Age: 29
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Blue (Grayish)
Height: 5.9
Weight: 160 lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Heel
Theme Song: Theme from Anaconda (1997) -
Little is known about Anna Conda during her time as a participant under L.A.W. Her usual appearance gives off a jungle girl vibe, but very few people know the full details about her role. With that said, it pales in comparison to the weird, and quite outlandish, rumours stories about her.
The main rumour that gets spread about Anna was during a supposed survival encounter with one of the deadliest predators in Southeast Asia: The Reticulated Python. The story goes on about saying how Anna had been coiled and was forced to endure the crushing coils of the python and survived; freeing herself from the coils and killing the predator. There are even additional, and disturbing, details about she was even swallowed by the same snake. Then, a couple of days later, she managed to rip her way out of the serpent’s cuts and emerged unscathed.
There are no confirmations as to whether Anna even encountered a python, much less one that swallowed her. As far as L.A.W. is concerned, it is a good cover story to set her up as a terrifying wrestler that would by the codename of ‘Python’. If there was any truth to this outlandish tale, it would justify her fighting style and heightened endurance and stamina; outside of possible variations in training.
Python, in the ring, is most notorious for being able to take as much punishment as she can dish out. Like the creature she was named after, Python’s main fighting style involves squeezing and crushing her victims into submission. There’s even a level of joy and sadism that Python takes when she feels her opponents in unbearable pain; relishing in their moans and whimpers of anguish. Those that try doing the same to her will find that not only can she take it, but enjoys it. She does enjoy a bit of ‘predator and prey’, as she loves toying with her would-be victims; even being able to get away with dealing a sufficient amount of pain to her opponents that could hospitalize them for weeks.
That is not the true reason to be afraid of Python. While Python is a dangerous opponent in the arena, what she does backstage is just as terrifying if not more so. Very recently, reports have been made about wrestlers being ambushed in different areas such as locker rooms, gyms, etc. Any attempts to uncover the one responsible remain unresolved; as there has been evidence to sabotage in the security system. Therefore, the culprit is yet to be discovered.
The truth is that Python also operates behind the scenes, ambushing her future victims in different areas. Using various squeeze moves, Python tortures her victims until they are rendered unconscious, sometimes needing to be hospitalized as a result. There are two main factors at work. The first is that many of these victims are people that Python was hired to deal. Basically, she was hired to sabotage various matches by making sure that the person in question never reached the ring. While she is probably paid for this, she accepts the jobs as a way of being able to squeeze and crush victims. Of course, there are also victims who were not suppose to be sabotaged, but Python went after them anyways for her sick pleasure. To make matters worse, while she is a heel, alignments rarely matter to her; even going after other heels if she wanted to.
Of course, how she is able to get away with these sabotages is unknown. She either knows how to tamper with the security systems or has someone else doing that for her. And her victims are unable to prove that it was her, as she is able to provide clever cover up stories. With this level of deception, taking her codename after a snake is highly appropriate.
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★★ – Python is able to take a lot of punishment from her attackers. One her general strategies is to have her opponent wear themselves down. This means taking a lot of punishment as needed in order to get her opponent into a weakened state. In fact, she’ll even allow squeeze/crush type moves on her, as she enjoys being squeezed; and can continue on wrestling even after being squeezed for several minutes. At the same time she is very flexible, making it difficult for her opponents to inflict any kind of pain.
Strength ★★★★ – Powerful has power to back up her strikes, submissions and powerhouse maneuvers. This, combined with her endurance and stamina, make her a terrifying opponent whose competition would avoid getting hit or grabbed by.
Speed ★★★ – Python has a decent level of speed that allows her to strike her opponents fast and hard while grabbing them just as quickly. Her main use for speed is when ‘ambushing’ her victims. Usually this means adjusting her speed to flank her opponents quickly before they can react.
Defence ★★★★ – Python is capable of setting up guards and blocks that reduce the impact of any blows she does not want to get hit by.
Technique ★★ – Python’s techniques revolved around her ability to grab and squeeze her victims into submission. While this can be seen as predictable, as she may not show variety, she is a master of getting a hold of her victims.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★ – Python’s strikes serve to weaken her opponents and make them vulnerable and easier to her grabs. With that said, she can deliver strong punches and kicks and sweeping moves to knock her opponents off their feet.
Submissions ★★★★★ – Python’s bread and butter. Her submissions come from a long range of techniques, including but not limited to:
- Bearhugs
- Body Scissors
- Head/Choke Locks
When she’s got a hold of a victim, her will squeeze at a moderate level of strength; as to avoid potentially tiring herself from needless waste of energy. She will start tightening her grip for every breath her opponent makes; much like the constrictors that squeeze harder each time their prey takes a breath.
Powerhouse ★★★★- To help weaken her opponents, to make it easier to finish them off with submissions, Python employs different powerhouse moves
Aerials ★ – Python cares little for the flare and use of aerials. Therefore, she will never use such moves in a wrestling match.
Counters ★★★ – Python has effective counters that would be needed to turn a match in her favour. She can use her grabs and submission moves if she wants to get out of a grab or hold.
Finishing Moves
Coiling – While capable of using different bearhugs and bodyscissor moves, Python’s favourite move is what she calls ‘Coiling’. Wrapping her arms and legs around her opponent in a bearhug/bodyscissor combo, Python will use this when she intends to drain the last bit of fighting spirit from her opponent while inflicting as much pain as possible. She wraps her arms past her opponents forearms and link up across the back or chest (depending on whether she is in front or behind her opponent) and wraps her legs around their waist; pinning their arms in the process. Each time her opponent takes a breath, she will tighten her grip, eventually cutting off their oxygen while delivering more pain. She makes sure that her opponent is on their knees and completely immobilized. This is used in conjunction with another finishing move: “Head-First”
“Head-First” – Despite the disturbing name, given the bizarre rumours about Python, she does not eat anyone. What happens instead is that she will lock lips with her opponent for a deep-kiss. This, outside of wanting to do for some kind of pleasure, Python cuts off her opponent’s ability to breath. She aims to do this until her opponent is unconscious.
“Cobra-Flare” – A torture rack move similar to the backbreaker, Python will lift her opponent off the ground and carry them face-up across their shoulders. She will then hook one hand on her opponents head and the other hand on their leg. She then pulls down on both ends to hyperextend the opponents back. She has been known to put people in the hospital for this move.
(More information to follow)
Wins -
Losses -
Draws -
Match-Types - Can participate in regular and intergender matches.
"Attitude to Hentai" - While Python can make some...'suggestive' stuff in the arena, it never goes beyond that. Outside of the arena on the other hand...well...let's just say she can find some time with a male or female wrestler that she may flirt with.