Name: Hilda Valentine Goneril
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Pink
Hair Color: Pink
Height: 5’0
Weight: 150
Alignment: Face
Theme Song: Fodland Winds
Apocalyptic Flame





Backstory: Hilda is a descendent of a famous hero who passed a long time ago. Yet his legend still lives on as his famous exploits. Fast forward to present day, Hilda is the youngest daughter of the Goneril family. Her older brother, Holst, ascended to head of the family. Making a name for himself as a prominent figure in europe. Hilda is spoiled and lazy, which is attributed to her upbringing as the sole daughter and youngest child. All of the responsibility fell onto Holst while Hilda never had to deal with any of the expectations Holst had to go through. Hilda will often make excuses to opt out of any strenuous work or simply avoid doing things she does not want to. Hilda is rather adept at manipulating others into doing her chores for her. As a trick Hilda does this by not directly asking people to help her, and letting people address them on their own. Her laziness stems from her brother Holst, as he had set such a perfect example that Hilda believes that anything she does will only cause disappointment. Not that she would ever admit to that. This would actually allow Hilda to pursue her own interest. In which she had many of growing up, not like it was an issue to pursue them really. Drawing, Writing, Archery, Cooking, Crafting trinkets and the like. Hilda had many hobbies because none of them stuck with her. On part of most of them boring to her at least. Hilda despite her demeanor and attitude she would preform relatively well, in school and other aspects of her life. Though something worth noting is that her legendary relative passed on some of his legendary genes. Holst was always credited for his body, despite not doing nearly as much compared to a seasoned athlete. Hilda was in the same boat as her brother. Not something she would boast about though. Afterall the family decided that Hilda use their family axe. Said to be the same one their ancestor did. On few occasions did she have to use the ask for actual combat, more like self defense. Considering their famous lineage many would try to kidnap someone from the family. Regardless of that, it was no surprised that Hilda would exceed expectations during physical examinations or activities. Though it was one day when a friends suggested they try out fighting, well boxing to be more precise. Obviously Hilda was against the idea opting not to do it, but agreed to go nonetheless. Now it was different in the actual venue, she saw how much her friends were having fun and wanted a piece of it. Now in the ring sure Hilda could hit hard, but her actual skills were lacking. Very lacking. After her poor performance Hilda’s friends would make some jokes regarding the situation. Something was happening with Hilda though, something strange. Hilda was taking interest in physical activity? Hilda herself thought it was weird. But it was something that she couldn’t pull away from. Hilda started working out, running, boxing and a bunch of other things. Like Hilda doing Hilda things she would lose interest. It wasn’t until she tried out wrestling where things changed. Just practicing it was fun, the throws, the crazy moves, the high stakes and her eventual victory. Though to keep her character she would keep her interest secret. Didn’t take long for her big brother Holst to follow the trail of Hilda working out to find it out. While surprised, he was happy that his baby sister found something she enjoys. He went for a loop though when he then found out Hilda’s wrestling. Holst even pushed Hilda to pursue wrestling if she really enjoyed it. Promising he could even put her in a good promotion. Hilda hating that idea because if Holst knows, then the family knows, and if they know Hilda might disappoint them. So she elected to drop wrestling entirely. After some big brother bothering, Hilda was eventually swayed into trying wrestling for real. After all if their ancestor was a fighter it makes sense Hilda is one. Thanking her brother, Hilda would start somewhat small. You know just block buster matches in huge arenas. Selling her as a famous ancient warrior. Taking some wins and losses. Hilda decided it be best to move on to the next step in her career.
General Stats
Endurance: 3 - Average endurance, can be lower if she loses interest in winning. Can also be higher if she cares to win
Strength: 4.5 - Listen those genetics aren’t a joke
Speed: 4.5 - It helps that she’s blessed so physically
Defense: 3 - Average defense nothing amazing.
Technique: 3 - Won’t be pulling some crazy never before seen moves
Attire 1
















