Name: Valérie Villeneuve
Hair Color: Blonde with blue tones
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6’1
Weight: 175
Alignment: Tweener (Heel Leaning)
Entrance Theme: I’m Here Revisited
Fighting Style:
Just take a look and despair at the lack of weaknesses
In reality Valérie is a jack of all trades, not particularly weak in any area. Yet she does take more to some areas. Like striking and grappling. Valérie focused her weight training to ensure that her blows would have maximum impact without suffering too much of a loss in her other physical statistics. There are times where she can choose to be brutish and powerhouse someone through a match. Though with an ego like hers it's impossible to predict.
Despite all of these great attributes, Valérie is not perfect. Body, mind and soul are key in a fight. Valérie surely has the body and soul. But her mind is lacking. At the end of the day the woman is driven by an inferiority complex that she hides well. Creating an ego for herself and needing a body to back up that ego. Those cerebral or experienced enough can take advantage of Valérie and cripple her. While versed in a great deal of styles. Valérie’s ego sometimes may compel her to stick with one strategy over others. Leaving her open to the weakness of staying stagnant.
As for a physical weakness. While none stand out, she can be tricked (play into her ego) into competing against a specialist in their realm. As opposed to strategizing as she normally would.
Despite all of these great attributes, Valérie is not perfect. Body, mind and soul are key in a fight. Valérie surely has the body and soul. But her mind is lacking. At the end of the day the woman is driven by an inferiority complex that she hides well. Creating an ego for herself and needing a body to back up that ego. Those cerebral or experienced enough can take advantage of Valérie and cripple her. While versed in a great deal of styles. Valérie’s ego sometimes may compel her to stick with one strategy over others. Leaving her open to the weakness of staying stagnant.
As for a physical weakness. While none stand out, she can be tricked (play into her ego) into competing against a specialist in their realm. As opposed to strategizing as she normally would.
Battle Stats:
Don’t be shocked as I do you better than youStrength: 8/10: While not the hulk, Valérie is giving most a run for their money
Speed: 7/10: Admittedly her size dampens her speed, but not too great degree
Stamina: 8/10: Literally trained from a young age to keep herself going for a long time
Endurance: 7/10: Built to last, but not like a tank
Defense: 6/10: Her ego is to blame for this lacking portion. Why defend when she should be attacking
Technique: 9/10: Valérie’s time studying was not a waste in the slightest.
Wrestling Stats:
Comme prévuStrikes: 10/10: Strike based martial arts were something Valérie took special interest.
Powerhouse: 8/10: Wanting to throw hated family members was enough excused for Valérie to train herself to toss a whole lot of people
Submissions: 7/10: Careful, one misstep and suddenly you may lose an arm
Counters: 3/10: Valérie obtained an ego too large to consider countering. Since that would mean she’s losing.
Aerials: 4/10: Rare but plausible
Signature Moves
Fais ton choix, je suis au moins courtoisBody Seal
Villeneuve Suplex
Don’t touch
French Backbreaker
Guillotine Hold
Guillotine Blade
Guillotine Slam
Finisher Moves
Oh ho, so you made it this fair? Well won’t this part be fun
Final Flourish
Silencing the Rabble
A Noblewoman’s promise
Heavenly Punishment
undeserving verison
Critical Finisher
Let them eat dirt
front version
A ball of perfection and nothing less
Not one to shy away from who and what she is. What you see from Valérie is what you get. Self-centered, rude, egotistical, toxic and at times maniacal. Being born into wealth and power did very little to humble Valérie. Always needing to make herself the center of attention. Being the loudest in the room, because if its not her then whats the point. Every aristocratic trait can be applied to Valérie and even amplified tenfold. Making it seem like to everyone that there is a great chasm between them and Valérie.
