Chris Morgan - The Phenomenon From the Heavens

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Chris Morgan - The Phenomenon From the Heavens

Unread post by killcarrion »

================================[Personal Information]===============================

Name : Christina Morgan
Alias: The Phenomenon From the Heavens, The Almighty, The Golden Goddess
Sex: F
Age: 33
Eyes: Sapphire Blue
Hair: Golden Blonde
Height: 6’05”
Weight: 190 lbs
Nationality: American - Tampa Bay, Florida

================================[Combat Information]===============================

Alignment: Titan Of The Industry – Possessing a triple threat of overwhelming beauty, brains and brawn, The Phenom From The Heavens demolishes all comers and enjoys the fruits of her labors via the fervent popularity with the fandom. Considered by critics to be the absolute paragon and gold standard within the industry by which other wrestlers aspire to be, Chris is heralded by wrestling aficionados as the premier perfect wrestler of our generation with a win/loss record to substantiate that claim. Her position at the top of the mountain means that she is perpetually in the targeting scopes of those aspiring to supplant her position atop that shining throne, except it is a feat that only a privileged few can claim to have achieved.

Entrance Music“Fallen Angel"

Strategy and Style – An absolute powerhouse with a visceral style of offense that keeps her grounded for the most part with brutal strikes and decimating slams. Chris' few submission holds are fairly rudimentary yet make full usage of her inherent strength and her peak conditioning, to the point where even basic maneuvers can bring the most hardened veterans to the brink of their limitations. Chris's strength lying in more than just her inherent physical advantages as she possesses sound ring tactics as well. Chris' trained and methodical pacing would make her seem predictable and vulnerable to those who can think on their feet, except one slip-up is all it takes to be on the receiving of a match-ending counter. Flash pins and submissions are the typical means by which she is defeated, although winning via the former can leave her seething in resentment.

Endurance: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Strength: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Speed: :star: :star: :star:
Defense: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Technique: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Strikes: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Submissions: :star: :star: :star::star:
Powerhouse: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Aerial: :star: :star:
Counters: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Favored Moves : Big Boot, Headbutts, Knife-edge chops, Bearhug, Boston Crab, Samaon Drop, Beil Throw, Samaon Drop, Dragon Sleeper, Brainbusters, Discus Lariat, Backbreaker, European Uppercuts, Chokeslam, Gorilla Press Slam, Spear, Delayed Suplex, Military Press Slam, Release German Suplex.

Signature Moves :
1) Hammer Of Hephaestus - A fan favorite from the sheer spectacle of its implementation. Whether through hefting an adversary skyward through sheer strength or if a high-flyer woefully mistimes an aerial assault, Chris will wind back her flexing arm for an absolutely obliterating European Uppercut that can knock anyone's lights out with the last image they remember being looking down at Chris from above.
2) Pluto's Gate– The Phenom wastes little time in taking advantage of a downed adversary by straddling them from behind and interlocking her fingers behind their head after tucking her arm’s underneath her opponent’s. Chris than has her trained physique crank their spine backward while squeezing their shoulder blades together. Perhaps even swinging them left and right in a Full Nelson Camel Clutch.
3) Wrath Of Ares - A vicious quartet of powerbombs that starts with Chris tucking her adversary's head between sinewy thighs and hefting them into the air with commanding arms tightened around her waist. The small of the victim's back being thrust downward repeatedly with each devastating slam more brutal than the last. Culminating with a sitout powerbomb variation and following pin attempt.
Finishing Moves :
1) Fall From Olympus - Being in the ring with The Phenom means accepting that at some point in the match, you're going to learn what it feels like to be absolutely rag-dolled as if you weighed nothing at all. This is but one opportunity amongst many as Chris hefts up an adversary as if she were about to perform a typical powerbomb, but instead proceeds to chuck her adversary into the air and tuck their head inward for a calamitous and ring quaking Michinoku Driver delivered from absolutely towering heights.
2) The Weight Of Atlas - Typically performed after her Angel's Crucifixion purposefully targets and places further place strain on her foe's lower spine beforehand. Chris tightens her arm around an opponent's waist and briefly hoists them upward before gingerly pitching them back down. Perfectly angled into the shape of an eclipsing with their upper torso leveraged against the canvas. The Phenom squatting down in a modified Boston Crab for an astoundingly long period of time given her athletic conditioning.
Critical Finishing Moves:
1) The Poseidon Bomber – The End All Be All of lariat clotheslines. Known for instantly kayoing wrestlers of all caliber at any point in the wrestling match and an instantaneous win condition in itself, especially on a stunned or an unsuspecting adversary. Chris first snatching an adversary's wrist after either ducking a maneuver in mid-transaction or seizing upon an already weakened opponent. After ducking underneath an adversary and tugging them back towards her direction, The Phenom summons every ounce of her strength to mow down the hapless foe in her path in a vicious ripcord lariat.

