Name: Madeline Christiansen
Alias: English Rose
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brunette
Height: 178cm/5’ 11’’
Weight: 70kg/156 pounds
Nationality: British
Alignment: Tweener (Face Leaning)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Entrance Music:
Alias: English Rose
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brunette
Height: 178cm/5’ 11’’
Weight: 70kg/156 pounds
Nationality: British
Alignment: Tweener (Face Leaning)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Entrance Music:
____________________________Wrestling Information__________________________
Strategy: Madeline prides herself on being the ultimate combat-lover. She is well-versed in all forms of sensuality and strives to make both herself and her opponent feel as much as possible throughout a match, meaning she is prideful in her ability to mix pain with pleasure with spectacular efficiency. Using a combination of wrestling moves and hentai techniques, Madeline traps and exposes sensitive areas of her opponent's body through holds and submissions, making sure to leave them both physically and sexually drained after a match. Excellent both on the ground and on her feet, she will also make use of striking techniques from kickboxing to further incapacitate an opponent. Manipulating her opponent with her body language, she's rarely impatient, waiting for the right moment to land the right blow. Either by creating cracks in its defence, or reading the whole body to understand its rhythm and anticipate. Her ultimate goal is pleasure, and she will use any means necessary to achieve it, whether it be seduction or force. Her complex moveset and masterful flexibility blessed by her acrobatic/dancing background allow Maddie to coil herself around her opponents and claim their bodies for herself. While she always offers her opponent the opportunity to submit to her without much resistance, Maddie is capable and willing to fight for her ultimate prize: a woman's body.
In the realm of intimacy, Madeline has very little preference; to her, all parts of a woman's body are equally worthwhile. As such, she will target as many parts of a woman's body as possible, and in as many ways as possible. Her ability to stir up excruciating concoctions of pain and pleasure forces her opponents into compromising positions, allowing her to act on whichever whim feels most desirable at the moment. With her considerable background in pro wrestling, jiu-jitsu, and gymnastics, Madeline is a truly unique fighter, one who isn't afraid to use both overwhelming force and seduction to reduce an opponent to putty between her fingertips.
Style: Sensual Submissionist and Hentai Grappler
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hentai, Submission, Special Stipulations, Humiliation
Physical Statistics
Resistance: ★★★★★
Not indestructible by any means, but her high pain tolerance and mental fortitude takes her very far.
Strength: ★★★★☆
As strong as the scent of a rose garden.
Speed: ★★★★☆
Can move around the ring quick enough, though her swiftness stands out more in her provocations.
Defence: ★★★★☆
Can anticipate blows and defends well on the ground, provided she could see it coming.
Technique: ★★★★★
A deep well of knowledge and experience that serves her both in standard and hentai stipulations.
Strikes: ★★★☆☆
Kicks are something that she can add as part of her strategy, and they can do more than sting.
Submissions: ★★★★☆
With a mix of traditional and hentai-based submissions, she's sublime when it comes to subduing her opponent.
Throws: ★★★★☆
Uses them with great effect, capable of positioning and stunning them for her ground game.
Aerials: ★☆☆☆☆
A rare sight if she ever takes it to the top rope.
Counters: ★★★★☆
Knows the ways to counter or anticipate several submissions, holds and some strikes.

Over the years, Madeline has garnered a lot of compliments regarding her green eyes. While they are pretty to look at, any opponent of hers should avoid staring at them for too long. Past victims have noted having that brief spell of amnesia and lapse of concentration once their gaze catches those gorgeous emeralds...











Her in-ring personality hovers just below the line most would deem cruel or sadistic. Maddie's domineering personality immediately kicks in, and she will show no mercy if given the chance. She finds such behavior incredibly thrilling and the overall feeling of domination remains an active part of her sexual attacks. While not so sadistic as to enjoy needlessly inflicting pain on another person, she does derive enjoyment from introducing a cocktail of pain and pleasure. Having these two factors in perfect balance, each one melding together to provide sensory overload - that in a nutshell is the sum of in-ring abilities and persona.
