Age: 25
Height: 5'11
Weight: 185
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Brown
Alignment: Face
Nationality: American





Preferred matches Standard, Cage matches.
Finishing moves
OverKill Grace takes her opponents arms and crosses them over her body from there she pulls them up and over her head for a suplex. Then she rolls through and pulls them up to toss them up for a second drop.
Ken-Stun Grace lifts her opponent over her shoulder for a Firemans carry and drops and lands on her but while turning them so they come down head first on her shoulder for a stunner.
Personality: Friendly and caring Grace does her best to make friends where she can but does have a tendency to get frustrated if a challenge persists in annoying her. And when she gets angry she can become fierce especially if she's trying to protect someone. She's also not at all tolerant of people being aggressive with others for no reason other then they think they can and will step in for better or for worse if she thinks she can help.
Background: Grace grew up in Boston, New York, were her life became mixed with the usual city life that her dad was used to and the more traditional Native American lifestyle her mom kept close to heart. Initially she grew up more like her father and was rather tomboyish, especially after a mugger attempted to break into there house in the middle of the night made her decide to toughen up. Training in self defense and learning some martial arts Grace new how to fight and how to use her natural strength to her advantage. While never looking for a fight Grace found one more often then not simply for one reason or another and started to get a reputation as a trouble maker despite not ever really trying to start trouble. This followed her throughout most of her highschool career as people tended to avoid her and some tried to cozy up to her thinking she was some bad chick despite not wanting any part of it but being too cynical about how people acted to do much about it. This lasted up until the Summer before her Senior year where her mother grew sick and was likely to die, Grace having realized she didn't spend much time with her mom opted to travel with her to visit her extended family. Growing attached to the people and the way of life over the short time there she opted to try and make better use of her life and started applying herself more her final year in school she volunteered for things and tried to be as active and friendly as possible rather then giving up after being brushed off one time. Helped along by people feeling bad for her about her mom still being in sore shape she had the chance to make friends for the short year and turn her image around in time to graduate with a much better standing with the staff and her peers.
Going to college next Grace continued to improve and took to learning medicine and other sciences to pursue and keeping close contact with her Native American root when she can even after her mothers health started to improve. It was around her sophomore year of college that she got into a fight again but it was because she came to the aid of a friend being jumped and after the beating she gave her bullies her reputation changed again. Though this time as someone who wouldn't tolerate harassment or bullying of any kind which Grace accepted as it seemed to keep people from trying anything. Graduating once again she started to apply herself through her internship and tried to find ways to improve life and health. Dedicating time to research and occasionally hitting dead ends Grace ended up needing money to continue her work, and ended up working smaller jobs or having trouble finding anything due to being 'overqualified'. Her money issues came to an end when she met a talent scout who offered her a job at LAW who offered her more money then she made at any of her jobs combined, after one of her more perverted friends showed the scout one of her fights. Grace never 'wrestled' a day in her life but she had to admit it looked fun and after taking some time to actually train as a wrestler set out to give it a shot.