Alexa Taylor vs Daneille Degardin - No DQ Beach Match

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Alexa Taylor vs Daneille Degardin - No DQ Beach Match

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No Disqualifications Beach Match - Victory to be awarded via pinfall, submission, or knockout. No disqualifications or standard rules apply.

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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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Emotions were riding high as Alexa took her position behind the curtain. Ever since her initial announcement and subsequent brawl backstage. Alexa had spent a decent amount of her time training and while she did believe that Danielle couldn't possibly win against her. She wasn't stupid enough to leave everything to chance.

She had put too much time, effort, and money into setting this match up. Even going as far as discrediting Danielle’s pervious victory by fighting Ossi in a strip match. For her pride and dignity to be left in shambles by some talentless nobody! No siry, Alexa wasn't going to walk out there without insurance and nothing could work more perfectly than the red cooler she brought along with her.

Small, easy to carry, and completely innocuous to the casual observer. It was the perfect weapon for this setting. Not only because it was versatile but more innocent looking than your standard weapon. Meaning she wasn't going to lose any fanfair over it and if lucky. She could catch Danielle complete off guard.

The mere thought of which would bring a smile to Alexa's face. As she conducted a series of last minute stretches. That her black and white bikini set did nothing to hide. Not that it bothered Alexa even as a few people began to gawk at her. After all, what's the point of beauty if you couldn't share it?

Alexa waxed poetically as one of the stagehands would finally signal her to go and with her red cooler in hand. The young brunette would burst out from under the curtains and onto the walkway. Where she would greet her fans and make a beeline for the ring. Though not too quickly that she couldn't high-five a few strangers or punch the occasional rogue beach ball. Before she had slipped inside the ring between the second and third rope.

A moment which Alexa would make sure to draw out. Then after placing the cooler in her corner, she would open it, and toss a few popsicles into the crowd as they cheered in excitement. Of course the frozen treat wasn't the only thing inside but if Danielle or the crowd wanted to know they would have to wait. As Alexa finished by taking a seat on top of her improvised weapon with her legs crossed and waited for her rival to show up.
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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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Up until this point, neither Alexa nor anyone attending the show would know it. But Danielle had, in fact, been here for quite some time. Just at ringside, one particular lounge chair was set up on the beach, with an umbrella overhead casting its shade down on the woman who lay on it below.

Throughout the whole show, the woman seemed indifferent, despite the cheers of those around her. She hung back, never showing much emotion or excitement, as she sipped a drink from a glass at her side, occasionally flipping through a book. Some might be puzzled as to why she would get seats so close to the action if she was just going to ignore it, but she had her reasons. Her face was hidden by the sun hat and the large pair of sunglasses she wore, something that hardly looked out of place given the setting of such an event. All anyone could see was how the pale blue frilled bikini she wore flattered her figure, slender and elegant but still with curves in the right places. Some might describe it as the body of a model...which, in fact, was exactly what it was.

As soon as a popsicle fell into the hand of a spectator just beside her, the mystery woman set down her book, looking straight up toward the ring. Though her face had been placid and uninterested up until this point, now it turned sour, her lips turning down into a scowl. But soon, she shrugged it off as she rose to her feet, speaking out in a familiar voice with a French accent.

"Well, well...what do we have here?"

As she took a step forward, she tossed her hat aside, her red hair billowing out behind her in the breeze. As she whipped her glasses off her face, Alexa - and the audience - would see that Danielle Degardin had been here all along!
Danielle's scowl lifted just long enough for her to show a smug smirk back at Alexa as she looked up, placing her hands on her hips. "I suppose someone thought that being a concession girl was a better fit for her talents...which I can't say I can argue, either. Ah, but I forget, we do have a match at stake...and I shouldn't forget our arrangement, should I?"

