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Tigress Kara

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:24 am
by MacbookAir
Name: Tigress Kara
Age: 26
Height: 5’7
Weight: 178 lbs
Alignment: Face
Fighting Style: Powerhouse
Eye of the Tiger

Strength: [ * * * * * ]
Kara is a powerful woman, capable of lifting far beyond her weight and delivering blows that can split stone in half. She will not hesitate to use this force against an opponent.

Endurance: [ * * * * ]
Throughout her career, Kara has endured multiple hits, blows, and moves, her body is strengthened from years of training and will not bend easily to anyone's whims. Or punches.

Speed: [ * * ]
Kara is not the fastest person in the world. WHile she can sprint quite quickly for short periods of time, her overall ability to maintain speed and extremely quick momentum is limited.

Defense: [ * * * * ]
With years of pain comes years of learning how to avoid it. Getting more than a few solid hits on Kara is difficult, at least without either being blocked or facing some manner of retaliation.

Hentai: [ * * ]
While she has no qualms getting involved in these sorts of affairs, she is without a doubt rather weak at the art of sexual fighting, more focused on winning a fight traditionally than sexually.

History: Tigress Kara is a mysterious woman with a buxom body hailing from Mexico. Having trained since an early age, she became a luchadora and quickly tried to make a name for herself, earning many losses and wins as she moved up the card. Before too long, she would make herself known as a midcarder in one of the biggest shows in Mexico City, growing her strength and reputation before heading to the states to partake in the ever so infamous erotic wrestling scene.

Her wrestling style emphasizes powerful blows, submission holds, and moves in order to inflict as much pain as possible, and mixing it with a deliberate attempt to arouse and humiliate an opponent. She wants to punish them for fighting against her, all in an effort to make her opponent pleasure her by the end. This rough, painful style has earned her quite an infamous reputation to say the least.

Personality: In spite of her rough and tumble style, she's something of a softie behind the scenes, perfectly willing to sign autographs for fans and chat politely with her opponents after a match, as well as being an all around pleasant person to be around outside the ring. When in the ring, however, she takes her sport very seriously, intent on giving it her all to earn her pay for the night.

Signature Moves:
Tiger Suplex
Tigress Bomb
Ring Attire