Age: 32
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 186 lbs Interviewer was bodyslammed for this question.
Alignment: Face (?)
Fighting Style: Brawler/Powerhouse
Theme: Soon(™)
Strength: S+
Endurance: A+
Speed: C-
Defense: B+
Hentai: A-
Athletic, voluptuous, sensual, there was nothing Jamie Jackson couldn’t do.
Born into an impoverished household, Jamie was always filled with a desire to succeed and rise above her current status, and in that regard she passed with flying colors throughout her life.
A talented athlete with an impressive body and a love for pummeling people in more ways than one, she quickly became a favored wrestler in school, choosing this sport in particular to sate her desire for more physical competition. In spite of this, upon graduating from state university, she spent her time raising her fortunes elsewhere, only returning to the two sports after having both amassed a fair amount of wealth in other ventures, and having also gone through an unpleasant breakup that seemed to shape her outlook on life once again.
This change in career wound up taking her into the increasingly raunchy and depraved wrestling business. Making a name for herself in the indie scene, it didn’t take long for the voluptuous Jamie Jackson to reach LAW soon afterwards.
Elegant yet hedonistic, Jamie shows a healthy respect for anyone who can step toe to toe with her either in the ring or in bed. She pays no heed to her opponent’s background or history, choosing only to judge them by their skills in the ring, or for the lucky, in bed. She can of course, feign the sort of vapid, soulless talk and bluster than many other wealthy socialites indulge in, but she views it for the miserable facade that it is; She would rather look pristine and elegant while putting another wrestler against her knee than in any sort of gala or ball. Even humiliation at the hands of a skilled opponent is preferable to this, and she does secretly harbor an admiration for anyone who can go that far with her.
Main Attires
Can and will alternate between these outfits for any given match.
Special Attire
She will wear this for whatever she considers to be a special occasion.