Rose!! "The Rose of Lust!"

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Rose!! "The Rose of Lust!"

Unread post by Lederface »

Life can deal you some crappy cards, but it's up to you to decide how to play them.
Personal Information
Name:Rosy Miller Brown
Ring name: Rose "The Rose of Lust", Whore Rose (A nickname she still remembers and finds amusing)
Age: 27 (birthday: November 15)
Hair: Black hair, although she paints it red from time to time to hide it.
Height: 1.80 mts
Weight: 69 kg
Nationality:USA, Denver, Colorado
Twitter:Rose "The Rose Of Lust" - @LustRose
Entrance music:
General Statistics Data (provided by Yukari)
Physical Data:
Strength:star: :star: :star:
Endurance :star: :star: :star: :star:
Speed :star: :star: :star:
Agility:star: :star:
Aerobic Condition:star: :star: :star:
Wrestling Data
Attacks (Kicks and Punchs) :star:
Knockdowns:star: :star: :star:
Submissions:star: :star: :star: :star:
Attacks and Air Moves :star: :star:
Counter-attacks:star: :star:
Will:star: :star: :star: :star:
Data regarding Eroticism
Sexual Ability:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Endurance:star: :star: :star: :star:
Affection:star: :star: :star:
Sexual Desire:star: :star: :star: :star:
Movement Roster
Basic moves:
  • Clothesline
  • Boob Smother
  • Knee to the stomach
  • Slam from the corner
  • Suplex Belly-To-Belly
Special moves
Crotch Bomb!
by jumping on a stunned opponent, Rose will bring her crotch against the opponent's face and bring the opponent to the ground, where Rose can continue with a stinkface or get up.
Don't look the Shame
My own throne
Give me a little (H)
After executing a Powerbomb, Rose will place her mouth on her opponent's clothes, biting and trying to tear the suit, although she never really means it and only uses one of her hands to expose her pussy and lick it.
Licking for Freedom (H)
Positioning herself in a triangular head-first position against her opponent, Rose will begin to attack her opponent's pussy with her fingers, while with one of her hands Rose traps her arms, leaving her crotch in front of her and leaving her the option to lick Rose's pussy so that she can break her grip when she is satisfied.
Kisses to everyone (H)
Once the opponent is down, Rose will position herself to have her opponent on top of her, trapping him with her legs around his body, Rose will approach and kiss them, cutting off their escape route and wearing them down.
Finishing Moves
From thrill red..... to choke blue
Taking the Prize (H)
Rose by positioning herself in this way and attacking her opponent's pussy, will from time to time make falls with her ass on her opponent's face, in order to cut off the opportunity to attack her pussy, seeking surrender, knockout or orgasm.
Lust Touch:
Rose is a fan of sex fights, so much so that she has her own sex toy box, filled with various types of gadgets with different uses that she can use in the ring if allowed, transporting them all in a box carried by Emily.

Strongest and Weakness

Personality and Attitude in the Ring:Rose is friendly, always with a silly joke to tell and enjoys talking to people, especially her best friend and (according to her) younger sister, Jenny.

Inside the ring Rose can be quite lustful and treat her opponents as sex toys, but when the characteristics of the fight don't allow it, she knows how to put on a show without using her main gift.

Rose was not always a wrestling kind of girl, years ago she was just a girl who had fun in the afternoons fighting with her friends in a small wrestling locar, with her parents chatting among other parents about it, mostly because of her mother, who had been a big wrestling fan, when she reached the age of 8, she would enroll in a wrestling school in a "professional" way with the help of her parents, having good achievements but without being anything outstanding, At the same time, the relationship of Rose's parents became more distant, always keeping problems and arguments while Rosy was with them, everything reached its breaking point when at the age of 13 Rosy's father had been unfaithful with a woman he met at work, her mother filed for divorce as soon as she found out, just because of her daughter, who once talked about a woman who kissed daddy when she was not there.