Wrestling Attire:

Wrestling Attire Pics…
Vs. Toshimi Minami…
Vs. Freia Kagami…
Vs. Mighty Yukiko…
Vs. Zero Kotobuki…
Personality: Cordial, polite and professional, but with a bitter cold demeanor that can have her come off as indifferent or emotionless. A calculating intellectual whose built a successful life in America working in the world of business finance, albeit a lonely one considering the aura and intimidation factor that comes with approaching someone standing upon such an exalted plateau. Chris has adopted a more cautionary and pessimistic viewpoint when it comes to the wrestling world and life in general as a result. She remains level-headed in spite of her popularity and infamy, and tends to fight fairly while following the rules almost steadfastly. But don't mistake her hospitality for weakness as Chris will never show mercy nor pity since she aspires for wrestling greatness the same as everyone else. She recognizes herself as a paragon in the industry and has no qualms with showcasing her greatness, and why she's called The Phenomenon From The Heavens.

Past/History: To those who say "Icons aren't born, they're made...", Chris would claim she bears the paradoxical distinction of being...well, both. Since a young age her physical attributes were regarded as off the charts by coaches and trainers, excelling in numerous sports with savage physicality, raw intensity, and deft reflexes. Diving for baseballs, kicking winning goals, setting records with bench presses, swimming laps around her competitors. And yet never disregarding her academics either with scholarships top Chris offered after high school which had nothing to do with her athletic prowess. Although perhaps we should rewind back somewhat. As in spite of her inherent gifts and myriad of opportunities at her fingertips, Chris has never forgotten her humble beginnings. Growing up with a scholarly teacher for her mother and an absentee father whom Chris always suspected was an athlete given what little information she would gleam from her mom. Living off coupons and in modest conditions ensured Chris would be level-headed and grateful for the chances offered to her later in life, promising her mother she'd by her house with whatever profession she eventually decides upon...even if Chris had to endure some gawking eyes from friends and family members when deciding what was best for her was to step into a wrestling ring of all places.

The pageantry and glamour alongside the sheer athleticism on display captivated Chris when first laying eyes on a television match during her teenage years, unaware that a seed had been planted that would only flourish with time. University trainers helping her put in the hours as Chris dedicated herself through rigorous training that brought her to the point of exhaustion...only for the actual training program to than commence. And yet Chris excelled regardless as she toiled through each trial until finally being deemed capable of entering the wrestling pro circuit. What followed was a whirlwind of success in the ring and an undefeated streak carrying on into the year until gaining notice of international federations, the most influential prospect being Wrestle Angels. And the rest, one could say, was history. Wrestle Angels getting behind their later signing with all their promotional backing, The Phenomenon From The Heavens becoming the face of the company within only a few months. Accompanied by the World Title belt and an era of dominance that had Chris stand tall over the other legends in the federations including other fan favorites such Mighty Yukiko and Panther Risako. Wrestling audiences astounded by her statuesque beauty, overwhelming strength and innate ring aptitude with Chris overjoyed at her success and publicity inherent with being the main star of the company.

Basking in the glory of these accomplishments eventually came with it's own caveats though, as while her merch was selling and the company's business was in stellar shape, fans began to rebel against The Phenom as being the "chosen" champion and offered opportunities other wrestlers would have to work for. Alongside witnessing Chris decimate the other homegrown Japanese talent, and eventually Chris understood the meaning behind wrestling fans being dubbed...fickle. Although maintaining her popularity with younger fans, the vehement booing one day usurped whatever cheers she received after defeating another hopeful challenger. To the point where once she'd be defeated, Chris would abstain from wrestling and take an executive and promoter behind the scenes of the company to quiet the dissenting voices. Unfortunately it was in this position where Chris learned of the questionable financial decisions perpetrated by the company's leadership, and was regrettably unable to course correct in time to salvage the company before it's imminent demise. Crestfallen and even somewhat disillusioned with the wresting business as a result, Chris stayed in the business sector and used her popularity gather investors in her fashion labels among other ventures. Eventually though old instincts started taking hold. And after some time apart from the ring, Chris wondered if she was alright leaving her wrestling legacy in such a tarnished state...

- Fine Wine
- Shoulder Massages
- Mint Candy
- Bubble Baths
- Beach Trips

- Bad Hair Days
- Falling Off Her Diet
- Supernatural Stories
- Dentist Appointments
- Low Ceilings

Fun Facts:
1) Chris secretly aspires to be the founder of her own wrestling federation where she would helm it honorably and provide a place where aspiring wrestlers can perfect their craft without managerial corruption.

2) Chris eventually made good on her promise to buy her mother a house once she achieved success in wrestling, but convincing her to move to California from Florida took some time.

3) She takes great pride in taking the time to attempt to memorize every single worker who underneath her employ, and this small gesture has led to her becoming a popular boss amongst her staff.

4) If Chris was a Pokemon, she would be...
AFW Information:




Last edited by killcarrion on Thu Feb 27, 2025 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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