Danielle spoke of the terms agreed upon following her own match against Ossi, which had been an uncontested success until Alexa had to rear her ugly head. The winner of this match would get to direct a photoshoot with the loser however they saw fit - and Dani had much in mind for what she'd do to Alexa. After all, she had a long history with the brunette, and considering their rivalry had begun with a photoshoot they shared, she supposed it was only poetic for everything to come full circle.

"Let's face it, Alexa," Danielle continued as she climbed into the ring, staring her rival down. "You know you can't hope to stand a chance against me; that's why you have to resort to bribing the crowd so they'll even consider you worth cheering! Of course, knowing how successful you were with pageants, I'm sure that bribery is something you're no stranger to, non?"
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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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Having expected Danielle to come out from the same exit as she did. Alexa had seated herself facing the walkway. Though when seconds had turned into minutes and Danielle was still nowhere to be seen. It became clear to the brunette that the women had other plans. For example, she wouldn't have put it past her to setup an ambush. Though luckily for her no such thing would occur instead after hearing a commotion in the crowd. Alexa would spot a familiar figure in the distance and with her distinctive red hair billowing in the breeze their was no mistake who it was.

Danielle Degardin having apparently decided not to do her entrance was standing amongst the crowd. With smug look on her face that Alexa could only guess came from knowing that she had wasted everyone's time. "How quaint and I'm suppose to believe you're some sort of professional." Alexa retorted rolling her eyes. As she waited for her rival to enter the ring but then heard what she had said about bribing the crowd. which was nothing short than insulting for someone that had to work for what she had.

"As if I ever needed to bribe anyone to win? Are you sure your not speaking from experience Miss Daddy's Girl?" Alexa shotback. As she finally stood up from her cooler and signaled for a test of strength. While she moved to greet her opponent in center of the ring. However, she had no intention of following through with the maneuver herself and instead planned to catch Danielle off guard with a slap to the face. Which if she managed to do would follow it up by cutely adding. "Oops, I thought you were ready."

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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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Danielle chuckled to herself. Already, things were going swimmingly - before the match had even begun, before she'd even gotten into the ring, she was getting on Alexa's nerves. She took that as a point of pride - if she could make her rival's life just a little more irksome, she was doing something right. It was petty, it was low, but it felt so good.

"I don't see the need to waste my time on any fancy entrances," Dani explained. "Knowing you, this will be over so quickly, anything done getting into the ring would just be superfluous! I'll save my celebrations for after I beat you, thank you very much."

In truth, Alexa had shown herself on numerous occasions to be on equal footing to Danielle. Their encounters, when they inevitably came to blows, always ended in a stalemate - the only true victory Danielle had made on her had been snatched out of the jaws of defeat at the last minute. But she was convinced that all those times were just luck, and the brunette's luck would have to run out sooner or later. She had no doubt that if there was any justice in the universe, this could only end with her reigning supreme.

She sneered as Alexa insinuated her own involvements in bribery - her fingers tightened into fists, and her feet plodded against the ground as she stormed in closer. Nevertheless, she saw Alexa was offering a test of strength. As she approached, she offered a few taunts of her own. "I feel the need to remind you," she cautioned, "this is a no-disqualification match. How confident are you knowing there's no security to save your derierre this time around?"

As Danielle made it to the center of the ring, she leaned in to accept the test of strength - only to be caught off her guard, as Alexa suddenly lashed out with a slap across her face! She gasped as her head cracked backward, taking a staggered step behind her. Nevertheless, she narrowed her eyes with a glare back at Alexa. She wouldn't let a slight like this go unpunished!

"Oh, I'm ready, all right..." Danielle couldn't be restrained. She threw herself back at Alexa, going to grab at her shoulders with a forceful push in an attempt to bring the pageant queen to her knees. Seeing the action was coming to the surface, with no hope of restraining the two girls, the referee called for the bell, which signaled that the match had officially started!
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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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Obviously pleased with herself for having slapped Danielle across the face. A large satisfied grin would form on Alexa's lips. She knew Danielle would try to retaliate and in her anticipation couldn't help but bounce off the balls of her feet. Much to the enjoyment of the crowd as they watched her chest bounce just the same.

