The Intellectual P.I - Irene Adams
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:07 pm
Name: Irene Adams
Age: 23
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brunette
Height: 6'0
Weight: 175lbs
Nationality: Creston,Canada
Alignment: Tweener
Twitter handle: @Sexy_P_I
Entrance Music: Confident by Demi Lovato
Wrestling Information
Strategy: To endure her opponent's attacks until she can figure out a pattern in the other wrestler's attack style.
Style: Wrestling and what she learned while studying martial arts in school
Preferred Attacks: Leg drop , Slaps , Knife edge chop , Dropkick , Superkick , Body Splashes, Elbow drops , Clotheslines, Wristlocks , Smothers , Powerslam , and the Tree of Woe
Preferred Matches: Hentai , Normal , Humiliation , Messy , Strip , POW , Kiss my (Insert Body part here) , and Falls count everywhere Matches
Endurance: 3'5/5
Strength: 3/5
Defense: 2'5/5
Speed: 2'5/5
Technique: 3/5
Finishing Moves
Unraveling the truth (octopus hold)
Kicking in doors (roundhousekick to the head)
Eye in the Sky (bodysplash from the turnbuckle)
counterfeit goods (double foot stomp aimed at her opponent''s breasts)
Finding clues

Changing out of her clothes


Irene can be quite arrogant in regards to her intellect and looks. She believes herself to be the total package. At the same time she can't stand it if she meets someone similar or another gorgeous woman who claims to have worked her way up so the first accusation out of her mouth will be that the other woman “most likely slept her way to the top”.
Ever since she was a young girl Irene has always a bit different compared to others. This fact became especially clear when she would interact with other people as Irene would always look for clues to figure out if they were telling the truth or not.
The fact everyone started to avoid what most called the human lie detector was a bit annoying but Irene did not actually care. She found people to be boring to be honest. Actually everything seemed to be boring to the brunette while she was growing up as it was not until she read one of the Sherlock Holmes novels that things began to change.
Ever since then Irene would focus on learning how to spot secrets and find clues about where or what someone was up to. Information was power in her eyes and by the time she was 14 she had blackmail on practically everyone in town.
While outside and in school she did study wrestling and other martial arts and quickly became the best in her class. But that was mostly because she faced the same people over and over and learned to read their body language causing her to predict in advance what her opponent would do and react accordingly.
So when Irene turned 16 and got to go to university almost 3 years early most of the people that knew the teenager were relieved. But it was there that for the first time the young woman would learn of competition as she meet another girl who appeared to be just as smart as she was but her superior when it came to the look department.
This encounter caused Irene to hate females who would flaunt their bodies while bragging they worked their way to the top. The rivalry became even worse when both were trying to apply for an internship at a firm. A law firm and Irene got stuck in the investigation department while the other girl got to work as an aid for one of the best lawyers in the law firm.
In the end the skills that Irene learned there was what put her on the path to become a private investigator. Especially after finding out evidence that her rival and the earlier mentioned lawyer were sleeping together. From there the brunette would find and blackmail most of her clients and people she investigated until she went after the wrong person.
The person in question was actually a recruiter for the LAW and ended up with Irene having to go undercover in an underground wrestling league. While there the brunette did get her butt handed to her most of the time but what made matters worse were the penalties for losing and the fact that she actually liked what happens in those matches.
Not wanting to actually admit she enjoyed herself while in those erotic wrestling matches caused her to lash out against the other wrestlers. This would blow her cover and when footage of her in the club went to the media her investigation days were over. At this point the recruiter would walk up and offer her a contract for a fresh start in Japan as an LAW wrestler.
While she quickly annoyed everyone in the performance center with her arrogant behavior , and constantly insulting those who tried to help her. This caused her to have an target on her back as everyone wanted to beat her up , but her skill as a P.I came in handy as she was able to find some blackmail on some of the trainers in the performance center.
So in return for her losing whatever blackmail she had she would be promoted to the main roster where she hoped to show them what someone who had both brains and beauty could do.
Fun Fact:
My twitter account for my loyal fans who wanna reach me is @Sexual P.I Extraordinaire
LAW Information
Number of matches:4
Wins: 1
Loses: 3
Draws: 0
Match History
4 Irene facing Selene Sugar who's reckless tactics caused her to have a concussion , and that's the only reason she lost so quickly.
[url=]3 Irene ends up facing Artemis in an normal match as the Canadian is determined to finally get an win by any means.Result victory
2 For her second , and last match of the year Irene would face off against Gala in an hentai match. defeat by force orgasm
1 Irene will face off with Naomi Fuijmoto for her debut match.Defeat by being smothered unconscious by Naomi's behind
Age: 23
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brunette
Height: 6'0
Weight: 175lbs
Nationality: Creston,Canada
Alignment: Tweener
Twitter handle: @Sexy_P_I
Entrance Music: Confident by Demi Lovato
Wrestling Information
Strategy: To endure her opponent's attacks until she can figure out a pattern in the other wrestler's attack style.
Style: Wrestling and what she learned while studying martial arts in school
Preferred Attacks: Leg drop , Slaps , Knife edge chop , Dropkick , Superkick , Body Splashes, Elbow drops , Clotheslines, Wristlocks , Smothers , Powerslam , and the Tree of Woe
Preferred Matches: Hentai , Normal , Humiliation , Messy , Strip , POW , Kiss my (Insert Body part here) , and Falls count everywhere Matches
Endurance: 3'5/5
Strength: 3/5
Defense: 2'5/5
Speed: 2'5/5
Technique: 3/5
Finishing Moves
Unraveling the truth (octopus hold)
Kicking in doors (roundhousekick to the head)
Eye in the Sky (bodysplash from the turnbuckle)
counterfeit goods (double foot stomp aimed at her opponent''s breasts)
Finding clues

