Wisteria vs Ashley

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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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The first two bouts that Sheena had participated in had been short affairs, but incredibly hard hitting and brutal as well. So with this being the third match she was in, the purple haired girl was far from one hundred percent. In fact she had counted on Ashley being in the same condition as herself so that things could be even between the two. But even if this was the case Ashley had managed to buy herself sometime by totally dropping Sheena with a drop kick to her already sore back.

"Ugn..." Whimpering softly in pain even after the initial pain of impact faded her spine was still throbbing to the point she was unable to pick herself back up for a few moments. It wouldn't be enough to keep her down for the long count, but it would afford her opponent the chance to capitalize...

"W-Wha???" Gasping in surprise as she felt a slender pair of arms wrap around her waist Sheena squirmed a bit as her hands went to Ashley's trying to pry at them but to no avail. Before she could do anything whatsoever to fight her way out Sheena's eyes widened as she was lifted up and through the air before being slammed harshly to the mat! "GAHHHHHH!!!" Screaming in agonizing pain Sheena immediately arched her back in response to the impact as she instinctively rolled to the side, covering whatever distance was left to roll outside the ropes and onto the floor below. It hurt. It all hurt. Sheena's whole spine felt like a sledgehammer had been taken to her as she was left to just do whatever she could to earn some distance and try to bring her head out of the pain filled haze she had been left in as a result of her opponents signature.

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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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Ignoring the strain in her shoulders Ashley would haul Wisteria up to her shoulders by her gut before slamming the purple haired woman with a powerbomb, landing her signature Studley Bomber! The move would be shown to be quite effective immediately as Wisteria started rolling in pain to the point where she would actually exit the ring. In another match Ashley may have stayed in the ring and waited until the ref count forced Wisteria back in, but in a last woman standing match there was nothing to stop Wisteria from staying out for as long as she liked. That was why Ashley would make her way to the ropes and slide down under the bottom rope to land outside by Wisteria.

Ashley would then reach down and attempt to grab Wisteria by the shoulder strap of her attire and her before hauling her up to her knees. Should she succeed in getting the rookie to this position she would turn them both to face the steel steps before running forward while keeping her hold on Wisteria in an attempt to ram her skull into the steel steps!
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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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Landing outside the ring in a heap Sheena would hiss and groan slightly as she pushed herself up with her hands under her, trying her best to get back into the match following that devastating slam from Ashley causing waves upon waves of pain to wash over her body. "Damn it..." Sheena hissed softly under her breath as one of her hands went to her back, holding it gingerly as the purple haired girl cringed softly in pain.

But Sheena wouldn't have the chance to recover for very long. Before she could even properly get herself to a vertical base Ashley descended upon her grabbing the rookie wrestler up and making them do a bee line for the steel steps! 'Shit!' Thinking in panic upon seeing their destination Sheena she had to do something NOW if she didn't want this gap between them to further, worse yet to potentially get knocked out here and now!

As they neared the steps Sheena went dead weight, allowing her body to go limp, hopefully making it difficult for Ashley to continue hauling her, at least at the speed she had been. If this worked in at least slowing the blonde down than Sheena would continue with her plan to try and turn things around on her opponent. Curling her arm Ashley's leg, right under the knee specifically, Sheena would then also reach up to the hand that was gripping the shoulder strap of her outfit as well. If both her grips were secure than Sheena would pull her arm around Ashley's leg up, and if it worked she would pull down on Ashley's hand while throwing her torso forward, so if all went well she would take Ashley's footing out from beneath her and send the woman face first into the steel steps instead of herself!

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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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After leaving the order and safety of the ring to pursue the fleeing Wisteria to the chaos of the ringside area Ashley would grab a hold of her attire and begin running to the steel steps to ram her into them! The idea was to smash the young girl's skull against the metal to keep her dazed and possibly lead her to an early defeat, heck if Ashley got enough momentum then even just this move had the potential to end the match. However it just wasn't meant to be, as Wisteria would suddenly go dead weight in her arms, making Ashley stumble from the unexpected shift to her momentum.

This bought Wisteria only a second or two of time, but that was all she needed to reverse the hold and throw Ashley forward so that she was forced to kiss the cold steel steps "Mmmph!" After the unexpected counter Ashley would slide down so that her face rested against the floor, left groaning with her back to Wisteria in a face down ass up position. As well as being rather humiliating for the blonde it also gave Wisteria a huge opening to capitalise on, one that even the greenest of noobies would know not to pass up.
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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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Despite a relatively successful start Sheena had quickly found herself on the backfoot against Ashley. The blonde proving every bit why she had managed to get to this point in the tournament while simultaneously making the purple haired girl feel self conscious about how she herself had gotten to this point. Either way there wasn't any point in wallowing in self worry. Or rather Ashley wasn't going to give her the time too since, even with the action on the outside now the blonde wasn't about to give her a chance to get back up. Being hauled up Sheena felt them moving at high speed towards the steps, something that would be disastrous should it hit.. which is why Sheena thought fast and reversed the situation, sending her opponent face first into the steps with a timely drop and shift in weight!