At least that is what she would have you believe. Valérie is a wonderful actress who has fooled so many people. Behind the facade she is just a little girl with an inferiority complex and perfectionist tendencies wanting to impress her family. The weight having to bear her family name is crushing and seemingly impossible to carry. Nonetheless Valérie will carry it. The girl is compassionate, caring, fun loving and understanding the value of hardwork to its fullest. Valérie is studious and perceptive to see through other people. Yet fails to see through her own faults. A girl trapped by the desire of a family that spans back 100 years of history.
Due to her haughty personality, Valérie cannot make friends easily. Naturally disdainful of almost everyone. Lacking meaningful social connections, Valérie misses out on some normal social conventions. Despite having been seen as a trophy by other men of her status. Valérie has no knowledge of romance whatsoever. Having to read shojo manga to get an idea. Even liking it a tad.
At least that is what she would have you believe. Valérie is a wonderful actress who has fooled so many people. Behind the facade she is just a little girl with an inferiority complex and perfectionist tendencies wanting to impress her family. The weight having to bear her family name is crushing and seemingly impossible to carry. Nonetheless Valérie will carry it. The girl is compassionate, caring, fun loving and understanding the value of hardwork to its fullest. Valérie is studious and perceptive to see through other people. Yet fails to see through her own faults. A girl trapped by the desire of a family that spans back 100 years of history.
Due to her haughty personality, Valérie cannot make friends easily. Naturally disdainful of almost everyone. Lacking meaningful social connections, Valérie misses out on some normal social conventions. Despite having been seen as a trophy by other men of her status. Valérie has no knowledge of romance whatsoever. Having to read shojo manga to get an idea. Even liking it a tad.
C'est la partie que nous pouvons sauter
Most people are born into some struggle. They may not even recognize it themselves until an older age. Be it financial, political, racial, geographical, societal or etc. Valérie is not included in that group. She is lucky to have been born into the Villenueve family. A family with a history spanning 100 years, and possibly even further. Tracing it back to kings, holy knights and priests if you can believe it. With Valérie being another child in this long line of royalty. While the world may have done away with kings and queens. The traditions remain. Having said that Valérie was propped up as the newest heir, and the world be theirs. The modernization of the family would be in the Villenueve Global Media. If you think of any aspect of the media, odds are Villeneuve Global Media has a hand in it. The common people shorten it to Ville Media
Strong and genius were the leaders of this family. All of them are role model figures for the common folk. Telling themselves the lies that they can achieve Villenueve status if they tried hard enough. The men and women of the family had high aspirations for the newborn in Valérie. Already preparing everything she would need to take over the world. One issue arose though with Valérie
The child was frail…
A word used around the family frequently, Valérie nearly died from her birth. Looking sickly at that. The doctors said it was a miracle she’s alive. Growing up Valérie only parental figures would be her grandparents, father and head maid Elise. Valérie’s mother was not seen after her birth for some reason. Making Elise take up that maternal role for Valérie. Valérie was anything but the Villenueve standard. Her arms were skinny, her legs looked as though they’d break after a jump. As for Valérie’s body, a joke was made that a simple breeze would take her away. When it came to that natural intelligence in the family. Valérie did not possess it either, being born with a learning disability, hence needing an extraordinary amount of schooling to do the bare minimum. Valérie wouldn’t know it yet, but she lived life happily with her family glaring at her with daggers.
