Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

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Re: Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

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Origa could feel herself quickly growing more annoyed as she fell for more and more of the blonde luchadora’s tricks. So it would come to no surprise that she would rise out of the water with a growl and begin making her way back into the ring. Her soaking wet body dripping water onto the apron as she used the ropes as a pseudo ladder to help her climb back up

Yet as she was standing up, the amazon saw in the corner of her eye her opponent preparing to run. Origa didn’t know what her opponent planned, but she wasn’t going to let it happen. So when she finally stood fully up and Rachel inevitably charged towards her. Origa would quickly dash to the side and allow the blondes spear to end up hitting nothing but air.

Yet the giant was finished as she would quickly shoot up her knee and slam it into the side of the luchadora’s head. If her attack worked and Rachel was sufficiently stunned, then Origa would quickly slip back inside the ring and dash around her and wrap her arms around her waist. There the Amazon’s incredible strength would be shown as Origa would lift Rachel high into the air! Before falling back down in a German suplex!
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Re: Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

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Rachel had rebound off the ropes and was ready to claim her glory one way or another. The crowd was even chanting for her.
However, Rachel might've underestimated the giant's dexterity. Origa was not as clumsy as the luchadora thought. Origa was not only quick enough to react, but also counter Rachel with immense force.
This mightve been the first time Rachel felt just what the extent of that force was when a knee smashed into her that she lost maybe 90 percent of her momentum despite being hit from the side.
"Ghwooagh..! ghuugh!" Rachel's trajectory was altered and she bounced sideways against the ring corner while in-between the ropes. With the remaining momentum, she proceeded to slowly fall out of the ring.
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Re: Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

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Constantly humiliating the amazon may be a doable strategy thanks to her weakness to humiliating attacks. But they also came with considerable risk, as you are also on the path of quickly enraging a giant. And Rachel would learn very quickly just how bad an idea that could be. Especially if you get cocky and leave yourself open for Origa to drive her knee into the side of your skull when you were mid charge.

She crowd collectively winced and let out numerous “ohhs” and hissing “ahhs”. But for Origa it only provided her and opportunity to get some much needed payback. Stepping up quickly, Origa would catch Rachel’s head as she slowly began to fall out of the ring. Ensuring that she was falling onto the apron instead of the water outside. There Origa would hook her arm over her neck and grab hold of the side of Rachel’s Bikini bottom. Then she would lift and hold the blond upside down for a few moments. Then she would drop into the water, but not before she would drill the top of Rachel’s head into the apron with a brain buster.
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Re: Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

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The blow to the head really rocked Rachel's world, letting her momentum and the gravity do the rest.
However, Origa wanted a say in the matter as well, dropping the luchadora headfirst into the appron before the blonde would just fall back first into the water, floating tits up like a plank.
Rachel didn't really let out a sound when she was dropped head first, but it left her in a state where she was constantly phasing in and out of consciousnesses.
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Re: Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

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To say that the surprise brain buster was brutal would be an understatement. Many in the audience, and even the referee herself would wince at the sound of Rachel’s head impacting the apron of the ring. Origa took the time after to take a breather, the first she had since the match began she realized. But after seeing the limp form of her opponent float by, the amazon realized that she could take a rest when the match was finished.

So reaching out, Origa would grab hold of Rachel’s hand and would begin dragging her back to the ring. The water made it easy for her to do so and when Rachel was close enough, Origa would grab underneath her arms and slip the both of them back inside the ring. Dragging the blonde back to the center, Origa would try to lift the still half conscious woman to her feet before spinning her around and crouching down. There Origa would pull Rachel back first across her shoulders before finally standing up to her full height. A hand on both her chin and thigh immediately starting to pull down as the torture rack was put into affect.

”Wakey wakey. You still need to say the magic words remember?”
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Re: Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

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It was all very foggy for Rachel. She vaguely saw Origa take her by the hand and drag her out of the water, into the ring.

Rachel's eyes tiredly narrowed as she was stuck looking up into the lights. They sometimes doubled, before fusing into one again, it was strange... A bit of blood was trickling down from her head, courtesy of Origa's elevator services.
Rachel felt like she was on a ship, everything seemed wobbly.

"Mmnmgh..." Rachel let out weakly as she felt a sharp pain in her back, her body bending and some parts of the body felt like they were being stretched. Rachel still wasn't fully aware of what was going on, but her senses were gradually coming back through pain. "Oooagh!" Louder moans would follow as she felt more pain and the more she was able to deduce based on that pain. Rachel was slowly getting the picture that she was in a torture rack. She was also starting to remember that she was being watched by millions of people and so her moans would get louder and sound more tortured. In fact, it sounded like she was in more pain than she actually was.

"Aaaahhh!! I... Aaaagh!!! I..." Rachel would leave Origa on a cliffhanger for a bit.
Last edited by ragaz on Thu Oct 20, 2022 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

Unread post by Ringropes98 »

It was like lifting up a pillow of feathers for the amazon. Especially when she let the anger from all the earlier humiliations power her movements! Bouncing herself slightly with every step so as to bend Rachel’s back even further across the amazons shoulders! Origa knew she needed to add more pressure than usual because of her opponent’s flexibility and that’s exactly what she would do.

As more time passed. Origa would begin to notice that her opponent was starting to rouse. Moans of awakening would turn into groans of pain as Origa cranked on the pressure even further! Torquing the blondes back further and further until she heard her beginning to speak. ”I what? Do you want to give up? Well then go ahead! Give up! She shouted!
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Re: Rachel Stanley vs Origa Xenia - I Quit/Beach Match

Unread post by ragaz »

Rachel was being bent like a toy over the dark skinned Titan's shoulders. The American luchadora groaned and moaned in pain, trying to say something, which sounded like she was about to give up.

The crowd was in an uproar, some were clapping, some were screaming in admiration of Origa's body and her show of power. Other were just wincing at how much Rachel's body was bending at each crank.

Meanwhile, Rachel was planning her next move. She was getting her bearings at her and Origa's exact positioning. Measuring the time she had between each crank, how much she was bent each time and how the hold was loosened after each crank.
After a while, Rachel knew what to do and when to do it. "I.. aahh!"
That made the giantess shout out and give the luchadora another good crank and after it loosened, Rachel immediately sprung into action. "I said... I expected more from you!" A strained, determined grin would light up on the blonde's face.
Rachel would use her two free hands to grab onto Origa's arm that was holding her by her chin. At the same time, Rachel would spin-flip herself sideways, hooking her free leg over the front of Origa's neck, while her other leg remained at the back of the giantess neck, effectively trapping her in a headscissor.
Rachel would then continue with the momentum of the spin-flip and use it to yank Origa down by her head between Rachel's legs.
If successful, Origa would hit the mat head first. Origa's trapped arm would be twisted accordingly with Rachel's spin-flip motion.
Rachel would maintain the hold afterwards which would look something like a weird armbar/arm twist in combination with a headscissor.
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