Panting softly whilst on her knees Sheena looked up only to see Ashley face first in the floor, obviously stunned from the blow. 'Now's my chance.' Sheena thought to herself as she scrambled forward in a crawl towards the woman. Reaching her legs first Sheena would grab Ashley's hips and lift them up while lowering herself down, pushing forward to get her head between the woman's legs while curling her arms around Ashley's thighs near the hips. If she was successful than Sheena would push herself up to her feet, in turn lifting Ashley up with her in a electric chair position!

"Everyone! Forgive me for this move I'm about to use!" Sheena said loudly as she began walking away from the ring and towards the announcers table. As she did so Sheena would reach up, grabbing each of Ashley's hands and pulling them down in a X, eliciting a loud pop from the fans as people recognized the move she was about to perform. Once at the announcers table Sheena sent a pointed look at them who all didn't much else as they all quickly bailed. Sheena meanwhile turned around, once again facing the ring and taking a deep breath... Before suddenly throwing herself backwards, aiming to try and slam Ashley through the announcers table with a Japanese Ocean Suplex!

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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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A solitary groan left the blonde's mouth as her face was pressed against the ground following her countered attempt to smash Wisteria's face into the very steel steps that she ended up being slammed into in the end. This disastrous failure left her opponent with more than enough time to start setting her up for a big move, sitting Ashley up on her shoulders for what Ashley recognised from her own arsenal as an Electric Chair and walking away from the ring. With her head in a daze it took Ashley a few seconds to realise that Wisteria was taking her to the announcers table, and by the time she did realise it was too late for her to do anything more than widen her eyes to the size of dinner plates!

Then with no hesitation or mercy Wisteria would throw herself back to slam Ashley straight through the announcers table with a Japanese Ocean Suplex "AAAAAAAUGH!!!!" Ashley screamed in agony as she was left feeling like a bomb had gone off underneath her, and she was surrounded by enough wooden shrapnel that it looked like one had gone off too. In the immediate aftermath of the move Ashley could do little but let out a whimper as her body twitched and spasmed amongst the ruins of the table; and who could blame her after she had just taken a move worthy of being many women's finisher right through the announcers table!

Despite Ashley's current inability to move the referee would not step in; Ashley's writhing spasms of pain and occasional moans were proof that she was still conscious and since they were outside the ring he couldn't start a 10-count. In a standard match Ashley most likely would have been done for, pinning her for a 3-count would have been child's play after a move like that, but this match wouldn't be over until Wisteria finished the job. And Ashley was looking to be in little state to stop any immediate action she took to do so "Aaah... uungh..."
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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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With a loud crash and an ungodly scream of pure of utter agony the table had crashed and splintered around Ashley and Sheena in the fallout of Sheena's borrowed finisher. However even laying among the splinters and debris of the destroyed table Sheena knew that wouldn't be enough to keep Ashley down for the ten count. Sitting up and panting the purple haired girl would wince as a sharp pain shot up her torso. Already the pain she had taken in the previous two bouts was flaring up again, and while the same must have been true for Ashley, it would make it EXTREMELY difficult for her to keep this up for long.

So with that crucial information in mind Sheena would grit her teeth through the pain and reach behind her, grabbing hold of Ashley's wrist. "Ngh... Sorry Ashley... but we're not done yet." Sheena would say in between sounds of pain as she forced herself up to a standing position, hauling Ashley up along with her as she did so. Reaching around to grab hold of the back of the blonde's leotard with her other hand Sheena would drag her opponent across the floor, bringing her to the ring apron.

If she was successful in doing so then Sheena would force her opponent up onto the apron before climbing up to join the blonde there. If she was able too Sheena would once again force Ashley up to her feet before turning the woman around before turning her own back to the blonde. Once done Sheena would reach behind herself, attempting to hook her arms around Ashley's. If successful she would haul Ashley off her feet and onto her hips before changing her grip to hold onto her opponent's chin. Proceeding to turn around so she was facing the ropes Sheena took a deep breath, preparing herself to attempt her true finishing move, a gory neckbreaker, also known as the Wrath of Khan.

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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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Ashley was practically in a state of sensory overload as she laid amongst the ruins of the announcer table with Wisteria; her back practically burning with pain as any and all thoughts she may have had being drowned out by the roar of the audience who were being treated to such intense action. Both women were running on fumes at this point and were desperate to lay out as much damage as they could in as much little time, and right now it was Ashley who was suffering from this moreso after being driven right through the announcer table. So much was Ashley's suffering that she would be incapable of stopping Wisteria as the girl fought her way to her feet and dragged Ashley along to the ring apron and forced her atop it.