Valérie is average…
No that can’t be, average we can work with, look at Eustace
Valérie is worse than average…
Parents and family members are often unaware of when it happens. That time when children become socially aware of their surroundings. Considering Valérie's “position” they figured that would never come. So at a certain point, not coddling her and blatantly insulting her or disrespecting her. Elise could not fight back in defense of Valérie. She would lose her job and then Valérie would truly be alone. Valérie would fight back of course, but it would fall on deaf ears. Her words aren’t good enough to be heard. She would try and try, but nothing would remove her status as the “punching bag” of the family. Combat sports, horse racing, cartoons, common people music. Any little thing she had interest in would be seen as a point to attack her. Even if some family members shared the same interest. The goal was simple at that point. Elise tried to ease Valérie’s pain by making it okay for Valérie to have her interest. Even taking them on herself so that Valérie had someone to talk to. Despite being a high born, Valérie is treated even worse. Valérie was often found in the basement with the help. As she was good friends with everyone on the staff. Every single one of them sighting Valérie as the nicest and kindest one. Though in trying to find some love with her family Valérie tried changing her attitude, matching her fathers. Cold, calm, collected and cutting with the workers. That didn’t work, He still wouldn’t look at this daughter. Claiming that Valérie was lucky to be born into this family. Not the family being lucky to have Valérie. This cut Valérie deeply and painfully. Of course Valérie immediately began to cry and apologize to the staff. Valérie didn’t have the words for it yet, but the staff became a family of sorts.
Yet the words of her father would have a particular effect on Valérie. If she can’t naturally become the Villenueve standard. Then she would force herself to become that. No surpass that. Not that anyone was paying attention to Valérie at this point. She used her family's wealth to her advantage. Many sleepless nights learning things that are extremely hard for her. The staff would be more than ready to help Valérie achieve her goals. Wanting nothing but Valérie to feel the love of her real family. Remember mentally Valérie would be in 10th grade (Lycee Seconde) , but her learning is on par with a 7th grade (Cinquieme). Still Valérie persevered through her own studies. Essentially putting herself through school, despite the education being readily available to her. As for her body, Valérie would do supplementary studying on the human body. Learning how it works and how it can be improved through fitness. Hence Valérie garnering the attention of world class trainers. Signing NDAs of course as such is common with the Villenueve and their private endeavors. Valérie was a complete cluts, failing every exercise, not understanding proper form, difficulty lifting the smallest weights. Despite no other family being present. She could hear them laughing in her mind, and that was enough to anger her. But also fuel her to continue. As her general education was reaching its conclusion. Valérie specifically picked to study the media business and all it entails. The girl was obsessing over her goal to reach this height. A height that her family made it seem like it was impossible for her to reach.
Days became weeks, weeks became months, months became years. Valérie continued undeterred, picking herself up from the mud as it were. Though in this process while she was on her way up. Valérie picked up on her family's worst habits. Seemingly heartless, insulting, mean and toxic. Despite Elise doing her best to keep Valérie as she was. This was Valérie’s subconscious effort to bridge that gap between herself and her family. Which would become a self defense mechanism to their abuse. Cutting back with her own witty remarks and the like. Slowly but surely the compassionate child was being locked away. With hints of it still shining through like her compassion. Valérie will recognize anyone and everyone’s hard work.
To the family, Valérie’s change was unnoticed. Yet there’d be some comments on Valérie’s physical appearance.
“Hey did you see Valérie today?”
“Yes, why do you ask”
“Didn’t she look bigger to you?”
“Bigger how?”
“Like she’s a tad bit taller, and even wider? I’m not sure how to explain it”
“It must be your mind playing tricks on you”
Little comments like that would start to be commonplace in the coming months. No one approached Valérie, because why would they, she’s filth. Yet as with most people Valérie would have a growth spurt like any child. The family wrote this off of course. Naturally, Valérie wanted to expand her knowledge and left home to study and work on herself elsewhere. Luckily she was able to take some of the staff with her. Seeing as to her family they are easily replaceable. Away from her family Valérie would try to keep in contact with them. Not that they would respond to her calls. Calls that eventually would stop coming. Whether or not anyone was worried is up to you.
Now alone Valérie put more focus on her body, continuing to train and diet with the worlds greatest. Not only that, she even took combat training from several practitioners. Seeing as her interest aligned with combat sports. Might as well make some fun out of it. This came at the suggestion of the staff for Valérie to relieve herself of some of the tension and anger she felt at home. (Don’t wanna make this too long so separately is Valérie’s training journey)
3 years pass and Valérie is 24 now finally returning home. Yet her reception wasn’t like anyone else’s. Of course no one showed up, yet once she made contact with some family members. Variations of this conversation happened
“Olivier! Olivier! Did you see Valérie today?”
