Sarah “Rosalina” Harper

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:17 am
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Sarah “Rosalina” Harper

Unread post by Geekthewrestler »

Name: Sarah “Rosalina” Harper
Age: 20
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: turquoise
Height: 6’2
Weight: 210 lbs.
Alignment: face
Nationality: American


Style: Rosalina is an Odd one to read. While she tends to grapple and use submissions most of the time , she’ll resort to a more “kickboxer” type of play which involves slapping, kicking, and punching if she gets irritated enough.

Strategy: Rosalina is a girl who’s light on her feet. Literally. Using her swiftness and evasion while punishing opponent with hard blows , this space-obsessed woman is anything but a walk in the park... despite singing about it herself. Her high endurance even makes her own friends scared of her once she steps inside the ring, and with her Ability to adapt quickly to situations make Sarah a bigger threat than one can assume.

Preferred Matches: Unlike peach, Sarah tends to only pick fights she know she stands a chance in. She’s not picky, but mostly sticks to submission and steel cage matches. Or if she’s really confident, a I quit match.

Finishing move:
Seeing stars (Rosalina jumps to the top rope and does a backflip, aiming a mean elbow into the back of her opponent’s head)

Endurance: 8/10
Strength: 4/10
Defense: 2/10
Speed: 6/10
Technique: 9/10


Personality: Sarah is a nice girl overall who wrestles to earn enough money to fund a space program back at home. While she’s sane outside of the ring, inside it’s as if the young girl stopped at a asylum before stepping into it. Feeling the eyes gaze upon her, the woman always dances a bit while giggling. This not only hyped the crowd for her “Unique” style, but it also pisses off a lot of competitors.

Bio: Sarah was the owner of an orphanage that rested a few miles from the bustling city. During her time , she became a teacher and a mother to the dozen of children who entered. Thanks to Sarah’s harsh yet fair rules , every child who came through the doors left with a family and a open heart.

However, Harper’s real passion was space. She longed for it, and at night when all the little ones were put to bed she would stare at the night sky for hours on end. It was then she decided to make her name “Rosalina” , yet no one knows the real reason why she came up with such a name...

Sarah got into pro wrestling after meeting with peach and her other friend daisy over a cup of coffee. Peach asked them both to help her practice for a match against a boy who kept asking for her hand in marriage. Rosalina, who was reluctant at first accepted to help her friend after she left 30 voicemails on her answering machine. After 3 months of practicing, the three were more than ready to take the boy head on!

After their successful match , a fan told them about L.A.W and how they could earn some money there. Rosalina declined it. To her , wrestling was a hobby. It could never be a job... At least, until 3 weeks later she received a note that the orphanage would be destroyed to make way for a new “Inn”. Sarah was in pure disbelief by the suddenness of the letter, almost speechless. She then remembered the offer to LAW and quickly packed her bags, ready to raise money for her cause!
Last edited by Geekthewrestler on Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
I’m ready to wrestle!
I’m mostly active on discord, so send me a Dm whenever you like a match. Geekboyjavan21#3814

Sarah “Rosalina” Harper
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