Personal Information
▌Full Name: Ashket III
▌Alias: The Desert Empress
▌Age: 28 years old - Juli 16th, 1995
▌Hair Color: Black with Blue and Yellow highlights
▌Height: 6'5
▌Weight: 209 lbs
▌Eye Color: Yellow
▌Birth Place: Egypt
▌Sexual Orientation: Gay
▌Occupation: Wrestler/Ship Captain
▌Alignment: Lawful Neutral
▌Intro Song: Silva Hound - Cool Friends (Murtagh & Veschell Remix)
Social Information
▌Attitude: Smug and sarcastic, definitely arrogant but unlike most, has the skill the back it up. She has an aura of superiority and knows how to show off even without words. She considers her to be the apex, the top of the food chain and that others are inferior to her unless they prove it in the ring. While she maintains that attitude most of the time, she's not heartless and can be fun to hang around with.
▌Quirks: Waving dismissively whenever her opponent talks too much, like Ashket got bored and just wants to get it over with, makes obnoxious gestures during fights cause she loves taunting her opponent
▌Likes: Powerful women, getting her way in and out of the ring, red fruit, adoration from fans and fighters alike.
▌Dislikes: Fighters with no class, overly cheery people, rough look women, loud music.
▌[▇▇▇▇▇] ▌ 【Strength】
▌[▇▇▇▇▇] ▌ 【Defense】
▌[▇▇▇▇▇] ▌ 【Technique】
▌[▇▇▇▇▇] ▌ 【Endurance】
▌[▇▇▇▇▇] ▌ 【Agility】
▌Favored moves
Western Lariat
Exploder Suplex
Gutwrench Suplex
▌Signature Finishers
Main outfit gallery
Wrestling Attire

Wrestling Attire

Wrestling Attire

Wrestling Attire

Wrestling Attire

Ashket used to be a seasoned Lion Tamer for a circus in Egypt. She was quite skilled at it too, having raised and properly taken care of her own lions ever since they were cubs. She never needed to use her whip, though mostly used it towards objects to guide her lions to specific places for entertainment. The thing about wild animals though, was that they were always unpredictable. No one could truly tame wild animals to complete submission and Ashket had been getting more increasingly lax the older her lions had gotten.
One night, she had a rich person bring in a different lion, who was paying a large sum to see his own lion in the shower. Ashket refused right away, stating that lions needed to be properly raised at young and be accustomed to the person training them so they could see the person as family. However, the circus owner still went along with it in a secret fashion just to get that money, it could benefit the entire circus after all and Ashket would be none the wiser. Unfortunately things did not always go the way people wanted and during her act, Ashket realized the new lion that was released that she had work with. It listened for a while, but then it attacked Ashket once Ashket was busy with her own lions. It left quite a mark on Ashket and despite the large scars across her abs, she still worked to take the lion down rather than getting away, because she knew that the moment she'd back away, would be the moment the lion pounced on her. Fortunately her own lions would be quick to pounce on the lion to bring it down, to which Ashket could leave the cage to tend to her wounds.
The whole ordeal resulted to the Circus being shut down and ridiculed on the news. Ashket did gain sympathy since she had warned beforehand and was met with damage. She still got paid handsomely for both the performance and the incidence, yet she also got a ban on working with lions and other predatory felines, despite it not being her fault it happened.
Ashket turned her attentions to hobbies instead, because she had enough money to just take a break from finding new jobs for at least a few years thanks to the huge payout from what had happened. She chose several hobbies that had already interested her beforehand. Scuba Diving, Wrestling, Cosplaying and Desert Hiking. They all had their merits, and she enjoyed all of them almost equally yet due to her imposing, strong figure she had the most success with wrestling and desert hiking. However, one of those hobbies could be treated as a job, so she ultimately decided that after a year of just doing things she loved in multiple forms, she tried her hand at wrestling in the EFWF, the Egyptian Female Wrestling Federation. She had the skills but she lacked a proper outfit. Ultimately, a career is decided through popularity and while Ashket had some fans, both from her current wrestling career and what she used to be, she didn't have enough to stay popular and wanted.
Ultimately she left and would travel instead, and ultimately she found herself taking interest in a foreign wrestling federation who had been quite known in the countries she was visiting. She decided to try it out and with it, she made her own custom outfit that represented things of her country, using the Egyptian Mythology as a theme, she would join LAW to start a new career there.