“By the gods Louis calm yourself, no I haven't. What is the matter, is she okay?”
“Is she okay? What sort of question is that, the woman is a modern amazon standing at over 6 feet!!!”
“Oh I see this must be some sort of joke. There is no world in which you use those words to describe Valérie”
(Meets Valérie)
“How did this happen!?! I thought she was the defect of the family”
“Yes I know, the woman could crush me with her arms if she wished”
A homecoming that was accompanied by silence was only followed by waves of conversations. Valérie being the topic of all of them. Valérie became a completely new woman, yet it was undeniable that it was her. The resemblance was uncanny. Her physical body, now rivaling some of the most fit in the family. Now that her body was unable to be made fun of. Her intelligence was next. Constantly quizzing Valérie on the day to day of the family. Wanting to make fun of her the moment she failed to understand. Economics, finance, business administration, accounting, stats. Valérie understood them all with. Some level of mastery to them at that. After proving that her intelligence now was top of the line, she was afforded some opportunity to prove herself. Prove herself Valérie did as she smashed all expectations. This gave her more opportunities and even more standing within her family. For the first time since her birth. Valérie’s father looked at her with a smile. Now acknowledging his daughter.
Though Valérie wasn’t done, now that she had some standing within the family. She needed to make something hers. Not playing by the rules of anyone else, instead making her own rules. What better way to do that than to venture out into combat sports. With an announcement like that Valérie knew she would once again have to work to have her name put among the greats. Yet work is something Valérie never ran away from. Wanting to stamp her mark on the world and the family who scorned her.
Strong and genius were the leaders of this family. All of them are role model figures for the common folk. Telling themselves the lies that they can achieve Villenueve status if they tried hard enough. The men and women of the family had high aspirations for the newborn in Valérie. Already preparing everything she would need to take over the world. One issue arose though with Valérie
The child was frail…
A word used around the family frequently, Valérie nearly died from her birth. Looking sickly at that. The doctors said it was a miracle she’s alive. Growing up Valérie only parental figures would be her grandparents, father and head maid Elise. Valérie’s mother was not seen after her birth for some reason. Making Elise take up that maternal role for Valérie. Valérie was anything but the Villenueve standard. Her arms were skinny, her legs looked as though they’d break after a jump. As for Valérie’s body, a joke was made that a simple breeze would take her away. When it came to that natural intelligence in the family. Valérie did not possess it either, being born with a learning disability, hence needing an extraordinary amount of schooling to do the bare minimum. Valérie wouldn’t know it yet, but she lived life happily with her family glaring at her with daggers.
Valérie is average…
No that can’t be, average we can work with, look at Eustace
Valérie is worse than average…
Parents and family members are often unaware of when it happens. That time when children become socially aware of their surroundings. Considering Valérie's “position” they figured that would never come. So at a certain point, not coddling her and blatantly insulting her or disrespecting her. Elise could not fight back in defense of Valérie. She would lose her job and then Valérie would truly be alone. Valérie would fight back of course, but it would fall on deaf ears. Her words aren’t good enough to be heard. She would try and try, but nothing would remove her status as the “punching bag” of the family. Combat sports, horse racing, cartoons, common people music. Any little thing she had interest in would be seen as a point to attack her. Even if some family members shared the same interest. The goal was simple at that point. Elise tried to ease Valérie’s pain by making it okay for Valérie to have her interest. Even taking them on herself so that Valérie had someone to talk to. Despite being a high born, Valérie is treated even worse. Valérie was often found in the basement with the help. As she was good friends with everyone on the staff. Every single one of them sighting Valérie as the nicest and kindest one. Though in trying to find some love with her family Valérie tried changing her attitude, matching her fathers. Cold, calm, collected and cutting with the workers. That didn’t work, He still wouldn’t look at this daughter. Claiming that Valérie was lucky to be born into this family. Not the family being lucky to have Valérie. This cut Valérie deeply and painfully. Of course Valérie immediately began to cry and apologize to the staff. Valérie didn’t have the words for it yet, but the staff became a family of sorts.
