Personal Information:
Name: Akeno
Last Name: Kurojin
Age: 23
Birthday: June 11th
Nationality: Japan
Alignment: Tweener
Height: 1,75
Weight: 72 Kg
Other Appearance

Akeno is a kind,caring and really soft hearted girl but can be found being in the place of a bully against a person she might dislike/hate. She watches carefully with who she is befriending,not the most social person but always trying to keep the best people who really care about her in her life.
Background History:
Being grown up and raised in a humble family this girl had nothing more or less than the average person. She had a lot of trouble tho in primary school as she was being bullied from older kids and later on at senior high school. Yet Akeno never seemed to be fazed as she actually fought them back regardless of the outcome. Akeno was always the girl who would get first bullied but after few days everyone looks up to her with a different eye. She always disliked injustice and got physical with others everytime anyone would bully her in any way possible or agressively oppose her for not having similar beliefs/opinion about what is right or wrong. When she finally finished school,after everything she went through the only thing that would come up in her might is fight,so she leaned towards wrestling where she ended up joining an indie wrestling company as a rookie to rise up. It took her five years from the age of eighteen for LAW to lay eye and later on get her an invitation. She gladly joined and now is looking forwards for the next challenge in her life since most of her childhood was a struggle.
- Not really good.
- Decent
- Exceptional
- Good
- Exceptional
- Can endure the worst
- Great
- Good
- Fine
Signature Moves:
Shrimp Lock

Cobra Clutch

Reverse Gogoplata

Mixed matches are acceptable.
Win/Lose/Draw - 0/0/0
Available for a match.