So with a broken family, Rosy ended up living with her father, who gradually became an alcoholic, leaving Rose to do her own thing, although at least she had the money from her job and her mother's pension, Rose didn't have much else to do, she would come home from school, eat, clean the house a bit, go out to her training, come back to do her homework and try to help her father, living that way for 5 years, in which she ended up quitting wrestling classes due to lack of money to pay for them, and in her last year of High School, she ended up dropping out due to an accident her father had, having 75% of the homework, depending on her mother's money to live and her father's indemnity, and so when she turned 18, her father began to have Rose much more terrified, with threats and some beatings, with one time where she was cut off her hair, leaving a hair that she had let grow out, leaving a hair that she had let grow out of her head, leaving a hair that she had let grow for over 2 years, and after some other things that she refuses to remember, Rose one night would simply take her things that were few, 300$ and taking her personal data (documentation), she would leave her house in a light rain, with only 2 changes of clothes, getting a small apartment, she lived from working in a warehouse, place where she barely earned enough, but when she was finishing a double shift, she would hear some coworkers talking about working in a warehouse, place where she barely earned enough, but when she was finishing a double shift, she would hear some coworkers talking about how they had been working in a warehouse, place where she barely earned enough, but when she was finishing a double shift, she would hear some coworkers talking about how they had been working in a warehouse, she would hear some colleagues talking about a place where girls earned a lot of money playing with others, knowing that her options were not many, Rose would take the situation, taking after her work the next day some comfortable clothes, so following those colleagues unnoticed, Rose would end up in a place that was in the basement of a large apartment, so when she saw that they were fighting, she took a step back out of fear, but the feeling of knowing that her savings were not many, Rose would have her debut that same night, fighting against a girl who without joking, left Rose so humiliated, wet and ruined that someone had to pick her up and carry her out of there, waking up on a bench in what looked like a small dressing room, Rose would cry, from the beginning she knew that her skills would not be enough in this kind of fights, but when she was about to take her clothes to go home, she would see that inside her bag, she would see that she had a bag of clothes that she was going to take home, she would see that inside her bag there was $400 dollars, she didn't know why, but that opportunity was not always available, so from that day she started to go to the place more often, learning from other girls and from her own experiences, taking once again the trainings she saw on TV, even if it was for women from home, so 4 years went by in which Rose would go from being a Jobber novice with fear, to a celebrity of that place, having conquered the position table, until her time came, facing the champion, and using her skills and experience, with that great dowry of energy that came to her by the need to survive, Rose would become the queen of that place, living comfortably and giving herself better meals, and for 2 years, she could live without working more in schedules of 14 hours, taking her hair and dyeing it red, so until one day that she wanted to practice in a gym, she would run into a girl with blue hair, who seemed friendly, and after a fight she didn't expect to lose, Rose would be invited to go to Tokyo, to that great place called LAW, but she had nothing to keep her where she lost and gained almost everything, so taking her few bags and saying goodbye to some girls who helped her, and never showing her documents to anyone who shouldn't know them, Rosy would be left in the past, leaving for and now Rose.
Fight Record:5/1/5
(Debut)Vs Rindo Kobayashi in a Hentai Match
Vs Gray Haerper in a Hentai Match
Victory By PIn
VsJuana Margets in a Hentai Match
Tie to both unable to continue
VsCamie Young in a Hentai Match
Defeated after cumming
VsNewbie Nuo in a Hentai Match
Victory after forcing Nuo to cum
VsIvy in a Standard Match
Defeated by Tapping
VsJhon Hpping in a Hentai match
VsRosy Reyes in the Hentai Tournamente
Defeated after cumming
(Eliminated from the tournament)
VsKassey in a Hentai Match
Victory after forced cumming
VsLex Jones in a Hentai Submission Fight
defeated Rose is unable to fight any longer
VsKarbon Mannering in a best of 3 Hentai Match
Rose defeats Karbon 1-3
VsKsenia in a hentai cage fight
Defeat orgasm and knock out
VsAlexsandra in a Standard Match
VsVi in a Hentai Match
Rose defeats Vi by forcing her orgasm
Other meetings
Rose and Jenny meet "The Connection" and Rose has a little feeling for one of them.
Rose and Jhon have an important talk, showing feelings and some other things.
Rose gets into trouble defending her dignity as a hentai fighter
Rose and Jenny face 2 girls at the Rodouko gym who unknowingly bring a big problem.
Rose and her teammates defend the gym from the dreaded "Cyber Legacy".
Rose fights with an old acquaintance learning some interesting things.
Rose and Fenrir have fun with Fenrir's boyfriend and a friend that Rose has something prepared for her.
Rose finally learns a little about Karbon on a friendly date.

