
121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Unread post by Lico »

Note: This isn't the original profile and the character is mostly experimental.

Name : Maura Xaviera Barbosa de Oliveira
Sex: Female / Futanari
Age: 23
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Silver
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Nationality: Brazilian

Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music: -
Appearance, with bigger boobs
Personality: Maura is submissive and quite perverted at the heart, but can be a little feisty at times. She's fond of being cuddled and having her hair ruffled, and finds excitement in being helpless, especially to a bigger woman, which was the main reason she entered the wrestling business.
Not much was known about Maura apart from her being a Brazilian who lived in Japan. She's some sort of freelancer, but nobody really knew what her occupation was.
- Likes ice cream, particularly strawberry flavor.
- Weak to having air blown on her ears.
- Her breasts are a little sensitive when she's aroused.

Wrestling Information

Physical Stats
Endurance: ★★★★ - Tough despite her size.
Strength: ★★ - Lacking in the power department, to say the least.
Agility: ★★★ - Average speed, but pretty flexible.

Technical Stats
Strikes: ★ - Doesn't like striking.
Submissions: ★★★ - Quite decent at performing holds, but lack the strength to actually make them count.
Power Moves: ★ - Doesn't even think about it.
Aerial: ★★ - Might perform one or two surprise moves if she feels like it.
Counters: ★ - Not really good at it.

Favorite Moves: None
Finisher: None

Preferred Match: Hentai, humiliation, handicap. Mainly looking for bigger opposition(s) who'd dominate her. Just don't rough her up too much. (Filled by her agent)
Last edited by Lico on Mon Mar 03, 2025 8:25 pm, edited 25 times in total.

Ishigami - Mixed

Thread Request

- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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