Basic Info:
Age: 20
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Weight: 134 lb
Height: 5’5”
Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: England
Entrance Music: Cammy's Theme
Slams/Power/Strength: 4/5
Strikes: 3/5
Submissions: 4/5
Aerials: 3/5
Technical Skill/Counters: 3.5/5
Stamina: 2/5
Preferred Match Type: She will take on just about anything she is challenged to.
Preferred Moves: Strikes, Submissions, Sharpshooter, Dropkick, Hurricarana, Frankensteiner, Suplex
Wheel of Pain
Standard Wrestling Attire
Feeling Particularly Patriotic
Alt Outfit
Bit More Casual
For Nice Nights Out
Uhhh Kinky Formal Leotard?
Heel Cammy?
Cammy's background is a traumatic one and perhaps something she would rather not dwell on if given the choice, she prefers to remember when her life truly began. Ironically enough her life started out with her remembering very little as she was an amnesiac early on with no recollection to her past. It was discovered early on that Cammy had a natural gift for combat and with the intervention of a Colonel from a British special forces unit she soon found herself working with him and his unit and creating a family of sorts. While Cammy is patriotic and has no problem carrying out her duties to the crown, she has found that fighting is her true calling and often pursues it. She would often fight in underground fighting arenas, or small wrestling/fighting venues she even entered several world tournaments along the way forging rivalries and friendships with other competitors. Currently Cammy is on an extended leave from her unit and is on the look out for a fighting promotion that might prove itself interesting enough for her to stick around for a while and see what kind of fights she can get into.
Shadaloo Past
Cammy is fully aware of her past with Shadaloo, however its something she does not like to think about except when she absolutely has to and will avoid the subject at all costs.
Cammy is cheerful, polite, and close with those friends she has made and respects them a great deal willing do do almost anything to help them should they require her help. Those bonds she has made with those she has crossed fists with are even deeper than others and its not uncommon for her to become attracted to those she fights. Especially if whoever she takes on puts up a good fight or even manages to defeat her, though she has been known to hold a grudge and keep rivalries strong. When she has to she can be brutal and more than a little cocky and condescending towards those she finds to be weaker than her, and she holds a special disregard for those she dislikes intensely. Cammy is not afraid to pull out all the stops in a fight and will not go easy on anyone unless they have an obvious handicap, She can also be incredibly stubborn often refusing to give up or submit even at the risk of her own bodily harm. Due to her nature Cammy can get a little full of herself in the middle of a fight and if she begins to underestimate her opponent then she will often find herself in over her head and the tables turned on her. More than almost anything Cammy enjoys a good fight even if she is losing (though she would never admit that) and depending on the person she is fighting can often find herself becoming attracted to her opponent. It works out all the more for Cammy if they share these sorts of feelings for her.
Cammy utilizes quick strikes and brutal hard hitting moves, the kinds of things one wouldn't expect a woman like her to be able to pull off. This sometimes has the added effect of putting her opponent off guard which she can then exploit. She will often beat down an opponent and sometimes use submissions of some kind to either wear down or finish her opponents. Cammy is however something of a glass canon, if hit with especially brutal moves or put into tight submissions that work her over she can often find herself being drained to the point of easily being taken apart by her foes.
Cammy's Greatest Weakness?
Vs Eirika Klarson: Loss via Submission (restoration lock)