Yet the words of her father would have a particular effect on Valérie. If she can’t naturally become the Villenueve standard. Then she would force herself to become that. No surpass that. Not that anyone was paying attention to Valérie at this point. She used her family's wealth to her advantage. Many sleepless nights learning things that are extremely hard for her. The staff would be more than ready to help Valérie achieve her goals. Wanting nothing but Valérie to feel the love of her real family. Remember mentally Valérie would be in 10th grade (Lycee Seconde) , but her learning is on par with a 7th grade (Cinquieme). Still Valérie persevered through her own studies. Essentially putting herself through school, despite the education being readily available to her. As for her body, Valérie would do supplementary studying on the human body. Learning how it works and how it can be improved through fitness. Hence Valérie garnering the attention of world class trainers. Signing NDAs of course as such is common with the Villenueve and their private endeavors. Valérie was a complete cluts, failing every exercise, not understanding proper form, difficulty lifting the smallest weights. Despite no other family being present. She could hear them laughing in her mind, and that was enough to anger her. But also fuel her to continue. As her general education was reaching its conclusion. Valérie specifically picked to study the media business and all it entails. The girl was obsessing over her goal to reach this height. A height that her family made it seem like it was impossible for her to reach.
Days became weeks, weeks became months, months became years. Valérie continued undeterred, picking herself up from the mud as it were. Though in this process while she was on her way up. Valérie picked up on her family's worst habits. Seemingly heartless, insulting, mean and toxic. Despite Elise doing her best to keep Valérie as she was. This was Valérie’s subconscious effort to bridge that gap between herself and her family. Which would become a self defense mechanism to their abuse. Cutting back with her own witty remarks and the like. Slowly but surely the compassionate child was being locked away. With hints of it still shining through like her compassion. Valérie will recognize anyone and everyone’s hard work.
To the family, Valérie’s change was unnoticed. Yet there’d be some comments on Valérie’s physical appearance.
“Hey did you see Valérie today?”
“Yes, why do you ask”
“Didn’t she look bigger to you?”
“Bigger how?”
“Like she’s a tad bit taller, and even wider? I’m not sure how to explain it”
“It must be your mind playing tricks on you”
Little comments like that would start to be commonplace in the coming months. No one approached Valérie, because why would they, she’s filth. Yet as with most people Valérie would have a growth spurt like any child. The family wrote this off of course. Naturally, Valérie wanted to expand her knowledge and left home to study and work on herself elsewhere. Luckily she was able to take some of the staff with her. Seeing as to her family they are easily replaceable. Away from her family Valérie would try to keep in contact with them. Not that they would respond to her calls. Calls that eventually would stop coming. Whether or not anyone was worried is up to you.
Now alone Valérie put more focus on her body, continuing to train and diet with the worlds greatest. Not only that, she even took combat training from several practitioners. Seeing as her interest aligned with combat sports. Might as well make some fun out of it. This came at the suggestion of the staff for Valérie to relieve herself of some of the tension and anger she felt at home. (Don’t wanna make this too long so separately is Valérie’s training journey)
3 years pass and Valérie is 24 now finally returning home. Yet her reception wasn’t like anyone else’s. Of course no one showed up, yet once she made contact with some family members. Variations of this conversation happened
“Olivier! Olivier! Did you see Valérie today?”
“By the gods Louis calm yourself, no I haven't. What is the matter, is she okay?”
“Is she okay? What sort of question is that, the woman is a modern amazon standing at over 6 feet!!!”