"Then show me." Alexa taunted Danielle. As she felt her confidence swell in her chest and the adrenaline pump through her. However, Alexa wasn't as ready as she thought she was. The moment Danielle had suddenly charged into her, she would lose her footing and fall on one of her knees. While her hands pushed up against Danielle keeping her at bay. As she tried to get back on her feet. Which she would manage if Danielle didn't try anything soon after.

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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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As she went staggering back, the slap stung across Danielle's face - not so much from the pain of the blow itself, though that certainly didn't help, but even more so from what it stood for. How Alexa had shown her such slander and disrespect from the very beginning of the match, before the bell had even sounded really - and even more how the crowd began cheering and hooting for Alexa with approval soon after, showering her with praise when she deserved none. It made Danielle's blood boil, and she looked back up at Alexa with a snarl, her teeth clenching and her fists balling at her sides. Danielle did not take kindly to such insults, and she wasn't about to let her most hated of rivals get away with them!

Alexa might have blindsided Danielle with how quickly she struck, but two could play at that game - and Dani was more than eager to prove that to her. She came charging at Alexa as fast as she could, hoping to catch her off guard as she shoved for her shoulders. Sure enough, Alexa went down to her knee, crumpling against her offense. The redhead felt her push back against her, pushing her palms up against her sleek midsection, and while she went skidding back a short distance, Danielle wasn't slowed down. If Alexa thought she could fight back, Danielle would just have to hit her harder!

"I'm not through with you-!" she hissed, raising one leg to swing a knee straight up at Alexa's chest. She hoped that she could knock her back further before Alexa could get to her feet, or before she herself slipped too far away!
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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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Even if Alexa had know her slap would land her in hot water. She still wouldn't have taken it back. Danielle had earned it and then some. Hell, if anything the brunette wished she could have done more. Now that she found herself kneeling before her rival who she struggled to keep at bay. The indignation!

Unfortunately for Alexa that wouldn't be the end of it. As Danielle would manage to send a stiff knee to her chest and cause the young brunette to fall flat on her back. Where she would clutch her aching chest and stare daggers at her rival with rose colored checks, that came from the embarrassment of having been downed so quickly. "Lucky shot."

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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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Danielle watched as Alexa went down to her knee in front of her, weighed down by the push against her shoulders. This was good - Alexa was on her knees and below Danielle, which was right where she belonged. However, Dani couldn't be satisfied with that just yet. She wanted Alexa to hurt; she wanted her to suffer. She'd proven that she would deserve far more before Danielle could be satisfied, even based on what she had done today alone. The fact that Alexa had pushed her away, and was now getting back up, only told Danielle how she hadn't learned her lesson! With her teeth clenching into a scowl, Danielle glared down with fury at her foe, letting out a hiss before she kicked her knee up and into Alexa's chest.

At once, the brunette fell to her back, leaving Danielle to storm closer. She glared down at Alexa with her hands on her hips, letting out a huff. "That's a better look for you," Danielle spat, before she raised her foot to plant it right down on one of her rival's breasts! Danielle wanted to make sure everyone, no less Alexa herself, to know who was in control!
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Re: Daneille Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No DQ Beach Match

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Feeling a whirlwind of emotions ranging from outrage to embarrassment. Alexa still couldn't believe how quickly Danielle had downed her. By all right Alexa should have won that contest and for the most part almost did. So why didn't she? An annoying little question that would actually pop-up in Alexa's head long enough to distract her. While she failed to get away from her enemy and receive a foot stomp against her large bountiful chest.

Which would send the former Pageant Queen into a pained induced frenzy. As she squirmed uncomfortably and kicked the mat repeatedly through clinched teeth. A strategy that obviously wouldn't work as not long after that, Alexa would calm down and grab Danielle's foot. Next, twisting her body and her rival's ankle she would hope to force Danielle to lose her balance and fall down. Which if it worked would allow a pissed off Alexa to crawl on top of her!

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