Sex: Female
Age: 26
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 225 pounds
Nationality: American
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Let There Be Cowgirls!
Come’s out at 1:17
Strategy: Much like her sister, Sarah uses punishing slams and strikes to wear down her opponents, often ending things with a punishing submission or a powerful strike or slam. She's a bit more slow and methodical in her offense.
Style: Pro Wrestling
Type: Powerhouse
Preferred Attacks: Scoop Slams, Lariats, Big boots, European Uppercuts
Preferred Matches:
Endurance: ★★★★
Strength: ★★★★★
Speed: ★★
Defense: ★★★
Technique: ★★★
Strikes: ★★★
Submissions: ★★★★
Powerhouse: ★★★★★
Aerial: ★
Counters: ★★★
Scoopslam to the apron
Kelly Cannon
Running Body Splash with her boobs smashing into her opponent’s face with extra RUBBING!
Dallas Destroyer
Lone Star Lariat
Cattle Wrangler
Can be done up to all four corners
Texan Takedown
Visual Appearance:
Sarah is a large muscular woman who also happens to be the largest member of the Kelly Family. She has blond hair, green eyes, and well built muscles! Sarah is very beautiful and she shows it like her sister (Just not as much).
Personality: As you might expect from someone who calls themselves a cowgirl, Sarah Kelly is a bit of a tomboy. She loves getting into fights (although she rarely tries to start them) and training her impressive body. She's has a bit less of an ego than her sister, and respects opponents that can give her a good fight, although she does have a competitive streak. She wants to be the best, and as such doesn't like losing all that much! While she'll never resort to cheating to win a match, sometimes she will lose control and try to cripple her opponent! This happens rarely, however, as most of the time Sarah is her calm, fun loving, flirty, and outspoken self! She loves her sister and is very protective of her, so anyone who messes with Chris better keep their eyes out for a pissed off Texan! She doesn't like bullies either, and often will try to stick up for others.
Past/History: Born in a small town outside of Dallas, Texas the eldest child of the Kelly family. Taking up sports at a young age, Sarah loved football, all things rodeo related, and wrestling most of all! Sarah didn’t care to join any club at school though, as she just enjoyed wrestling for fun with anyone who wanted to tussle. In fact, at the age of 18, she apparently wrestled a large cow to the ground.
However, with the lack of options in her town to wrestle professionally, Sarah moved away after high-school to the city. Immediately the woman took her cowgirl gimmick and rose through the ranks to become a champion. Sarah was happy with her life, but soon enough trouble came in the form of a family visit. Her younger sister, Chris Kelly, had come to town after training in Mexico. Apparently she’d become an icon in a short amount of time, and the eldest sister felt it was time to put her sister in her place. So a match was put into place for the title, sister VS sister! It was a huge match…but the problem was…Chris wasn’t on board.
For whatever reason, Chris got herself DQed by hitting her sister with a chair. The crowd was stunned, and her sister was beyond shocked. She had always thought that Chris was honorable and trustworthy, but had done the exact opposite. And to to make things worse, Chris had already aligned herself with people like Vanessa Williams, and Leona Jackson. Both of which were rather infamous wrestlers.
The match was a rather powerful blow to the elder sister, but what was worse was Chris’s reluctance to speak about it. In fact, Chris has never explained her actions, which only angered the giant cowgirl more! So when her contract was up, Sarah decided to pay her sister a visit at her current promotion…LAW.
Wrestling Attire:
Is a fan of the rodeo
Is the more modest Kelly sister (Not by much though)
Wrestled with Chris and other family members as a kid all the time
Was the first one to enter the wrestling business, and was quickly followed by Chris
While she doesn't fear hentai matches, she's less overtly sexual unlike her sister... except when she's drunk!
Thanks too their role in Chris bizzare actions the last time they met, she's very distrusting of the members of Chris's Harem, always keeping an eye on them and butting heads with Leona Jackson a lot. She believes that her and Vanessa were responsible for Chris's fall from grace.
Despite what her sister did to her, Sarah doesn't want vengeance. All she wants is a reason for why Chris did what she did and to reform their broken bond.
LAW Information
Friends: Chris Kelly (A bit shaky thanks to the incident, but family bonds are family bonds)
Enemies: The Pheonix Harem