Name: Nagato Segawa
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Height: 6'5”
Weight: 260 Pounds
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark pink
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Face
Preferred Moves:
Knee strikes, swiping kicks, elbow strikes, body splashes, bearhugs, upper body locks, body scissors, full body pressing, flying scissor heel hook, body triangle, suplexes, drop kick, fisherman's driver, body scissor + abdominal stretch combo
Preferred match types: Normal, pins only, hentai, body to body only
Fighting Style:
Nagato is a well trained fighter from her time in navy but her time as a wrestler has made her both ferocious and lustful. Well aware of her immense size and strength, she hesitates only long enough to launch into powerful, singular strikes and sometimes bulldozes or shoves her way through attacks in order to use her powerful body to decimate her opponents. Her submission style has a slight MMA influence and she's not afraid to target legs in halfway complicated twists and lock ups. More sexual moves such as bearhugs and body presses are very common for her and she has a rough, aggressive style of grinding and pressing, carefully matching her muscle tension to her opponent's to skillfully arouse and squish them in what is known as "muscle caging".
Finishing Movies:
Muramasa Strike - A powerful leg strike against a downed opponent. It is advised to use with ropes but Nagato can kick off the ground to do it as well. It require her opponent to be behind her in with her back facing them but can be done quickly. Nagato jumps onto the middle or lower ropes and kicks off (this works from the ground as well), falling back and pressing her palms against the mat. She uses that to pivot herself and swing her legs backwards in a massive crescent arc, slamming them down onto her opponent. Sometimes she'll use her knees if they're closer and this tends to be even more painful.
Taming Namazu - This highly painful submission hold takes advantage of both Nagato's finesse and strength for a simple but extremely wince-inducing move to observer. On a downed opponent she uses her legs to twist an opponent's arm into a chickenwing armlock and wraps her arm over an opponent's thighs. She then curls her body together and stretches her opponent into a "C" shape, sliding her legs under armpit and over shoulders to tighten the hold. If she's feeling very cruel, she may go for the other leg as well.
Mount Aso Bomb - Nagato's dreaded powerslam starts off as if folding an opponent up for a pin until their face is past their legs and they're hoisted up into her arms. Nagato starts off by crushing them in this humiliating upside down hold and then proceeds to lift them up high. She takes a leap and swings them down, smashing them back down, letting them splay out before her often utterly defeated.

Looks to be late 20's and is in extremely good shape; her whole body is heavily muscled but very little of it bulges or juts out. Her very specific approach to conditioning means that her musculature generally looks flat and almost plate like and it causes some to underestimate her. However a simple flex reveals tight thighs like a predatory cat, arms that curve smoothly around hilly biceps, and abs that are like graceful rolling hills. Her breasts are very large and globular but are more dense than they are voluminous and her long black hair immaculately well kept.
Nagato is an impressively built woman with almost no body fat on her. Every inch of her is raw and chiselled, with hilly biceps and a bumpy core that only grow more impressive with tension. Her legs are nothing to scoff at either, almost like slabs of metal around her thighs and tightly wound further down. Best described as a very sexy wall of power, she definitely does look a bit bulky but it is counteracted by a hint of feminine sleekness and her handsome, womanly features.
Nagato is a sharp eyed woman who is used to being in charge and in the lead. In the league she came from she was a de-facto leader and known as much for her wrestling skill as her fairness and assertive nature. Her rough exterior however hides a softer, feminine side she usually keeps hidden and she has an upbeat, positive side she reserves for those that have earned her trust. She is often very formal and polite but expects the best out of others. She has little respect for cheaters and the two faced but shows lenience to those under stress and who do not know better. While not one we would typically see as romantic, she is very direct and open with her feelings, physically anyways, and is known for using the more intimate parts of wrestling to court those she finds attractive although she has had few long term relationships.
Nagato was a Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force officer who was highly respected by those under her command but her interest in that line of work was waning. She found physical fitness to be more her speed but still wanted more, something she got when a close friend of hers told her about a particular wrestling league at the base she worked at. It didn't take long for her to establish herself as a heavy hitter and the first heavyweight champion, winning adoration across the world for her mixture of ruthless sexuality and stringent technique. However she was quite upset when the league was essentially acquired by AFW but has gradually come around to it, having been offered a world of beautiful and brawny women to wrestle and rub down with.
LAW Info
Record: 1-0-1
Wins: 1
Loses: 0
Draws: 1
Yuudachi/Suzuya/Tatsuta/Takao/Nagato vs Mio - Win
vs Serafima Snezhana (Draw via Double Count Out)
vs Serafima Snezhana (Draw via Double Count Out)