Muscle Mommy Idol: Hana Kasagawa

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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The Riders
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Muscle Mommy Idol: Hana Kasagawa

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Name: Hana Kasagawa
Age: 37
Wrestling Nickname: Muscle Mommy Idol
Home Life: Mother of two kids ages ten and three
Relationship status: Single.
Weight: 175
Height: 5'11
Race: Mixed (Japanese-Korean)
Former Work Profession: Body Builder (Younger year) Idol
Ring Experience: Four Months
Wrestling Finisher: Bear Hug. Scissors Holds
Entrance Theme song: Konya Wa Hurricane- from Bubblegum Crisis

Personality: Very kind, fun-loving woman. Hana has always been a people-pleaser, growing up almost to the point of people, coworkers, friends, and family saying that the woman doesn't have a mean bone in her body at all. One major issue that gets her into trouble is her innocent and optimistic views on other people and herself, since she figures that everyone is doing what they love and getting a chance to shine in the wrestling business and that she would be welcomed in the sisterhood that all Joshi wrestlers have with each other. `Some call her dull-minded and gullible, but she has always been very trusting when it comes to meeting and speaking with people, almost to the point of it being laughable at how many times she has been stabbed in the back by former friends, but Hana just smiles and keeps moving forward, not letting it get her down since she in her life has everything she ever wanted and now looks to embrace the spot life for once and to show her little ones that she is a cool mother.

History: Hana was born in Seoul, South Korea, to a former Japanese idol and former Olympic wrestler. Her mother, the singer of the idol group Bubblegum M, retired due to being pregnant with Hana, which led to a massive scandal in the news due to both not being married or seen in the public eye at all. But Hana's father decided to make it public, and in a smooth move that shocked everyone and rocked the sports world and idol world, he proposed on live TV after taking home a silver medal in Greco-Roman wrestling, which her mother accepted in a live performance. Hana, growing up, was sheltered by her mother to an insane extent, mostly due to both parents being famous and with a lot of fans mostly from her mother's old days, which brought on a lot of the more creepy fans that used to stalk her to try to find a way to see her through Hana, who was young and trusting at the time. Her trusting nature was taken advantage of when a former ex-wife of her mother appeared and helped her get home from school after her mother had run late from dealing with a hospital visit. Due to her being ten at the time and the man saying he knew her mother, she allowed him to enter their house.

but thankfully her father was there and fought the man to the ground before police were called with a few cuts from the switchblade the man held. It was there that Hana saw the good in the problem no matter what they did, as she still thanked him for getting her home safely even after he took advantage to try and hurt her family. After that accident, her family basically sent her to the best schools in the country to study and learn, even putting her in an arranged marriage with the son of a trusted business friend of her mother from her idol days.

Sadly, the marriage was lifeless for the young woman, who felt that she could do more in her life than just be a stay-at-home mom. So, taking the backlash after having her second child, she divorced her husband and split custody of her kids with him due to the different parts of their lives and being more friends than lovers between them. Out of her marriage, Hana decided to be as good as possible, helping out and doing whatever she could to try and make up for lost time, volunteering at different sites, and it was there that she saw a commercial for a gym membership that had an actual wrestler in it talking about how great it is to be in shape. Seeing that the woman was sold and dived head first into training, putting on muscle and wearing a redo of her mother's old idol outfit, Hana went on a tear-winning contest before running into an agent who handed her a card for trying to get into the wrestling business. Seeing that as another goal, she eagerly jumped into training and was quickly signed by L.A.W.
Last edited by The Riders on Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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