Nathalie Christiaens

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Nathalie Christiaens

Unread post by Winter »


Name: Nathalie Christiaens
Ring Name(s): Sapphire Stunner
Nicknames: Nat, Natha
Age: 25
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Amber
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Class: Middleweight

Entrance Music: Depth of Blue

Alignment: Heel
Nationality: Belgian
Arena/Multi-Purpose Outfit 1
Arena Outfit 2
Stats: (Using RJD's version of stats with a couple of additions, since it's great!)

Tactics: 9/10 - Clever and crafty, with the right hold or move for near every situation. Preys on weaknesses.
Strength: 4/10 - Strong enough to lift women around her weight class, but her upper body lacks definition.
Speed: 8/10 - Fleet of foot and especially quick in tight spaces when maneuvering around opponents and from rope to rope.
Endurance: 5/10 - While she has plenty of pride and stubbornness, she is not muscular enough to be overly resilient.
Sexuality: 7/10 - Highly confident in her own sexuality and knows how to make others fawn for her.
Charisma: 8/10 - Has a silver tongue, the accent to make it even more appealing, and works her body like a pro.
High-Flying: 7/10 - A skillful flyer from off the turnbuckle who can also land a hurricanrana flat-footed.
Striking: 8/10 - Lower-top-tier striker whose only downside is that she does not have official training.
Powerhouse: 4/10 - She has a small array of reliable powerhouse moves, but this is not her strength.
Submissions: 8/10 - Her legs and glutes can crack ribs, much less what they can do to a head, and she makes people bend.
Counters: 5/10 - Craft enough to wriggle her way out of holds, but not often strong enough.
Technique: 7/10 - Has not had enough time wrestling consistently, but she rarely executes poorly. Limits hold and throw choice.

Wrestling Style: All-Around

Wrestling Strategy: Strong at most aspects of wrestling but not great at any of them and not a supreme athlete, Nat prefers to exhaust opponents with a strong, evasive striking game that centers mostly on sudden kicks before she dives in and latches on to wear down their patience and mental fortitude with aggressive, humiliating holds that make squirming away from her difficult.

Favored/Signature Moves:
Face Busters
Simple Piledrivers
Legsplit Pins
Schoolgirl Pins
Variety of Kicks & Dropkicks
Leg Drops
Butt Drops

Finishing Move/s:

Tests de Résistance:
Élimination des Déchets:
La Goutte de Saphir:
Sometimes transitions straight into a facesit or legsplit pin.

Personality: None-too-pleasant circumstances force people to cope in certain ways; Nathalie Christiaens took to coping with her uneven upbringing by developing a chip on her shoulder and a need to be seen. A wrestler who carries plenty of her frustration and her disinterest in fair play into the ring, she gets fanfare for her looks and keeps her nature concealed well enough that LAW fans might not immediately catch onto her malevolent ways. Her opponents do, though, when she cranks a little extra vicious power into those holds, or tries to humiliate them, or spends the entire match trying to get subtle cheap shots in behind the ref's back.

Personally, she is much the same. Pleasant enough to those who aren't in the know about her problematic personality, Nat can be as charming as her sister when she wants to be, but her underlying motivation is always to be seen as the alpha among her friends. That is not to say that she cannot make friends, but often there is a corrosive reaction between her and other strong personalities. People who can fall in line with Nat are more the ones she prefers. She also is a thrill-seeker who will do nearly anything if dared and likes to perform antics that run the risk of getting caught... specifically when in a group.

Ultimately, what Nat wants is respect. Without respect, she risks losing her sense of worth. Of course, ego plays into this quite a bit, and there is nothing she wants more than to be known as the best and the prettiest in her chosen field. That said, she will never work the hardest to ensure that happens... she wants to cut corners to get there. Needless to say, she is most like the father who has spent most of her life in and out of jail for this reason.

History: Nathalie Christiaens lived her early life absent a father figure as he spent his time in jail. The lack of this parental influence, in addition to having a mother who had to work herself into the ground to make the money necessary to support Nat and her younger sister, Arlise, made Nat particularly prone to influence. Easily bored and more prone to finding her kicks than being responsible like her sister, Nat would quickly find herself running with the delinquents at her school, spending the long hours running around town. Starving for attention, even though her mother did her best to provide plenty, Nat started to adore that she was known as the "angel" among these troublemakers.

The local authorities started to herd them away from their less-legal activities, and they started spending their time around a local gym to kill the time they were being watched. Nat became fascinated by the idea of shaping up her body, and eventually, as her sister became involved in a local wrestling promotion, so too would Nat take a shine to the idea of wrestling herself and showing off. She figured she had already been in a few fights and knew her stuff, so she started halfheartedly getting her body into shape.

Nat would dip her toes too deeply into her other hobby, though, and after a few times she and her friends attempted break-ins, they were finally caught. After a couple of months of community service, she decided she was sick of life as it was and wanted out of their small city. Despite an argument and an outright wrestling match with her sister, Nat received a decent sum of money from her mother to live off of and headed off, planning to try that wrestling thing that her sister was doing to prove she could live off of it and be better.

It worked for a while. Her star ascended, and when her sister's star eclipsed her nearby promotion, Nat put her down with a wrestling match. But the money and life did not fully satisfy, and she spent a while lapsing back into her old destructive ways. Ultimately, Nat spent a short time on probation before she was released with her opportunity gone - at least in her native country. After another unpleasant encounter with her family, she left the country to rebuild her career elsewhere. She did, and eventually, she was given the honor of interest from LAW.

  • Has a bit of a hang-up about getting knocked out after an incident in high school.
  • Rides a motorcycle.
  • Knows how to mix drinks since her mother taught her.
  • Has a French accent like her sister, but speaks both French and English better than Arlise. Speaks some German, too, but Arlise has her beat.
Time at LAW (Record 0-0-0) and Relationships:

Last edited by Winter on Fri Feb 21, 2025 1:26 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Nathalie Christiaens

Unread post by Winter »

2/21/25: Art/official look updated, entrance theme added.

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