Changing out of her clothes


In action

Westling outfits
Normal Attire Ignore the mask

Bed attire

Hentai attire


Bed attire

Hentai attire


Irene can be quite arrogant in regards to her intellect and looks. She believes herself to be the total package. At the same time she can't stand it if she meets someone similar or another gorgeous woman who claims to have worked her way up so the first accusation out of her mouth will be that the other woman “most likely slept her way to the top”.
Ever since she was a young girl Irene has always a bit different compared to others. This fact became especially clear when she would interact with other people as Irene would always look for clues to figure out if they were telling the truth or not.
The fact everyone started to avoid what most called the human lie detector was a bit annoying but Irene did not actually care. She found people to be boring to be honest. Actually everything seemed to be boring to the brunette while she was growing up as it was not until she read one of the Sherlock Holmes novels that things began to change.
Ever since then Irene would focus on learning how to spot secrets and find clues about where or what someone was up to. Information was power in her eyes and by the time she was 14 she had blackmail on practically everyone in town.
While outside and in school she did study wrestling and other martial arts and quickly became the best in her class. But that was mostly because she faced the same people over and over and learned to read their body language causing her to predict in advance what her opponent would do and react accordingly.
So when Irene turned 16 and got to go to university almost 3 years early most of the people that knew the teenager were relieved. But it was there that for the first time the young woman would learn of competition as she meet another girl who appeared to be just as smart as she was but her superior when it came to the look department.
This encounter caused Irene to hate females who would flaunt their bodies while bragging they worked their way to the top. The rivalry became even worse when both were trying to apply for an internship at a firm. A law firm and Irene got stuck in the investigation department while the other girl got to work as an aid for one of the best lawyers in the law firm.
In the end the skills that Irene learned there was what put her on the path to become a private investigator. Especially after finding out evidence that her rival and the earlier mentioned lawyer were sleeping together. From there the brunette would find and blackmail most of her clients and people she investigated until she went after the wrong person.
The person in question was actually a recruiter for the LAW and ended up with Irene having to go undercover in an underground wrestling league. While there the brunette did get her butt handed to her most of the time but what made matters worse were the penalties for losing and the fact that she actually liked what happens in those matches.
Not wanting to actually admit she enjoyed herself while in those erotic wrestling matches caused her to lash out against the other wrestlers. This would blow her cover and when footage of her in the club went to the media her investigation days were over. At this point the recruiter would walk up and offer her a contract for a fresh start in Japan as an LAW wrestler.
While she quickly annoyed everyone in the performance center with her arrogant behavior , and constantly insulting those who tried to help her. This caused her to have an target on her back as everyone wanted to beat her up , but her skill as a P.I came in handy as she was able to find some blackmail on some of the trainers in the performance center.
So in return for her losing whatever blackmail she had she would be promoted to the main roster where she hoped to show them what someone who had both brains and beauty could do.
Fun Fact:
My twitter account for my loyal fans who wanna reach me is @Sexual P.I Extraordinaire
LAW Information
Number of matches:4
Wins: 1
Loses: 3
Draws: 0
Match History
4 Irene facing Selene Sugar who's reckless tactics caused her to have a concussion , and that's the only reason she lost so quickly.
[url=]3 Irene ends up facing Artemis in an normal match as the Canadian is determined to finally get an win by any means.Result victory
2 For her second , and last match of the year Irene would face off against Gala in an hentai match. defeat by force orgasm
1 Irene will face off with Naomi Fuijmoto for her debut match.Defeat by being smothered unconscious by Naomi's behind