Fuko kirisawa, the busty ninja

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Fuko kirisawa, the busty ninja

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Name: Fuko kirisawa
Age: 21
Hair Color: purple
Eye Color: blue
Height: 5,6
Weight: 142 lbs
Sexuality: straight
Birthday: June 7th

Boob size: DD cups

Quotes: "Sup dude?" "Hell yeah! Awesome!"

Appearance: Fuko appears slim and athletic with her distinctive medium length Purple hair and D cup breasts. Fuko enjoys her clothes and likes wearing many but her main one is a purple leotard with a green crop top.

standard attire
alternate attire
smother match attire
Entrance music:

Alignment: tweener
Nationality: Japanese

Fighting Style: Fuko is quick and strong and loves to get up close and personal. She can take a solid hit but it's generally in her hest interest to dodge. Fuko is also keenly aware of her assets and their smothering capabilities. So Fuko often ends fights with breastsmothers. Typically she tries to throw her opponents and then smother them for a quick KO

Finishing move/s: ninia breastsmother, a basic breastsmother putting Fuko's DDs to use. Crushing wind strike, something akin to a superman punch. Fuko jumps high into the hair then crashes back down with a powerful punch

Signature moves: shinobi slam, a simple pedigree move. Fuko lands a hit to the midsection before slamming her opponent into the mat with her ontop.

Likes: freedom, hiking, winning, ninjas, darts.

Dislikes: being told what to do, losing, being underestimated.

Personality: Fuko is an overall kind girl deep inside, but she's also incredibly competitive and hates losing. Fuko won't shy away from getting catty or mean if she starts getting frustrated. Her overly competitive nature and need to prove herself often gets in the way of how she really feels. Since she was a little girl people have under-estimated her and Fuko just wants to be seen as strong. However this has led to an extreme disconnect from her emotions that Fuko finds difficult to confront. Trying to hide from her true feelings by being somewhat mean to many opponents.

Attitude towards hentai: "you won't last 5 minutes."

History: Fuko grew up in a rough part of town where she and her friends were constantly fighting off anyone who gave them a hard time and Fuko loved every minute if it. Even competing in a deadly underground death tournament. Fuko's final fight in the tournament was against a volatile and catty woman named Mikoto who donned a skimpy kimono. Despite Fuko's loss in that match it gave her a taste for more catfight esque forms of combat. When she returned from the tournament Fuko joined her school's wrestling club run by some girl named Hana who taught her more about wrestling than just street fighting. Smother matches quickly became Fuko's favourite type of match and she used her assets to win her as many fights as possible. Eventually Fuko joined LAW seeking tougher opponents. Wanting to find women to beat and smother, and to prove that she has the best breasts and hottest body around.

Preferred match types: Fuko can't get enough of Smother matches. Fuko's breasts are her pride and joy, getting to put them to use is greatly satisfying to her. Fuko also enjoys a good catfight, though not as much

Endurance: 3/5 she can take a hit but she's no tank
Speed: 4/5 Fuko's speed is one of her greatest assets
Strength: 3/5 Fuko's fairly strong and it compliments her speed nicely
Defence: 2/5 Fuko often doesn't consider defence since she's almost always on the attack
Technique: 2/5 Fuko's technique is below average
Aerials: 3/5 Fuko is solid with aerials given how nimble she is
Counters: 4/5 Fuko is rather good at turning things around in a tight spot.
Grappling: 4/5. Fuko is good at tossing her opponents around but struggles against women who's fighting styles revolve around a majority of throwing.
Submissions: 2/5. Nothing special but she's decent with arm locks.

Friends: a girl Fuko respects more than likes Christina Perez. Fuko's surrogate little sister Hana Tanaka. The dopey one of the group, Rin Misumi.
Rivals: Kurumi Aishizawa

Fun facts: Fuko is great at dart throwing. It's her second passion other than wrestling.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:01 pm, edited 35 times in total.
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

Thread request!

I only do hentai at my own discretion. Don't ask me for matches expecting one. I only do them for storylines or rivalries when I feel up to it.

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Re: Fuko kirisawa, the busty ninja

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Match history:

Debut in a smother match and the beginning of an intense rivalry with Kurumi.
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9267&p=189162&hili ... mi#p189162
Result: defeat by getting smothered by Kurumi's breasts.

Rematch with Kurumi in a first to 4 apartment smother match:
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9320&p=190427&hili ... mi#p190427
Outcome: Fuko redeemed herself by getting 4 smothers, claiming victory

Fuko and Kurumi face off again. This time in topless boxing to break the tie.
Outcome: winded and viciously beaten Kurumi defeated Fuko once more.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Sun Feb 13, 2022 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

Thread request!

I only do hentai at my own discretion. Don't ask me for matches expecting one. I only do them for storylines or rivalries when I feel up to it.

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