Natalia Nowak
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:57 pm
Name: Natalia Nowak
Age: 28
Eyes: Red
Hair: Purple
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 181 lbs.
Nationality: Poland
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: AmaLee - HEY KIDS!!!
Wrestling Style:
Natalia is primarily a brawler, prefering to pummel her opponents down into the ground, yet just because she's the kind to resort to strikes and painful blows doesn't mean that she doesn't have other tricks up her sleeve. She's quite strong which has allowed her to be more than competent enough in flaunting that strength, with powerful slams and some rather well done submission holds. Being a naturally born genius in the field of wrestling, she'd always been a skilled fighter. Often in the ring she will over-whelm her opponents with strikes and slams before finishing things off with submission holds.
Preferred Attacks: Uppercut, European Uppercut, Flicker Jab, Hooks, Kicks, Full Nelson, Ab Stretch, Power Slam, Powerbomb, German Suplex, Tiger Suplex, Neckbreaker, Stunner, Gorilla Body Press.
Preferred Matches:
Signature moves:
Tiger Bomb
Torture Rack
Baby Swing Submission
Finishing moves:
Double Chicken Wing Facebuster
Leg trap double chickenwing clutch
Lifting double underhook sitout facebuster
Natalia is a bit of an odd one. She's quite a noble person, she can be quite kind and caring....yet, she can also be somewhat of a problematic person. Someone who has both the mentality of a teacher and that of a delinquent, someone who follows their own rules of conduct and what's right and wrong, which they old strongly to.
She is the kind of will protect those who stand by her fiercely, who will do the right long as it is what she deems right. She is not the kind of who goes out of her way to cheat, or the one who will deal with things in the most proper way either. She'd almost skirt the line between good and bad, if she didn't simply have a heart of gold. She is a bad girl born with a great deal of kindness. Thankfully that bad part doesn't always show itself.
A woman who doesn't seek out violence needlessly but isn't afraid to throw down in the roughest of manners should it find her. She's got a rock solid foundation and can be very stubborn. She can be somewhat prideful, and a bit conceited. She does have a bit of an entitled nature to her because of her upbringing as a part of a rather mafia/gang family situation.
Natalia grew up into quite a large family. A family known for their....dealings in the more seedy underbelly of society. Growing up in Wroclaw wasn't so bad when you were a part of such an infamous family, one commanded respect and had plenty of dealings with people. Natalia was often part of that very organization as she grew up, having to deal with her handful of racketeering, and protection of territory. Even if they were a rather infamous family the Nowak's were never seen as bad, in fact they were quite noble and true to their words. Up holding what they'd consider the true worth and code of what a Mafia family sort of was, a criminal organization which up held the rules and conduct of the area. A necessary part of what was needed.
From a young age, Natalia was often caught in turf wars, disputes and other problems. She grew up hard and tough in those times. Having her share of injuries, and bad stints during her younger age. Despite that, she never stopped her interests. She had two interest from a young age, a career aspiration of becoming a teacher and a clear like for wrestling. Even from her teens, during these combative times she'd actually try out those very wrestling moves in fights, proving the pay themselves off quite often for her. It helps that she was a frighteningly strong girl and she was on the bigger side of the spectrum.
She actually started to train in wrestling. When she reached later ages she of course sought out into higher education and continued onward to get a career as a teacher. She kept up her wrestling hobby on the side, as she also continued to work with the family business. Though, After having been a teacher for nearly 4 years, she decided that she wanted to focus more on wrestling. Putting her family business behind her as well, she decided to go off to greener pastures and try her hand at wrestling full time.
Ring Attires

Normal attire


Age: 28
Eyes: Red
Hair: Purple
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 181 lbs.
Nationality: Poland
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: AmaLee - HEY KIDS!!!
Wrestling Style:
Natalia is primarily a brawler, prefering to pummel her opponents down into the ground, yet just because she's the kind to resort to strikes and painful blows doesn't mean that she doesn't have other tricks up her sleeve. She's quite strong which has allowed her to be more than competent enough in flaunting that strength, with powerful slams and some rather well done submission holds. Being a naturally born genius in the field of wrestling, she'd always been a skilled fighter. Often in the ring she will over-whelm her opponents with strikes and slams before finishing things off with submission holds.
Preferred Attacks: Uppercut, European Uppercut, Flicker Jab, Hooks, Kicks, Full Nelson, Ab Stretch, Power Slam, Powerbomb, German Suplex, Tiger Suplex, Neckbreaker, Stunner, Gorilla Body Press.
Preferred Matches:
Signature moves:
Tiger Bomb
Torture Rack
Baby Swing Submission
Finishing moves:
Double Chicken Wing Facebuster
Leg trap double chickenwing clutch
Lifting double underhook sitout facebuster
Natalia is a bit of an odd one. She's quite a noble person, she can be quite kind and caring....yet, she can also be somewhat of a problematic person. Someone who has both the mentality of a teacher and that of a delinquent, someone who follows their own rules of conduct and what's right and wrong, which they old strongly to.
She is the kind of will protect those who stand by her fiercely, who will do the right long as it is what she deems right. She is not the kind of who goes out of her way to cheat, or the one who will deal with things in the most proper way either. She'd almost skirt the line between good and bad, if she didn't simply have a heart of gold. She is a bad girl born with a great deal of kindness. Thankfully that bad part doesn't always show itself.
A woman who doesn't seek out violence needlessly but isn't afraid to throw down in the roughest of manners should it find her. She's got a rock solid foundation and can be very stubborn. She can be somewhat prideful, and a bit conceited. She does have a bit of an entitled nature to her because of her upbringing as a part of a rather mafia/gang family situation.
Natalia grew up into quite a large family. A family known for their....dealings in the more seedy underbelly of society. Growing up in Wroclaw wasn't so bad when you were a part of such an infamous family, one commanded respect and had plenty of dealings with people. Natalia was often part of that very organization as she grew up, having to deal with her handful of racketeering, and protection of territory. Even if they were a rather infamous family the Nowak's were never seen as bad, in fact they were quite noble and true to their words. Up holding what they'd consider the true worth and code of what a Mafia family sort of was, a criminal organization which up held the rules and conduct of the area. A necessary part of what was needed.
From a young age, Natalia was often caught in turf wars, disputes and other problems. She grew up hard and tough in those times. Having her share of injuries, and bad stints during her younger age. Despite that, she never stopped her interests. She had two interest from a young age, a career aspiration of becoming a teacher and a clear like for wrestling. Even from her teens, during these combative times she'd actually try out those very wrestling moves in fights, proving the pay themselves off quite often for her. It helps that she was a frighteningly strong girl and she was on the bigger side of the spectrum.
She actually started to train in wrestling. When she reached later ages she of course sought out into higher education and continued onward to get a career as a teacher. She kept up her wrestling hobby on the side, as she also continued to work with the family business. Though, After having been a teacher for nearly 4 years, she decided that she wanted to focus more on wrestling. Putting her family business behind her as well, she decided to go off to greener pastures and try her hand at wrestling full time.
Ring Attires

Normal attire

