Lady Rhea

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Lady Rhea

Unread post by Ultima »

Name: Rhea
Ring Name: Saint Seiros
Hair Color: Turquoise
Eye Color: Turquoise
Height: 5’10
Weight: 175
Alignment: Tweener or Heel depending on who you ask
Entrance Music:
Apex of the World

Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★★ - Rhea is very tough to take down, its like she has multiple health bars
Strength ★★★★ - Where she feels natural careful if she lands a hit
Speed ★★★ - Modest speed, there is definitely faster
Defense ★★★ - Rhea knows how to keep herself out of harms way
Technique ★★★- Rhea knows a thing or two because she's seen a thing or two

Combat Statistics
Strikes ★★★★ - Rhea knows how to throw a punch that'll leave you praying that you'll be okay
Submissions ★★ - Nothing to fancy aside from moves that require strength
Powerhouse ★★★★★ - Don't try to match her
Aerials ★★★ - Nothing special, she just isn't scared to fly
Counters ★★ - More so takes the hits rather than make something from them

Signature Moves
Immaculate One
Aurora Breath
Sword of Seiros
Wings of Light
Rhea is what one would expect from someone in her position: benevolent, kind, and compassionate. Though in stark contrast to those who stand against her, she is ruthless and dismissive of them. That is not to say that she forces anyone to do what she wants as she accepts other people's ideologies. As long as they don't go against her. However, despite her position and many followers, Rhea is seemingly lonely, having not many people to confide in, keeping most things to herself. She is incredibly comfortable and friendly with few people. Still longing for someone she can be herself with.
Rhea had the impossible job of filling the hole her mother left. Their family seemingly being the head of royals and nobles alike. Rhea's mother was universally loved, you would be hard-pressed to find someone with an unfavorable opinion of her mother. That though was the public opinion, some of the other nobles felt otherwise in silence. Rhea’s mother was the type of person to take care for all. Afterall we are not so different Rhea's mother would tell her. Rhea would learn many valuable lessons under her mother. But with fate being a cruel mistress,Rhea would sadly lose her mother at a young age. The consensus was natural causes, though Rhea always thought otherwise. There was no way; her mother was the perfect picture of health. Rhea would have to sit with these thoughts without having any way to find the truth. Growing up without a mother would be harsh on Rhea. She was not able to trust any of the advisors around her. Assuming they only wanted to pursue their own goals.
During this time, Rhea would develop another persona. One that was more cynical and violent. Most likely as a means to defend herself from those who would take advantage of Rhea or hurt her. Now with her mother’s passing, Rhea had to lead. Could she? How could she match up to her mother? The answer was that she simply couldn’t. Because her mother was so universally loved, anyone who took her place would face the ire of those who cannot see past Rhea’s mother. Rhea would try to be herself; after all, she can’t mess up there. She instituted new rules that were widely praised by the masses—finding the noble life to be quite draining. Rhea, like her mother, had a genuine love for the people. She liked looking after those who could not do so themselves. But her position meant that Rhea could not interact with those people so often or at all even. To change that, Rhea would have public events where she could interact with the people. The people love her all the same. Rhea wanted more of that connection as she could feel something filling that hole her mother left. Those closest to Rhea would notice this and push these events. That is not to say they were not worried about Rhea’s more “violent” side. One of her confidants expressing the idea that Rhea takes up some sort of fighting professionally. Fitness was something Rhea kept up with regularly, sometimes too much. That way, she could vent and not be in a situation where her pent up aggression blows up on someone.
Rhea is dismissing this side of her. That didn’t mean she didn’t take their advice. Working wonders on her, Rhea seeming more in peace. Suppose one had to put a word on it. Rhea even gave herself a unique name for when she has these fights, Saint Seiros. A character from a story her mother told Rhea when she was young. But with Rhea’s everyday life and now her “side” life of fighting. Those moment to moment days where she interacts with the people were happening less and less—to Rhea’s dismay, not wanting to lose that aspect of her life. She made the quick decision to go public with her fighting antics. That way, she can share what she enjoys with people—a two in one package there. While many disliked the move, Rhea was allowed to do so because of her position. Ironically enough, now Rhea seems to try and keep her mother alive. Be it in her everyday life and combat.
Main Attire (No props)
Attire 2
Workout Attire
Casual Attire
Just a check up
="NSFW Capturing those damn insurrectionist"Image
Various Images
Early Bird gets the worm
Hard Workout Session
="Rhea finding something she likes"Image
Rhea when she’s unhinged
A face you can’t hate
Last edited by Ultima on Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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