Boss Bae

Real name - Bae "Boss" Hana
Age - 28
Hair Color - Pink
Eye Color - Purplish
Height - 6'0”
Weight - 175lbs
Nationality - Korean
Alignment - Tweener

Real name - Bae "Boss" Hana
Age - 28
Hair Color - Pink
Eye Color - Purplish
Height - 6'0”
Weight - 175lbs
Nationality - Korean
Alignment - Tweener

Entrance Music
The quintessential gem honed and cut in the joshi puroresu wrestling ways, Boss Bae primarily relies on her well-crafted physique to dole out explosive, and showy powerhouse slams! And Bae would be lying if she said it didn't feel good ragdolling people around. Each earthquake brought onto the ring frames only makes her want to do another. Given that proclivity, opponents often leave the ring with their spine and head bearing most of Bae's brunt! But that doesn't mean she's one to away from strikes: knees to the abs, boots to the face, anything to reduce her victim to limp marionettes she could pull by the hair to one of her powerhouse slam setups.
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★
Strength ★★★★★
Speed ★★★
Defence ★★
Technique ★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★
Submissions ★★
Powerhouse ★★★★★
Aerials ★
Counters ★★★
Signature moves
Discus Lariat
Fallaway Slam
Severance Check
Her hidden side comes out more when she's in the ring though! Outgoing, loud, bold, and confident, the ring is where her love for the sport really shines! On the rare occasion that people only know her in the business side of wrestling, seeing her fight for the first time is like meeting another person. This is where her upbringing also comes out. Arrogant, cocky, and with a teensy bit lack of boundaries when she can push it, it could be a bad recipe for others especially when mixed with her explosive wrestling style. It's all in good fun in her mind though and wouldn't bat an eye if her opponent somehow turned it around and make her regret her transgressions. Be careful not to go too far though. As she puts it, you're still just a wrestler after the match. She's your boss!
Born as a single daughter in a long line of athletes, her introduction to wrestling was early and easy! Her family owned one of the biggest and most famous wrestling dojo in South Korea, churning out serious competitors for local leagues and abroad constantly year after year. Right from the get-go, she was surrounded by people who had made it in the sport. Plenty of people to idolize and aspire to, plenty of mentors to learn from, and plenty of trainees to train and learn with. As far as having the right resources as a burgeoning wrestler, Bae had it all! A fact that was soon shown in her performance in their dojo as she quickly rose to be the poster child of the next generation of wrestlers their dojo would spread all over the world! She could have gone to LAW by then at the young age of 22.
But she had much bigger plans than that! Instead, Bae spent 6 months rallying wrestlers worldwide, wrestlers who graduated with her, aspirings with potential that were still training, alumni of the dojo, and friends she made outside with her deep connection in the wrestling world. All the talent she could find to expand their little dojo to a full-fledged wrestling circuit! It was not without its issues of course. Business side was hell, especially as Bae had no formal education to run one. She mainly relied on knowing who to tap for the job, the guidance and experience of her parents, and knowing not to get stiffed. But this is what she wanted for a long time, and the work ethic she'd built in training sure as hell wouldn't let those factors stop her.
Soon enough, her circuit scraped by. Drawn by the talent she managed to pool and the word of the owner dabbling competently in fights too, the circuit became a local favorite! A success that also caught the eyes of greedy and envious entities that wanted to bury her. Soon enough, her circuit was hounded with the prospect of a hostile takeover. n attempt to buy out the brand turned for the worst when the chuckling, pompous businesswoman told her to focus on wrestling or as they put it "wearing revealing spandex, rolling around the mat and exchanging sweat with the others like you for show!"
After showing them out, her circuit was immediately purged of everything. Sponsorships dried out, staff were bought, rumors perpetrated, and talents were enticed with far larger contracts than they could offer. But the circuit with a solid fanbase shouldered on. They had to scrape by lowering standards for new talents to keep the tickets high and going. Something her competitors took advantage of by invading the circuit with a gang of heels that terrorized and brutalized those who refused the offer to do their bidding. Boss Bae, of course, had to fire them as soon as they revealed themselves, some too late and being the final straw to get them to leave. The screening became stringent once again and soon her circuit was boxed in!
And if it seemed like it was more than enough, a fight with Bae as a main card then turned for worse as her opponent turned out to be another infiltrator waiting for this exact moment to reveal herself! Only showing their true intentions once they had her down and beaten, Bae sustained the most humiliating match of her career. Her opponent, who turned out to be the heir of the silent majority partner of the business that tried to buy her out, casted doubts on her ability to control things in her circuit and even more so in her own ring. Firing her was not an option as it was an admittance she could not take. A rematch soon followed with Bae winning by a thread! It was far from decisive. No, it was a match she could have as easily lost with one mistake.
A fact her rival exploited to draw her into a final match that would decide the fate of the league she worked so hard for. An ironwoman match. 2 hours and with everything on the line. They couldn't have picked a better fight to bury her for good! But this wasn't just the fight of her life. It was a fight for her survival! So after pushing through everything, mustering every strength to keep her shoulder up, and fighting through tooth and nail, the dust settled with her as the victor with 6-3 as the score! With bruises and cuts sustained, she peeled off the limp opponent from the canvas by their hair and proclaimed to her rival circuit to leave hers alone! The scene drew attention all over the wrestling world! LAW execs weren't an exception, offering Bae partnerships and spotlight to promote her circuit back on track by fighting in their rings and arenas here in Japan!