Addison "Redback" Alinta
General Info
Real Name: Addison Audrey Alinta
Ring Name: "Redback"
Age: 43
Eye colour: Blood Red
Hair colour: Black
Height: 6'5
Weight: 197lbs
Sexuality: Polysexual
Nationality: Australian, from Canberra
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Theme
That was until her 18th birthday, when something truly tragic happened. A Redback spider had just taken residence in the house and, as her father went to remove it from the house, it fell onto his neck. Panicked, the spider used its insticts and bit into his jugular. He tragically died that day. With Addison being the only owner of the mansion, she tried contacting her mother, but she had long since renarried, and blocked her number. Addison then looked to find both a partner, and a hobby. Both of which came in the form of Aaron, a fitness instructor and a keen wrestler, as well as erotic fighting too. The two loved each other, and Aaron treated her like gold. He even trained her a bunch, as she enjoyed getting pumped up. The two even had a child in Danielle, who is now 18 years old.
Tragically, everything fell apart when Aaron was killed in a motorbiking accident when Addison was 40. Left alone with her now 15 year old daughter, she took up amateur wrestling as a stress reliever, bit something in her, changed. She got far more aggressive, haughty and stand-offish, to the point where her daughter was chastised and ridiculed. She regularly won tournaments though, and one came with a LAW contract, which she accepted. With her daughter now solely looking after the estate, Addison went off to let out her stress in LAW.
Personality: Allison is standoffish and cocky, always thinking if herself as a goddess amongst humans. She hates people who think that they are of equal significance to ger and will show no qualms about it. She is often quoted as saying "Ohoho" a lot, as well as holding her hand up and twiddling with her hair, a sign of her mocking her opponent. But tgat doesnt mean she is weak. Far from it. She is ruthless, both in aggression and in sexual prowess. Her husband taught her well.
Wrestling Info
Fighting Style: Highly aggressive, doesnt like defebding herself, as she thinks its a sign of weakness.Preferred matches: Anything.
Strengths: Those muscles are not for show. She hits like a freight train.
Weaknesses: With her having no defensive strategy, she can be exploited and counterattacked easily.
Finishing move:None
Attitude towards hentai: "Ohohoho! You measly peasants think you can stop the almighty Redback? Let me show you how REAL women fuck"
Picture Gallery
Wrestling Attire
Bikini Attire
LAW Match Record
Won: 0
Lost: 0
Draw: 0