Nicknames: "The Noble Queen” “The Black Empress"
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Height: 5’11"
Weight: 174 pounds
Nationality: British
Alignment: Face (Tweener while Black Empress)
Entrance music:
Noble Queen
Black Empress
Strategy: Use her strength to overpower the opponent, and land slam after slam to put them down.
Style: Pro Wrestling
Type: Powerhouse
Preferred Attacks: Chops, surfboards, ankle locks, STO's, scoop slams, suplexes, breast smothers, and facesitting.
Preferred Matches: Iron woman, hentai, smother, POW, humiliation, and table (Likes to have kinky stipulations on matches like Tables)
Endurance: ★★★
Strength: ★★★★
Speed: ★★
Defense: ★★★★
Technique: ★★★
Strikes: ★★★
Submissions: ★★★
Powerhouse: ★★★★
Aerial: ★★
Counters: ★★★
Throne Breaker (After adjusting her opponent near the corner, Cynthia will climb the ropes before coming down on her foe ass first):
Kingslayer Bomb (Saito Suplex):

Full Nelson:
A Woman’s Wrath:

Visual Appearance:
Cynthia is a taller woman with big tits and blond hair. She also has an ass that she’s quite proud of.
Cynthia is a friendly and kind woman to the core most of the time, but she likes to act like a cold mistress who enjoys showing off her dominance at times. This is just a front though, and she always gives her opponents the respect they deserve afterwards. She’s also a lusty woman, which gets out of control at times. (The way to her heart is breast worship)
While growing up in a higher class family, Cynthia was never fond of the life of a “proper” woman. She’d rather have fun outside with the boys who were rough housing. But her parents were too protective of their daughter to allow such a thing. Eventually though Cynthia would grow to be taller than most of the other boys, so when she snuck out at times to play with them, the boys needed to worry.
By the age of 15 Cynthia was already 5’10” and could hold her own with the boy’s rough activities. So when one of her friends mentioned wrestling to Cynthia, the blond was quick to learn more.
The woman would eventually join a gym after getting hooked on watching wrestling. And thanks to her size and determination, Cynthia was a quick learner. Her specialties were slams, piledrivers, and STO’s…but anything strength based she could do with ease. She’d continue her training for a few years until she finally debuted. The match was tough, but in the end the blond came out on top. This would only be the first in a long line of wins for the woman, and soon enough she’d become known as, “The Noble Queen”.
Cynthia also had a dark side, though. On the side, the blond would fight in less reputable clubs as “The Black Empress”. As the empress she was colder and faced off in hentai matches. Most of which had her dominating her opponents before taking them home with her, which wasn’t part of the match! Cynthia was never punished for these “kidnappings” though, because for some reason, the other girls never complained. In truth Cynthia was always respectful to her opponents behind closed doors. She still had her way with the women she beat, but it was secretly agreed upon before each match.
One day her secret was revealed though, and was given the new name, “The Two Faced Queen”. Her parents disapproved of her darker side, but Cynthia was free to do as she pleased now, and she believed it was time to bring both sides of her to a new league. And luckily for her, a new one named LAW had just opened for business.
Wrestling Attire: (See pics)
For Noble Queen she wears a blue and gold one piece with similarly colored boots.
For Black Empress she wears a black (but more revealing) one piece and similarly colored boots.
Wrestling Attire

Hentai/Alternate Attire

Entrance Attire

Casual Attire


The Queen's Rear

Business Attire

Gym Clothes

Black Empress

Black Empress Wrestling Attire

Black Empress Hentai Attire


Enjoys eating cake
Likes drinking tea
Loves using her breasts and rear to smother
Has several foreplays she enjoys. They include “Queen / Servant” “Queen VS Queen” and “Mistress / Prisoner”.
Dislikes rude people
Loves when people worship her tits
Enjoys swimming
Loves being spanked
LAW Information