Sophie Lee
”I’m gonna give it my all!”
Profile[/size]Name: Sophie Lee
Age: 19
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Weight:135 lbs
Nationality: Canadian
Alignment: Lawful Good
Entrance Music:
A cute blonde bombshell. Sophie’s hair comes down to her neck, her skin is a flawless light cream color. She has a slight impression of muscles on her abdomen.
A bright and chipper little gir, she’s usually just glad to be wherever she is. She tends to tease her opponents, whether it be sexually, or maybe mocking them in some way, whether imitating their gestures, or referencing a rival. She does her research before each match, as she likes to be prepared.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: A technical mastermind through and through, she knows basically every hold in the planet. This makes her hard to predict.
Style: All-rounder
Type: Grappler
Preferred Attacks: Grappling and submissions
Preferred Matches: Any
Attitude To Hentai: “Sure, sounds like fun!”
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★ –Average endurance
Strength ★★ –Stronger then you’d think
Speed ★★★ –Average speed
Defence ★★★ –Average defense
Technique ★★★★★ –A lot better than you’d think
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★ –Hits for contact,.
Submissions ★★★★ –Knows about every hold.
Powerhouse ★★- Not a powerhouse, but not a pixie either
Aerials ★ –Has a fear of heights
Counters ★★★★ –Has gotten pretty good at dodging and weaving
Match Ending Moves
Signature Move
Maple Leaf Lariat:….Lariat
Finishing Move
True North Plunge: Delayed brainbuster
Born in Ottawa, Canada. Sophie had always been into wrestling, whether it was play-wrestling with her parents and siblings, or watching a certain Hit Man win titles in a major wrestling federation., it seemed that little Sophie would wrestle forever.
When she got to high school, she wanted to try out for the wrestling team, but, they wouldn’t allow her to even try out because she was a girl. In retaliation, she crashed a practice and started harassing the other wrestlers. Rather then get the police or administration involved, the coach decided to let her “try out” if only to see her humiliated. Needless to say, that plan backfired as she pinned everyone, including himself. Although slightly frustrated, he knew talent when he saw it, and allowed her to join.
After high school and a roomful of trophies, Sophie decided to take it to the next step. She decided to join a small indy fed working through the capital city. She soon became a fan favorite, as she was not only easy on the eyes, she was also very talented. Even though she would’ve been satisfied with her accomplishments in the indies, she always dreamed of a bigger stage.
The bigger stage came calling when a LAW agent came to one of her matches and was deeply impressed by not only how she wrestled, but her attitude and her in-ring character. She was immediately offered a contract, which she quickly accepted. Her dreams had finally come true…
Win vs. Haru Miyata
Loss vs Akari Ito
Loss vs. Emi
Random Facts
-She tends to go a bit harder on the guys, due to her past experiences
-She’s a huge fan of the Ottawa Senators
-She’s technically straight, but, she’s definitely not above teasing a girl