Fun facts:
  • Rose is somewhat closed-minded exclusively if her past before meeting Jenny is mentioned.
  • Rose never finished high school, and Jimmy is currently helping her finish high school.
  • Peaches are what Rose loves in the whole world, willing to lose a fight for them.
  • Rose's favorite food is: Chicken with fried rice and vegetables.
achievements or merits in LAW
Participant in the hentai tournament
Eliminated in the first round

Pixel Rose
Another angle, isn't it?
Many thanks to Frodouken for this gift.
Alternative Outfit2
Casual Outfit
Casual Outfit 2
Alternative Outfit 3
Keijo Suit
Rose "The Idol of Lust!"
A History from the past
trust your skills ..... and the gifts you receive
"So ... did you say you wanted to know more about my past yukari?"
Diría Rose mientras tomaba una copa de jugo de uva y con una sonrisa comenzaba a mirar hacia el techo y le decía
Well I still remember one special fight that I will always remember

It was a Tuesday afternoon, I was leaving my job as a manager to go to my real job, as you can imagine, I was already a sexual fighter, in that place, I will not tell you the name for confidentiality reasons, but I will only tell you which is like LAW but something more hidden, their fights were not public and I was in the basement of some large building, but hey, the fact is that that day I was happy, I went to the locker room, at that moment I managed to see something different, a box, I didn't know where it came from, but I had a note that said
"A whore cannot be a true whore without her tools"
It really made me laugh, when I opened it, I would already know what it was about, so you know, in that place it was somewhat expensive to have these items, in addition to that it was not highly recommended to order one from the company, so do not hesitate to take the box, I would put my clothes on, and back then it was something different than what I wear today

Well, the fight was between Diana "the mosquito of love" vs Rose, if I really didn't have a nickname, but everyone told me "The hore succubo" well, the bell had rung and I approached the center of the ring, I knew that That girl was very good, she had a great gift for speed and agility, combining that with the fast attacks that she gave, she would be a difficult opponent, but not impossible, well, at the beginning of the fight ...... ..she acted like a bitch, "or look, it's the red-haired whore blah blah blah ......."
Nothing really important happened in the initial moments of the fight, a few blows around here, the occasional fall, I would end up losing my bra, which usually happens in those fights, but at one point she started playing dirty, hair pulling, a kick in the groin, it really bothered me, so then in a moment I would see that the girl after knocking me down, put on a damn packer! (Ah, in case you don't know Yukari, a packer is a kind of belt that you wear, The point of this object is that it gives you the ability to penetrate your opponents as if it were a hermaphrodite) I at first would not know what to do, she was putting me in very dangerous situations for me, so then I would send her to Fly with One kick, I barely had time to think what to do and then I remembered, the damn box! So then I took her, and it was my surprise to see that she was the first thing I took out of that box:

The damn plush handcuffs that I love to use today, well, Diana, she was very fast, but not very smart, the moment I managed to handcuff her legs, my fun began, if you ask yourself, in those fights surrender did not exist, The games were played in the style of 3 lives, each life was lost with each time you ran ..... well, the fact is that she was quickly desperate, she even had the dignity to say scared "this should be a trap! " I just enjoyed when the box gave me another pair of handcuffs, when she handcuffed her to the ropes, and watch out, so that she was hanging out of the ring, she was literally having free rein to do whatever I wanted.

And believe me, just because I don't feel like it's necessary at LAW, I did one of the most enjoyable moves for me and the audience, I think that move would be cataloged into something that a Heel would do, but hey, the fact is that while she is She was left without clothes, 2 dildos were inside her pussy! I really would have liked to use more, but there was no space, so then she came once, twice and when she was about to do it 3 times, I removed the dildos, and put the hand inside the box, take out a kind of object, basically what it does is block the possibility of cumming until it was removed,
So you can imagine what things I could have done, already after the girl could barely open her eyes and the audience was already satisfied "I opened the cork" and I could see how everything I had saved came out, obviously I released Diana, the I took her to the locker room and I apologized to her, I asked her about the box and she just said "I don't know, I saw an adult woman with that box entering this place when she arrived, but after that I never saw her again, you should keep that box, you whore succubus, or rather, Rose ..... "

And well, this was my first fight with the box as a help and why before it was so called and well yukari, time for you to learn more about my old self .......... but not with words, with Actions! I will wait for you at 11:30 PM in the gym, and make sure to wear comfortable clothes and an extra change of clothes, you will feel more alive than ever!
Last edited by Lederface on Sun May 01, 2022 10:21 am, edited 24 times in total.

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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