That being said, Madeline seldom goes outside the rules. She sticks within the boundaries of the match, and while she may overstep an occasional stipulation or two, she won't go as far as to disqualify herself from a bout. However, if her opponent does not respect the rules in kind, Madeline will do whatever is necessary to regain control, within the limits of her code that is. She tries not to permanently injure or maim an opponent but recognizes that this is a fight after all, and the infliction of pain is a necessary element to ensure victory.
Outside the ring, Madeline is much more personable. She associates herself mostly with those she sees as equals, but from time to time will entertain spending time with those who may not be up to her standards. She enjoys many activities, from working and training to going to clubs and parties, Madeline is down for most activities. Most might be surprised by the difference between the two personas, but Madeline tries to keep her lustful cravings within the ring and the confines of her apartment.
Born into an aristocratic family in England, Madeline is very much acquainted with prestige. Her father carries the title of Baron, and with her being an only child, she is directly next in line for the title. As exciting as that might be for most people, the title carried very little weight for Madeline. It was somewhere in the middle in terms of the Royal hierarchy, but that wasn't what bothered her. What bothered her was that she had done absolutely nothing to earn. By the simple fact of being born, she had already attained prestige and status. From her early teens, Madeline saw an error with this, and thus she began a relentless pursuit to justify her superior status otherwise endowed by birthright.
If she wanted prestige, she must earn it.
One of the first means of doing so was to establish herself in sports. This was a skill you couldn't be born into greatness for. No, you had to work hard to achieve. She first took up volleyball in junior, and while she did perform well, it failed to provide her with any sense of achievement. She jumped from sport to sport in her early years, trying out football, dancing, gymnastics, swimming, fencing, tennis, and anything her parents were willing to dish out the money for. It wasn't until her first year in an elite private academy that Madeline finally figured out her calling.
After exhausting all other options, she tried singing up for the wrestling team. Her parents were appalled by this choice, not seeing it fit for someone of her rank. They refused to pay for any private instruction, but for a child like Madeline, her more than adequate allowance was enough to cover any outside training should she seek. The coaches at her school were more than decent in their own right, noticing Madeline's natural ability on the mat. She remained the only girl on the school's wrestling team, and all of her competitors were also male. Nonetheless, she excelled, bringing the much-desired prestige that she had been craving for so long.
It was in her second last year of schooling that she was finally placed in a match against another girl. It was yet another easy win of course, yet Madeline couldn't help feel different throughout this match. She felt weird admitting it, but the bout had somehow aroused her. It was then that she discovered her attraction to other women. She began seeking out ways in which she could explore these cravings, quickly stumbling upon LAW in her senior year of schooling. She watched the league vigorously, studying the women and the techniques she employed. She remained utterly fascinated. Not only was this a place where combatants like herself could go and prove their worth, achieving fame and fortune for all the world to see, but she could also satisfy her lustful craving to the thunderous applause and chees of a roaring audience. She decided right then and there that she would make it her goal to join the league.
She spent the last few years at the academy continuing to excel in wrestling tournaments, while using her allowance money to pay for BJJ lessons on the side. The combination proved incredibly effective, allowing Madeline to achieve a level of dominance on the mat that most men couldn't.
After graduating, Madeline fell out with her parents after revealing her plans. They saw it as a major source of embarrassment to the family, having their only child being displayed on TV in lewd combat. They gave her a choice right then to either abandon those sentiments and go on to University, or to take 10% of her inheritance up front and exile herself from the family. Without so much as a blink of an eye, Madeline took the latter option, receiving the still sizable sum and using it to set herself up for the next stage in her life.
She spent the next few years training and wrestling in underground wrestling circuits all over Europe. No mainstream promotions catered to the type of wrestling she preferred, so she had to stick with more shadowy organizations. Nonetheless, Madeline built quite the following, and her skills as a sex fighter drastically improved. Satisfied with her accomplishments, achievements, and recognition, she finally deemed that it was high time she went on to chase her dreams. Madeline secured a position in LAW via a talent scouter and recruitment agent whom she contacted to spectate one of her matches. With more than enough money to set herself up in her new career, Madeline made all the necessary arrangements for her relocation to Japan, eager to do away with her old life and pursue a new one free of barriers and pretentiousness.
____________________________LAW Information__________________________
Record:-Wins: 0
-Losses: 0
-Draws/No Contest: 0
Friends: N/A
Allies: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Crushes: N/A