“Oh I see this must be some sort of joke. There is no world in which you use those words to describe Valérie”
(Meets Valérie)
“How did this happen!?! I thought she was the defect of the family”
“Yes I know, the woman could crush me with her arms if she wished”
A homecoming that was accompanied by silence was only followed by waves of conversations. Valérie being the topic of all of them. Valérie became a completely new woman, yet it was undeniable that it was her. The resemblance was uncanny. Her physical body, now rivaling some of the most fit in the family. Now that her body was unable to be made fun of. Her intelligence was next. Constantly quizzing Valérie on the day to day of the family. Wanting to make fun of her the moment she failed to understand. Economics, finance, business administration, accounting, stats. Valérie understood them all with. Some level of mastery to them at that. After proving that her intelligence now was top of the line, she was afforded some opportunity to prove herself. Prove herself Valérie did as she smashed all expectations. This gave her more opportunities and even more standing within her family. For the first time since her birth. Valérie’s father looked at her with a smile. Now acknowledging his daughter.
Though Valérie wasn’t done, now that she had some standing within the family. She needed to make something hers. Not playing by the rules of anyone else, instead making her own rules. What better way to do that than to venture out into combat sports. With an announcement like that Valérie knew she would once again have to work to have her name put among the greats. Yet work is something Valérie never ran away from. Wanting to stamp her mark on the world and the family who scorned her.
Fighting Journey
(Note: To be updated…probably)
Common people hear stories about the 1% having their own games and parties. Things where the unimaginable happen. One of the popular stories is the 1% running their own fight club. With rules ranging from none to none. This rumor is absolutely true. Valérie was a contestant herself in these events.
Karate, boxing, wresting, Jiu jitsu, Krav Maga, Judo, Taekwondo, etc. You name it Valérie probably put some study time into it. While not a master, incorporating aspects of them into some tailored to he was enough.
Whilst training herself, Valérie would get her butt kicked constantly. It’s not far to use the word jobber on Valérie. Some teachers even told Valérie to try other things. Yet telling Valérie to stop here was impossible. So she would get her butt kicked 1 million more times. Each time picking something up along the way.
“So my attack was off due to my stance”
“The hold was incorrect here because of my arm”
“I was unable to get out of this because I didn’t think of…”
Though live combat and training are two different things. Valérie, despite not winning a single spar with any of her teachers, wanted something real. Knowing that they were holding back. Of course it couldn’t be anything public as her name would be attached to it. Private had a low success rate also as she would probably find someone taking it easy on her. No she needed somewhere where people wanted to “Beat her up” for lack of a better term.
Knowing the past time of her family so well. Valérie knew of these 1% fightclubs and signed herself up for one. Under the alias ViVi as her second family called her that (V first name V last name). Luckily the next event would not have anyone of her family members attending so this would be he perfect time to test run herself. Despite some pushback from loved ones Valérie entered anyways under the name ViVi
The arena was something you could hardly call an arena. It was a rundown warehouse fancied into a fighting pit. The rustic feel did call to Valérie and those special “caged wrestling matches” Within her first match she was against an opponent who was backed by a particular company famous for a mouse. Not that it mattered as ViVi was looking to test herself and win.
ViVi was completely outclassed in this match, nothing said that she had a chance of winning. The difference in physiques were to great, along with techniques in striking, grappling and throwing. Despite getting obliterated in this match. Vivi was exhilarated, she was passionate and fired up about winning. Though in all honesty she didn’t see the opponent for who they were. Instead a stand in for her family who pushed her around, abused her and bullied her. Vowing herself to not lose to them, but surpass them as well. Be it by miracle or skill, ViVi was able to win the bloodbath.
The name ViVi would become synonymous within this circle of the 1% wondering who she was or who could possibly back her next. It wasn’t as though her record was perfect either, not every match was a victory. Still her matches had the highest attendance rates.
