Dixie Clemets - Sgt. Clemets

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Dixie Clemets - Sgt. Clemets

Unread post by Devastated »

Name: Dixie Clemets
Age: 27
Alias: Sergeant Clemets
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Nationality: American (Texas)
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: Yankee Rose - David Lee Roth

Wrestling Style: Dixie prefers to use attacks that rely primarily on her power, usually performing mostly big slams and throws, suplexes and heavy impact hits. She's incredibly strong, even for what her frame may suggest, having grown up performing rodeo events and wrestling down bulls since the age of twelve. She is a capable brawler as well since her punches packs a whole load of Texas power. When it comes to submissions...she might as well be called an expert at least when she adds in her amazing power to any hold. However, she does tends to transition to submission holds near the end of the match to finish off weakened opponents, no real use in using them when an opponent isn't weak enough to tap, not when she can just slam drive them through the ring with a well-placed powerbomb. She is capable of taking a lot of punishment, her main weakness though could be considered to be her general difficulty of dealing with faster opponents, as she isn't all that fast herself she might have trouble actually catching them...but if she does then they should be quite afraid of getting squashed.

Dixie is rough and powerful and throws down with all her power to tear down whatever her opponent tries to throw at her. Doing all she can to break their offense and defense with her legendary strength and unparalleled endurance. She's truly a force to be reckoned with, especially now that she has decided to incorporate a few more cheap-shots and fouls. While not often, she isn't above things like fish-hooks and the like. She is also a bit more promiscuous in matches. Willing to feel up and tease opponents more so than she did before her sudden turn.

Preferred Attacks: Powerbombs, suplexes, piledrivers, clotheslines, bearhugs, big boots, and a whole array of slams, torture racks and backbreaker racks.
Preferred Matches: Normal matches, submission matches, brawls.

Signature move/s:

Speed Buster - Sgt. Clemets bends her opponent over, locking her arms around the opponent's waist. Next, she lifts them up, flips them over on her shoulder and spins them 360°, and sideslams them back-first into the mat.

Night Stick - Sgt. Clemets first uppercuts her opponent in the stomach. With her Nightstick in hand, Dixie swings her weapon twice at her opponent's her opponent's head. She then unleashes one more uppercut with the Nightstick to her opponent's jaw, knocking them to the mat.

Double Bridge-hold A hold that utilizes Dixie's submission abilities. First, Dixie hooks each of the opponent’s legs in one of her arms, She steps over her opponent's arms and falls on her back. On the ground, Dixie bridges over to force her opponent to bridge, thus compressing their back.

Finishing move/s:

Clemets Buster - Dixie Clemets starts off with her opponent in a front facelock. Next, she drapes her opponent's near arm over her shoulder. Sgt. Clemets hooks her opponent's right leg and lifts her on her shoulders. She then runs forward, jumps and transitions into a seated position, driving her opponent back-first into the mat. Sgt. Clemets covers them for the pin.

Brahma Bull Rider - Sgt. Clemets sits on her opponent's back, facing away from their head. Next, she grabs both of her opponent's arms and pulls them back, stretching their shoulder joints.

Psycho Driver - A power throw that utilizes Dixie's strength. Dixie lifts up her opponent in an an Argentine backbreaker rack position. As she throws her opponent off of her shoulders, Dixe falls into a seated position, driving her opponent's head to the mat. Dixie pins her opponent upon impact.

Dixie Buster - A hold that utilizes Dixie's power and her ground abilities. Dixie first grabs her opponent's legs, crosses them into a '4' and holds them to her chest. Then she arches her back to catapult her opponent over her body, causing them to fall on their face and chest. From there, Dixie rolls over her opponent while holding her legs, transitioning into a Texas Cloverleaf. She leans backwards to compress on her opponent's back. Dixie likes to think of this move as her main finisher.


Dixie Clemets time in LAW and Japan itself has brought about a slight change in the formerly known as Three Count Cowgirl. Having changed up her persona slightly ever since her tussles with the like of Alaina Sanders, Karen Starring and even her good old rival Aisha.

She made the decision to go down the route of being a badgirl, no longer sticking to her old goody goody nature. Instead now she portrays herself like a crooked cop, as she often spent her days in Texas working as a deputy, she simply ported over a bit of the slightly rougher attitude she used when dealing with criminals. She's not outright evil or anything though, she's still the same old Dixie just that she's dropped the pretense of being the All-American girl. She quite likes playing the bad-girl in fact.

She is willing to perform fouls, she is a fair bit more mocking and rude than she used to be. It's Dixie without the filter that she used to keep up before. Allowed to finally let loose she feels a lot more free and enjoys herself more.


As the daughter of a prominent Texas rancher, Dixie grew up helping out at the family ranch- easily holding her own with her male counterparts in the rough and tumble Texas landscape. Her in-ring costume even has her family's branding emblem on it.

She began competing in rodeo contests at the age of twelve and would go on and continue to be a regular winner in the event ever since then. She also spends a lot of time helping out at the local Sheriff's office (the badge on her outfit is likely a reference to this). She trained herself as a wrestler because of her great admiration of Kamikaze Rose, the legendary wrestler passed away in the ring though, still it did not quench Dixie's thirst to get into the ring it only fueled it.

After many years of training and finally stepping into the ring she quickly started to gain traction and fame as the Three Count Cowgirl. Soon she found her way to Rumble Roses, for the sole reason that she learned that the daughter of Kamikaze Rose was going to be there. Dixie went to face off against Reiko Hinomoto and found many strong opponents. Not only that but she found herself in many epic battles with Reiko Hinomoto.

