Sharon Berry

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Sharon Berry

Unread post by shanecawf »

Name: Sharon Berry
Age: 33
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'3
Weight: 225 lbs


Entrance music:
alignment: Heel
Nationality: American
Fighting Style: power house
Favored moves: Strikes, camel clutch, Boston Crab, Smothering, Bear hugs, body scissors. Bronco buster, Power bombs, Pile drivers. Surprisingly high flying moves. Anything dirty or seen as unsportsmanlike. (Biting, humiliating etc)

Favored matches: Hardcore, Hentai, Ironwoman, Smother. Any match where she can be as creative as she wants without being punished for it.

Attitude towards hentai: "I will make sure my opponent is not only thoroughly destroyed physically and mentally but also sensually."

Finishing moves:
"show off drop"- Sharon will get her opponent on the top rope with her in a muscle buster position. She would than drop down off the top rope landing butt first on the mat delivering a brutal elevated muscle buster drop.

"Exsqueeze me?"- Sharon will wrap her muscular arms and legs around a grounded opponent and squeeze mercilessly while rolling around the ring. She can do it from the front with a breast smother as well as from behind, simply focusing on the squeezing.

Bonzai Drop- A simple butt drop either in the corner off the ropes or in the center of the ring. She can do this on her opponent's stomach, chest, and of course her favorite part. The face. If she does the face She most likely will stay there for a while to smother her opponent between her glorious ass.

"Luckiest jobber in the world"- Sharon will sit down in front of a downed opponent who is laying on their front. She would pull them forward and trap them in a front head scissors, making sure their face is pressed snugly into her crotch. She will than reach forward and grab her opponent's legs and pull them towards her putting her into a similar position to a Boston crab. Sharon will than proceed to hump her opponent's face while squeezing her tight between her strong thighs as well as stretching her opponent by pulling on her legs, eventually laying all the way down onto her back once she climaxes from the opponent's face in her crotch.

Hentai moves:
Pleasure bomb- Sharon will place her opponent on her shoulders in a standard powerbomb position. She will not drop immediately as she will have her face in the prime position to eat them out. She will grip her opponent's bottom, spanking and pinching it while eating them out. Upon climax, Sharon will jump and fall onto her butt to preform a devastating power bomb.

Corner love- Sharon will tie a tired opponent in the ropes in the corner. She may weaken them with a couple punches as well as some shoulder rams in order to make sure they are submissive. Once the opponent is docile, Sharon will begin making out with her opponent, Kissing her all over and licking her. She has many ways of pleasuring her opponent. Sometimes with her thigh, sometimes with her abs, her fingers or hands, sometimes, even turning around and giving them a lap dance into orgasm. She may add a couple punches and other strike in the middle, just to make sure her opponent remembers her.

Personality: Sharon is a sadistic and brutal woman. She enjoys nothing more than destroying her opponent. She is very cocky and self absorbed as well. She thinks she is the perfect being. She does have a soft side that may never be shown to anyone besides her girlfriend and tag team partner Kandace.

History: Sharon had a pretty normal life coming up. Parents who loved her. Friends. The normal and good way of growing up. It wasn't until College that she was introduced to wrestling. She was at a bar one night and met this woman by the name of Kandace. Kandace was a tall blonde woman with curves to die for A bit muscular. Sharon wasn't bad herself with a similar body type. She had never been with a woman before but Kandace was going to change that. They started things off with a couple drinks, and before they knew it, they were back at Kandace's apartment. When Sharon entered the apt after Kandace, everything looked normal. They got to know each other very well that night. They saw each other a few more times before they became official. There was one rule that Kandace brought up before things moved forward and that was to never go into a certain room in her apartment. Sharon found it odd but agreed. Sharon moved in to the apartment. They were perfect together. One thing that didn't go that well was the fact that Kandace would go to "Work" in the afternoon and not come back till late in the morning. They had completely different schedules. Sharon would get lonely at night. One night When sharon was bored and a bit ticked off at Kandace, she would decide to break the one rule. She wanted to see what was in that room that she was forbidden to go through. She would go into their bedroom and go into Kandace's drawer where she kept a key. She would find the key and go to the room. What she found inside was very unexpected. The room was more than just a room. It was huge. It had a wrestling ring in the center, hundreds of different wrestling outfits. There were posters of Kandace all over the room, all of her wrestling. Nearly every poster, she was dominating whoever was in the picture with her. Sharon was slightly freaked out when she first came in and studied every thing. She than saw how beautiful Kandace looked in every picture, or more so how hot she was when dominating these other women. Kandace would come home early that night and catch Sharon in the forbidden room. She would sneak up on Sharon and hug her from behind very tightly. Sharon noticed she was sweaty and the outfit she was wearing seemed to in fact be a wrestling out fit. "I see you've found me out..." Kandace would say as she would tighten the hug. Sharon would wheeze a bit as she was squeezed. "I'm glad I did... All of this is so... So... Hot." Sharon would say nervously as Kandace held her tightly. "If it's so hot, you won't mind going a round with me" Kandace would challenge, testing to see if her girlfriend was telling the truth. Sharon would happily accept and would get thoroughly dominated for the entire night. Sharon expected traditional wrestling which she had seen a couple times in school sports but what Kandace put her through was so much different. She was stretched, Squeezed, Pleasured and much more throughout that entire night. It was the most erotic experience she had ever had. She fell in love with the sport right there and than that night. Sharon told Kandace that she wanted to be a wrestler with her and Candace at first was skeptical but due to them being together, Kandace decided to train her. They trained day in and day out for as long as it took to get Sharon close to where Candace was at when they first started. They eventually joined a league where they would dominate. They became the stars of the league and would move from league to league until they caught the attention of some LAW recruiters. Now Sharon is here to dominate with and without her girl.
Last edited by shanecawf_2.0 on Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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