Hibiki Motomiya

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Hibiki Motomiya

Unread post by TheManVan »

Name: Hibiki Motomiya
Age: 19
Eyes: Auburn
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’6
Weight: 126lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Heel

Wrestling Style: Wrestling Catfighter

Personality: Young and brash, Hibiki has a bratty personality that has been cultivated by talent and success. With a big head, Hibiki takes on challenges that are above her capabilities but takes them on with an unquestionably confidence that she can succeed. But when faced with defeat, she always finds excuses and someone else to blame for her failures, never once admitting that she didn’t succeed through her own actions.

Hibiki is very proud of her looks and womanly assets that she will not hesitate to flaunt them and rub them into any woman who has inferior looks even if she has to will any inferior qualities to life. She also loves to prove her point through violence to tack on another point of superiority to herself.

History: Hibiki is an accomplished grappler, having excelled at the close contact sport since her blossoming stride in High School, going undefeated all the way from her freshman year. The repeated stretch of success went right to her head and over the four years of high school and with it grew an uncontrollable ego that everyone who could hear or see her felt it. But even with an uncontainable ego, Hibiki was quite gullible right after she graduated high school. While she had been given many offers at colleges to join their wrestling team, another venture in a different path caught her attention.

Before deciding on a college, Hibiki was given an offer to wrestle another girl for a large sum of cash. With her having little idea what that meant, but having another chance to dominate her will onto another girl while getting actual money she had accepted.

Little did she know she signed up for apartment catfight wrestling. Although thoroughly embarrassed, Hibiki was too proud to turn away what she already agreed to and went through with the fight. She had won, though not without going through the no rules nature of the fight. Finding a new level of rush through beating the other girl in physical strength and beauty, all the ideas of the future went out of the window as Hibiki pursued the more risqué style of fighting and dived head first into it.

Her efforts were not wasted or fleeting however, she was scouted by a pro wrestling manager who offered her a contract based off of her particular set of skills. Marveled by the amount of money, Hibiki accepted in haphazard fashion once again as her Pro Wrestling Career began.
Last edited by TheManVan on Sun Aug 29, 2021 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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