Passion renewed, Valérie took to her training and treated it like a live match. This saw her progress greatly and even reach the point of mastery in some aspects. Despite the frustrating failures, Valérie was finally able to look at success for the first time in her trainings. As much as she would like to disappear and do this forever. Valérie has a family to get back to, someone from her family would be to big to go missing anyways.
Common people hear stories about the 1% having their own games and parties. Things where the unimaginable happen. One of the popular stories is the 1% running their own fight club. With rules ranging from none to none. This rumor is absolutely true. Valérie was a contestant herself in these events.
Karate, boxing, wresting, Jiu jitsu, Krav Maga, Judo, Taekwondo, etc. You name it Valérie probably put some study time into it. While not a master, incorporating aspects of them into some tailored to he was enough.
Whilst training herself, Valérie would get her butt kicked constantly. It’s not far to use the word jobber on Valérie. Some teachers even told Valérie to try other things. Yet telling Valérie to stop here was impossible. So she would get her butt kicked 1 million more times. Each time picking something up along the way.
“So my attack was off due to my stance”
“The hold was incorrect here because of my arm”
“I was unable to get out of this because I didn’t think of…”
Though live combat and training are two different things. Valérie, despite not winning a single spar with any of her teachers, wanted something real. Knowing that they were holding back. Of course it couldn’t be anything public as her name would be attached to it. Private had a low success rate also as she would probably find someone taking it easy on her. No she needed somewhere where people wanted to “Beat her up” for lack of a better term.
Knowing the past time of her family so well. Valérie knew of these 1% fightclubs and signed herself up for one. Under the alias ViVi as her second family called her that (V first name V last name). Luckily the next event would not have anyone of her family members attending so this would be he perfect time to test run herself. Despite some pushback from loved ones Valérie entered anyways under the name ViVi
The arena was something you could hardly call an arena. It was a rundown warehouse fancied into a fighting pit. The rustic feel did call to Valérie and those special “caged wrestling matches” Within her first match she was against an opponent who was backed by a particular company famous for a mouse. Not that it mattered as ViVi was looking to test herself and win.
ViVi was completely outclassed in this match, nothing said that she had a chance of winning. The difference in physiques were to great, along with techniques in striking, grappling and throwing. Despite getting obliterated in this match. Vivi was exhilarated, she was passionate and fired up about winning. Though in all honesty she didn’t see the opponent for who they were. Instead a stand in for her family who pushed her around, abused her and bullied her. Vowing herself to not lose to them, but surpass them as well. Be it by miracle or skill, ViVi was able to win the bloodbath.
The name ViVi would become synonymous within this circle of the 1% wondering who she was or who could possibly back her next. It wasn’t as though her record was perfect either, not every match was a victory. Still her matches had the highest attendance rates.
Passion renewed, Valérie took to her training and treated it like a live match. This saw her progress greatly and even reach the point of mastery in some aspects. Despite the frustrating failures, Valérie was finally able to look at success for the first time in her trainings. As much as she would like to disappear and do this forever. Valérie has a family to get back to, someone from her family would be to big to go missing anyways.
I suppose my fans deserve at least this much
Wait you against me~?
Why yes I can do both
Of course I succeeded
How Adorable!!
I desire only the best
I suppose I can take you seriously
The mysterious fighter ViVi
Main Attire
Yes I know, I AM magnificent
My my, what a feast before me
Thank you for the meal
Friends: OpenAllies: Open
Crushes: Open
Rivals: Open
Enemies: Open
Lovers : Open
Fun Facts:
It must be hard to make this list, after all I am the most fun* English is Valérie’s second language. French is preferred.
* Don’t correct her English
* Valérie has a passion for styling hair
* Despite not looking it, she enjoys gardening
* Big Witcher Fan
* Bought into a Henna Business and may model for them from time to time
* Listens to orchestra music unironically
* Favorite modern artist is Bruno Mars
* Favorite color is Black
* Favorite Belmont is Trevor