Once again Ashley would be dragged up to her feet on the ring apron by Wisteria before the young fighter would turn around so that she and Ashley were back to back, beginning to prepare for a move that Ashley was afraid she recognised. Whenever Ashley faced an opponent she made a point of looking them up and viewing their previous matches so she was prepared for them, and as such she recognised that Wisteria was setting up for her Wrath of Kahn finisher! If Wisteria landed that then Ashley knew she was toast for sure!

That was why before Wisteria could hook their arms together Ashley would tuck her head in to the point where her chin was touching her chest before throwing her head back to smash the back of her head into Wisteria's skull! Hoping that this stunned the girl Ashley would turn around and look to compound this by throwing an elbow to the back of her head that would hopefully make Wisteria stumble forwards so that she ended up somewhere neat the ring post.

Should Ashley successfully counter the move then she would move quick, forcing herself to ignore the pain in her spine as she came up behind Wisteria and bent down to place her head between the back of her legs so that Wisteria was resting against Ashley's shoulders as if she was sitting on them. Ashley would then look to climb up to the top of the ringpost with Wisteria atop her shoulders, straining with the effort before she got to the top and straightened up. She would then reach up and grab Wisteria by the back of the head before falling forward so that the two of them would fall outside of the ring, and while they were falling Ashley would yank on Wisteria so that the girl lurched forward and landed on her shoulders for a rare diving variation of her finisher the Bitch Drop! "Haaaaah!"
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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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Sheena thought she had this. How could she not after all? She had sent Ashley through a freaking table with one of the most legendary moves in wrestling history! If she had wanted then she could have maybe just stood and allowed the ref to count, maybe getting the win then and there. But Sheena wasn't the type to gamble with maybes. No the only thing the purple haired girl dealt with was certainties, things she knew would work, and do what she needed too. So in spite of the legendary status of the move she used, she knew, deep down that Ashleey wouldn't stay down just like that, she needed more assurance before doing so.

Besides... For Sheena it seemed... wrong to use a borrowed move to finish someone like Ashley off in such a high stakes match. So naturally she picked Ashley up, dragged her across the floor, and began the set up to end this with her own finisher. The Wrath of Khan. It was the move that had won her the first round against a legend of a wrestler in her own right. Granted Sheena needed to add a chair in order to accomplish such a goal but... Sheena was looking to use a similar boon to her finisher. Only this time with the aid of the ring, more specifically the extra height granted from the ring apron.

At first the set up seemed like it would go without a hitch. After all Ashley was quite stunned, so Sheena had expected minimal resistance. But in spite of the pain Ashley must have been experiencing.. the woman managed to swing her head backwards, right into the back of Sheena's own skull! "AGHHH!" Yelling out in pain Sheena was left defenseless as she dropped Ashley, only to be met with a second blow to the back of the head making the purple haired girl's eyes go cross as she was sent stumbling away.

Dropping to her knees Sheena dropped all of her weight against the turnbuckle which halted her momentum and prevented her from going off the edge of the ring. Left kneeling there with one leg dangling off the apron Sheena was stunned and unable to do anything, let alone stand or realize Ashley was coming for her. So within moment Sheena found herself being lifted up but was unable to properly react outside of swaying uneasily on Ashley's shoulders. But even that was stopped by Ashley's hands holding her own.

As they rose up in height Sheena's vision gradually cleared in time for her to realize what position they were in and worse yet there was nothing she could do to stop it. "WaiIIIIEYYYYYYY!!!" Before she could even speak they had taken to the sky, falling at high speed before making impact with the floor with a loud sound of impact! Sheena's body immediately shook upon the contact and flopped onto her back as a result of the bitch drop doing exactly what it was named for and leaving her out!

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Re: Wisteria vs Ashley

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After getting her head between Wisteria's legs Ashley would climb up the turnbuckle, seemingly against her bodies will judging by the ache in her neck, shoulders and spine. Even as Ashley climbed she was terrified that she wouldn't make it to the top; she was almost certain that her quivering arms would give out and she'd fall or that Wisteria would unbalance them or that she'd miss a foothold. But even knowing the dangers she knew that something without risk wasn't going to win her this match so she would keep going until she made the top.

When she did reach the top Ashley would waste little time in leaping off of the turnbuckle and falling outside the ring to deliver an aerial version of her Bitch Drop! After falling so far the blonde had far from a soft landing as she landed outside the ring, but Wisteria had a far worse time as she was laid out by the move! Ashley would groan as she made her way up to her feet, panting from pure exhaustion as the referee began to count Wisteria out; if they made it to 10 before Sheena could get up from the move then Ashley would be declared the winner. And Ashley was hoping that would be the case, since she was all out of gas.
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