manage. She grew up in a quiet suburb, just outside Amsterdam. She was fortunate to grow up in a stable household, but despite that, she often broke her parents’ house rules as well as the law. Staying up way past curfew, drinking and smoking with friends, ditching class, and wild promiscuity - all were staples of her late teenage years. She was diagnosed with attention disorders relatively early in her life, but she refuse to take any medication or acknowledge the diagnosis at all. What others saw as erratic behavior she simply viewed as a will to live wild and free. Others couldn't contain her, try as they might, and she resisted fitting into society's notion of civility and comportment all her life. She simply wouldn't let herself be institutionalized, as she puts it.

She had always been a fan of wrestling, even as a young girl, much to her mother's dismay. When her mother insisted that she take ballet classes, Vivienne outright refused. Instead, she begged her mother to enroll in martial arts, particularly either Judo or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. This was in direct violation of her mother's traditional norms, and so as a middle ground, her father proposed the idea of gymnastics. While still a far stretch from the frantic, adrenaline-fueled rush of fighting, it provided at least a base amount of movement and agility that would be enough to quell Vivienne's restless body, at least for the time being. And so she agreed and even managed to enjoy it after some time. Gymnastics made her quick and nimble, and she soon learned to appreciate the daring and thrill that came with performing high-flying acrobatics and dangerous stunts and maneuvers.

As was common with Vivienne, she soon became bored with gymnastics and began seeking other avenues to satisfy her cravings. After thoughts of marital arts entered her mind again, she soon entered her first Judo class followed by BJJ in her late teens after scrapping by enough money from her summer job. She went to lessons every day after school and soon became top of her class. Her gymnastics skills came into great use, as she was able to contort her body in ways that made submissions and holds all the harder to escape from. It wasn't until she won her first tournament that she finally told her parents. While her father was proud, her mother felt incredibly betrayed by the fact that she had blatantly disobeyed her orders. A rift would develop between the two that would never heal and instead would promote Vivienne to act out in an even more disobedient manner.

Her love of wrestling never fully died out, and she continued to enjoy the sport even as she was entering adulthood. LAW, in particular, was a league she immensely enjoyed watching, especially after discovering her own sexuality, and realizing she could combine her love of sex with her love of fighting. LAW seemed to tick all the boxes for what she wanted to do with her life. Her family wanted her to go to college, get a job, and partake in a menial and meaningless existence. Vivienne decided to outright reject those norms, instead sneaking away to audition for a chance to enter the league in a promotion that was going on in nearby Amsterdam. Despite having no formal pro wrestling experience, Vivienne was able to combine her extensive knowledge of the sport with her skills in martial arts to pull on a dazzling performance for the small crowd and panel of judges. She defeated her opponents swiftly and decisively and managed to sign herself a contract that very night. After a cold goodbye to her family, she set out for Japan, eager to begin a new chapter of her life - one where she would be free to pursue love, lust, and wrestling in all its uncensored awesomeness.
Last edited by Lightman on Tue May 02, 2023 9:57 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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