Aneke Vanderlen
Name: Aneke Vanderlen
Age: 32
Eyes: Dark Blue/Violet
Hair: Light Brown
Height: 5'9
Weight: 206lbs
Nationality: Dutch
Alignment: Face
Entrance Theme
Aneke is taller than average with delicate facial features. Her eyes display an uncommon mixture of shades of blue and violet. She’s got a fit body with shapely and muscular legs, a muscular back and a flat belly. Her arms and shoulder are harmonious and well proportioned with discreet muscle definition. And yes a chest, a scarily disproportionate chest.
Ring Attire

Wrestling abilities and attributes:
Endurance: She used to run out of gas pretty quickly in her very first matches. Since then she has worked a lot on it and learned to save her energy more effectively. She's still not marathon material but she can last a good while..
Strength: With a figure like hers Aneke's strength is somewhat dictated by necessity, she just needs to be strong, especially in some crucial areas: Her core and back muscles are very powerful and durable, her legs are well developed and quite strong while her arms strength is a bit above average for her size.
Speed: While her arms and legs speed is what to be expected of a woman of her size, Aneke's "assets" assets definitively have an effect on her mobility. i.e her strikes and holds can be executed quickly but she's not a good runner.
Strikes: Not her preferred fighting style but her swings can be effective if she manages to transfer into her strikes all the momentum that her top heavy figure can generate. So her lariats or spear-like attacks are better than her punches. Her kicks can hurt but she keeps them basic in their form for balance reasons… And yeah she sometimes also use her personal “weapons” should an opportunity arise.
Grappling/Submissions: her good flexibility and very strong core make her a tough opponent in most grappling situations. And obviously with a chest like hers smothers are a constant threat for anyone.
Aerials: Her aerials are mostly limited to drops or basic splashes on downed opponents, and very rarely from the ropes. No moonsaults, flips, missile drop kicks or other acrobatic moves, some might argue that she comes with her own zeppelins but they definitively don't help her to fly.
Powermoves: One of her strong suits. As long as she can compensate her average arm strength with her core and leg muscles she can execute most moves successfully on opponents of her own weight or even heavier. Moves relying only on upper body/arm strength however are excluded against opponents above her weight (like choke slams, gorilla press...).
Fighting Style:
Aneke tries to be a gentle person but the reality of the ring and her particular morphology have influenced her style which sometimes is a bit more brutal than she'd like it to be. While she isn’t the most technical wrestler out there her main strategy consists of a mix of powermoves, grappling techniques and heavy strikes to wear down her opponents and finish them with a submission (usually a smother). Most of her opponents tend to underestimate her strength and flexibility while it is actually both a necessity for her and an effective combination to make the most out of her unbalanced figure. She doesn’t like punching or kicking in the face, instead she uses striking moves susceptible to knock her opponents off balance. Unsurprisingly her out-of-this-world bust is also put to work in various situations, her seemingly bottomless cleavage allows her to apply full head obscuring breastsmothers from any direction, and its sheer weight makes you feel like you’ve been hit by a train if she smashes your head with her breasts.
Basic move set: DDT, arm bars, leg locks, lariat, leg drop, bulldog, spear, smothers, suplexes, head locks, body sissors, body press...
Signature moves:
Breast smothers, who would have guessed?! With all sorts of variations: from the side, from behind, from above, reversed, with only one breast...
Camel clutch, with the added effect that thanks to her most noteworthy anatomical feature she can also apply a fully covering breast smother from behind while maintaining the clutch at the same time without having to modify her position, lean forward or force her opponent to bend backward even more.
The Dual Shock Diamond (Samoan Driver)

Preferred matches: Standard pinfall, Smother, Body to body. Avoids hardcore, boxing bouts, fist fights, no disqualification and other excessively violent stipulations.
Personality and backstory:
Aneke has come a long way since her teens. It appeared that she was affected by a rare genetic condition that caused puberty to hit her like a ton of bricks, which were directly transferred to her chest. And no matter how hard she worked out, no matter the diet it simply wouldn’t go away. Worse it kept growing. It was like every single little bit of food she absorbed ended in a single and unique place. Her confidence crumbled as she rapidly became the target of endless jeers and mockery. Despite everything she did her best to not succumb to bitterness and resentment or seek refuge in seclusion. Since then it has been a long struggle to overcome her many issues.
As time passed she developed counterphobic behaviors, making reckless decisions as a mean to counter her insecurities. Decisions that she often regretted afterwards. Joining her school’s swim team with all the body exposition it implied was one of these measures of over compensation. The results in terms of self-esteem progress were mixed, on one hand she was confronting head-on her body image issues by showing herself publicly in swimsuits, on the other hand it wasn’t making her feel much better and exposed her to more criticism and negativity.
When she reached her majority the pattern repeated itself as she decided to join unofficial wrestling circles. In appearance everything was going well for her, living a normal life during the day and fighting other women in tight and revealing clothes at night. She met her future husband by the most unlikely and cliché of means: a Japanese man on a business trip to Amsterdam whom she accidentally knocked unconscious as they bumped into into each other in the street. She accompanied him to the hospital and they kept in touch after his departure. Eventually she joined him in Japan and they got married, soon after she gave birth to a girl. She even stopped wrestling for a while as she thought that she was free of her old demons but under the surface they were still haunting her.
She began to fear people’s gaze and judgment on her appearance again. And when it became impossible for her to pretend that it wasn’t affecting her, her counterphobic tendencies kicked back: she posed for men’s and adult magazines, participated in wrestling matches hosted by dubious characters and organizations... Eventually her husband got wind of it and as she wouldn’t stop he asked for a divorce. “Luckily” for her it turned out that her husband hadn’t been a saint either and had cheated on her on many occasions, a fact that she used in court to obtain the custody of her daughter. Now that she was single with a daughter to raise all by herself a new issue arose: money.
That’s how she decided to get more involved into wrestling, it was no longer some form of contradictory behavior caused by her insecurities it was also a potential additional source of income. So she trained to become more skilled in order to integrate better wrestling circles. She fought in several minor federations before a LAW recruiter eventually noticed her.
Picture gallery
Alternate attire


Aneke's first wrestling match when she was 18

Aneke at 20



Her old nurse ring attire in her former wrestling league

At the beach

Post counterphobia remorse (NSFW)
Japanese magazine cover, censored at her demand afterwards

Same pattern

Random facts:
- Likes cats
- Would belong to the middleweight class if she could subtract her chest from her overall weight.
- Would like to write fantasy novels
- Has always refused reduction surgery, which she would consider as a defeat
- Yup, still growing
- Still hasn’t told her daughter about her wrestling activities
- Has accidentally knocked people out by hitting them with her breasts (her ex-husband being one of them)
- Rarely swears or curses
- Loves swimming