Though with Rumble Roses finally coming to a close, Dixie sought her way towards a different promotion and found her way to LAW.

Since joining LAW, Dixie started to lose support and favor with the fans. A few fouls and cheap moves and tactics earning her more and more jeers and boos until finally it seemed like no one was behind her anymore. Dixie became fed up with the hypocrisy of the crowd, who at one point cheered and called her the number one Face Wrestler, then started to boo her for a few simple bad deeds. Such a wishy washy thing as crowd support became lost on Dixie.

Turning away from her old persona of the Three Count Cowgirl, the Renegade cop who employs vigilante justice and dirty tactics came forth. Sgt. Clemets. Here to stay.


Ring Attire
Normal Clothing


Wrestling Images


Reiko Hinomoto
Karen Starring
Alaina Sanders
Reiko Hinomoto
Last edited by Devastated on Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:50 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Re: Dixie Clemets - The Three Count Cowgirl

Unread post by Devastated »

Name: Dixie Clemets
Age: 27
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Nationality: USA
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: "Yankee Rose"

Wrestling Style: Dixie prefers to use attacks that rely primarily on her power, usually performing mostly big slams and throws, suplexes and heavy impact hits. She's incredibly strong, even for what her frame may suggest, having grown up performing rodeo events and wrestling down bulls since the age of twelve. She is a capable brawler as well since her punches packs a whole load of Texas power. When it comes to submissions...she might as well be called an expert at least when she adds in her amazing power to any hold. However, she does tends to transition to submission holds near the end of the match to finish off weakened opponents, no real use in using them when an opponent isn't weak enough to tap, not when she can just slam drive them through the ring with a well-placed powerbomb. She is capable of taking a lot of punishment, her main weakness though could be considered to be her general difficulty of dealing with faster opponents, as she isn't all that fast herself she might have trouble actually catching them...but if she does then they should be quite afraid of getting squashed.

Preferred Attacks: Powerbombs, suplexes, piledrivers, clotheslines, bearhugs, big boots, and a whole array of slams.
Preferred Matches: Normal matches, submission matches, brawls.

Finishing move/s:

Psycho Driver - A power throw that utilizes Dixie's strength. Dixie lifts up her opponent in an an Argentine backbreaker rack position. As she throws her opponent off of her shoulders, Dixe falls into a seated position, driving her opponent's head to the mat. Dixie pins her opponent upon impact.

Dixie Buster - A hold that utilizes Dixie's power and her ground abilities. Dixie first grabs her opponent's legs, crosses them into a '4' and holds them to her chest. Then she arches her back to catapult her opponent over her body, causing them to fall on their face and chest. From there, Dixie rolls over her opponent while holding her legs, transitioning into a Texas Cloverleaf. She leans backwards to compress on her opponent's back. Dixie likes to think of this move as her main finisher.

Swing Dixie Buster This is a hold that Dixie usually saves for especially tough opponents. A hold that utilizes Dixie's power and her ground abilities. Dixie first grabs her opponent's legs, crosses them into a '4' and holds them to her chest. Next, she pivots, spinning around to lift her opponent off of the mat. After spinning several times, she arches her back to catapult her opponent over her body, causing them to fall on their face. From there, Dixie rolls over her opponent while holding her legs, transitioning into a Texas Cloverleaf. She leans backwards to compress on her opponent's back.

Double Bridge-hold A hold that utilizes Dixie's submission abilities. First, Dixie hooks each of the opponent’s legs in one of her arms, She steps over her opponent's arms and falls on her back. On the ground, Dixie bridges over to force her opponent to bridge, thus compressing their back.


Dixie Clemets is very much the embodiment of an archetypal lady from Texas-she's boisterous, energetic, hardworking, confident and sociable. She even speaks with a pronounced 'Texas' accent. She is well known for her showboating, always eager to show off her figure and skills both in and out of the ring.

While Dixie is used to being the center of attention, she's still able to quickly make friends with ease-thanks in no small part to her outgoing and cheerful nature.

Dixie is also extremely confident about her appearance, as reflected in her in-ring costumes. Despite all this showmanship, Dixie is firmly established as a "Babyface". She's also very loyal to her friends and values civic duty, as seen by her work with local law enforcement. Dixie is fairly laid back and is rarely prone to becoming upset or outraged.

Even so, maybe some day one might be able to see a shift in Dixie's personality....


As the daughter of a prominent Texas rancher, Dixie grew up helping out at the family ranch- easily holding her own with her male counterparts in the rough and tumble Texas landscape. Her in-ring costume even has her family's branding emblem on it.

She began competing in rodeo contests at the age of twelve and would go on and continue to be a regular winner in the event ever since then. She also spends a lot of time helping out at the local Sheriff's office (the badge on her outfit is likely a reference to this). She trained herself as a wrestler because of her great admiration of Kamikaze Rose, the legendary wrestler passed away in the ring though, still it did not quench Dixie's thirst to get into the ring it only fueled it.

After many years of training and finally stepping into the ring she quickly started to gain traction and fame as the Three Count Cowgirl. Soon she found her way to Rumble Roses, for the sole reason that she learned that the daughter of Kamikaze Rose was going to be there. Dixie went to face off against Reiko Hinomoto and found many strong opponents. Not only that but she found herself in many epic battles with Reiko Hinomoto.

Though with Rumble Roses finally coming to a close, Dixie sought her way towards a different promotion and found her way to LAW.


Ring Attire

Wrestling Images
Reiko Hinomoto
Alaina Sanders
Reiko Hinomoto
Last edited by Devastated on Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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