(Special thanks to thesteedman for permission to use the character)
Real Name: KeeraAge:27
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Red
Weight:215 lbs
Nationality: Brazilian
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music:
Cold, Arrogant, Vengeful
Wrestling Information
Preferred Attacks: Bearhugs, Claw Holds, Lifts & Slams, Fighting Dirty
Preferred Matches: Standard, Submissions
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★ - Can take a bit of punishment and can last through a long match.
Strength ★★★★★ - Probably stronger then a bear or at the very has the bearhug power of one
Speed ★★★ - Average
Defense ★★ - Not that difficult to execute a move on her.
Technique ★★ - Not know for being graceful
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★ - Basic strikes
Submissions ★★★★★ - Can break you if the refs don't stop her in time
Powerhouse ★★★★★ - Can powerslam or lift some of the more heavier opponents
Aerials ★- Not really her thing except some basic top rope leaps
Counters ★★ - Only knows some basic counters.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Finishing Moves
Constrictor's Coils: Combination Reverse Bearhug/Bodyscissor
Wins/Losses: 0/0
Match History