Saki Fujinuma

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Saki Fujinuma

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Name: Saki Fujinuma
Age: 24
Hair color: White
Eye color: Gray
Sexuality: Asexual
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Weight: 157 Lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Tweener

Entrance Theme


Saki Fujinuma started out as a small indie wrestler. Despite it being her lifelong dream to wrestle, and she had potential, she never got anywhere, and eventually had no choice but to get a boring office job. However, that didn't pay well either, and she soon found herself on hard times. She often found herself going to bed hungry because she didn't have enough money for groceries. She couldn't pay rent, and was eventually kicked out on the streets. It was then that she snapped. She'd gone out into the world wanting to live a successful life, and when it felt like all her dreams would come true, she failed miserably. She was homeless, and spent her time crying on the street.

Until eventually, she stopped caring.

She'd lost the energy to feel sorry for herself, or feel anything for that matter. She could no longer bring herself to feel much emotion. To many people, this would rob them of their reason for living, but to Saki, it was liberating. She was free from her depression, and everything else that made her miserable. She was dead inside, but she felt so alive. She decided to give wrestling another shot, this time getting lucky and finding great success. Aiming for bigger things, she joined LAW.


Saki, first and foremost, is strange. She's a very eccentric person who hardly seems human. The only emotion she evr exhibits is simply being relaxed, and she lives completely free of any emotions that weigh down her mood, such as anger, fear, sadness, or empathy. Once you get used to her, however, she's just a very laid back and chill person.

In the ring, Saki can be incredibly sadistic, loving the way her opponent's scream in pain, and doesn't seem to be bothered by the pain her opponent's give her in return. Saki takes joy in everything she does, be that riding her bike, or splitting someone's skull open.

Fighting Style

Saki relies mainly on high-flying moves, showing little concern for her own safety. She'll hurl herself at her opponent and won't even mind if she misses and splits her skull open on the turn buckle. With her feet on the ground, she can do fairly well with kicks.

General Stats

-Endurance: 4/5 -
-Strength: 3/5 -
-Speed: 5/5 -
-Defense: 2/5 -
-Technique: 4/5 -

Wrestling Stats

-Strikes: 4/5 -
-Power Moves: 2/5 -
-Submissions: 3/5 -
-Aerial Moves: 5/5 -
-Counters: 3/5 -





Likes: Most things.

Dislikes: N/A

Hobbies: A little bit of everything



-She likes cats.

Casual (Takes off coat to wrestle)
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Tue May 17, 2022 2:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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