Kohaku Kariya

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Kohaku Kariya

Unread post by Noob »

Name: Kohaku Kariya
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Weight: 142 Lbs

Someone did what? Ummm I dunno what you're talking about
Ok, you can stop staring
Wrestling Information

Strategy: Win by whatever means are necessary. Kohaku, while not completely mean spirited, has no problem using dirty tricks to win. Otherwise she’ll go for standard submissions to wear her opponent down. Occasionally she will try to go for something acrobatic.

Preferred Matches: Anything that would allow her to have some fun at the expense of her opponent.

Endurance: 2.5/5
Strength: 3/5
Speed: 4/5
Defense: 3/5
Technique: 4/5

Strikes: 2/5
Submissions: 4/5
Powerhouse: 3/5
Counters: 4/5
High Flying: 3.5/5

Favored moves: Anything that will allow her to tease her opponent. She likes headscissors and smothers. If given the time and space she likes to try something a bit more flashy.

Finishing moves:

Special Delivery! : If she can lift her opponent, Kohaku will deliver a package piledriver. She generally won’t let her opponent go after the slam though and will hold them in that position so she can play with them.

Reverse headscissors: Kohaku has yet to think up a clever name for the maneuver but whenever she uses it she’ll be sure to ask for suggestions as she squeezes her opponent.

While she might look cute, Kohaku is a little imp. She loves playing pranks on people and sometimes just downright humiliating them. For her it’s all just fun and games though and sometimes she doesn’t understand why people get upset with her. Kohaku is generally a friendly girl although that sometimes changes when she finds herself no longer in control of a situation. Despite any ill feelings she might have she still likes to stick to her philosophy of not getting mad and instead getting even. Inside the ring and out Kohaku is always trying to one up someone.

Kohaku was born in a small rural Japanese village. Fairly quickly her name became known throughout the town and was usually followed by a grumble. Her hijinks would often become the talk of the town, usually causing much laughter or annoyance, depending on who you asked. If you asked Kohaku though she’d tell you that there wasn’t much to do in town and there was no future for her there.

The first chance she got, Kohaku left to make something of herself in the city. She found a part time job and decided to go to college. She heard about LAW from overhearing an interesting conversation on an almost vacant train. Upon further research she found it was something that might be fun to try and she might even make some extra money.

Fun Facts
- Kohaku practices Kendo and despite her size she can hold her own against most people
- She hates the nickname Ko but could deal with Haku
- Kohaku will not drink alcohol
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