Ayla - The Smilodon

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Ayla - The Smilodon

Unread post by Devastated »

Name: Colleen Morgan
Age: 24
Alias: Ayla (The Smilodon) (Saber-tooth Tiger)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Redish Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 197 lbs.
Nationality: American
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: Jekyll and Hyde - Five Finger Death Punch

Wrestling Style:

Ayla is a beast of a wrestler, a fighter of pure instinct and power! Someone who seeks to tear down the opposition with squeezes, slams and heavy strikes. She is a powerhouse, but maybe not a traditional one. The slams she's picked up are things she's experienced in the ring, and refined to her one taste. She started out being just a big strong girl who sought fights and as such got thrown into the wrestling gig. Picking up new things as she would face them in the ring.

Her style is incredibly simple, as she relies heavily on her amazing might, throwing and tossing her opponent around like a rag doll, and squeezing them until there is nothing left!

Preferred Attacks: Powerslam, leg drop, bearhug, German Suplex, full nelson, boston crab, waist scissor, head scissor, powerbomb, piledriver, Alabama Slam.
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hardcore, Cage Match, Mud match.

Signature move/s:

Chokebomb - Grabbing a hold of her opponents throat with both hands and then lifts them up into the air. Holding her up there for a moment or two, before she drops down and slam them onto their back with a brutal impact.
Fireman's Carry Gutbuster - Pulling her opponent up onto her shoulders in a fireman's carry position Ayla will then lift them up off of her shoulder and throw them down as she drops onto her knee, dropping them gut first onto her knee.
Straight-Jacket Sitout Mat Slam - Getting in behind her opponent, she grabs their opposite arm in each hand and cross their arms around their neck. Placing them in a straight jacket position, standing. She then yanks them down as she drops onto her ass and slams her back down with a sitout mat slam.

Finishing move/s:

Pumphandle-slam - Pushing her opponent into a doubled over position, Ayla slips their dominant arm in between their own legs and then grabs onto that wrist, using it to lift her opponent up into the air and then slams them down back first!
Gutwrench powerbomb - Wrapping her arms around her opponents midsection as she has them doubled over, Ayla will lift them up into the air, flipping them over and then throwing them down hard onto their back.
Armtrap bearhug - Standing face to face with her opponent, Ayla wraps her powerful arms around her opponents body, trapping their arms by their side as she lifts them up high into the air. Holding them off of their feet and squeezing with her fearsome might.


Colleen/Ayla is a bit of a special case...as she isn't simply one person. She suffers from Dissociative identity disorder, a condition in her case takes the form of two distinct personalities. It's a condition she's had since she was but a child and while she manages it decently so, it has left her a bit split in terms of how she will behave. The Wrestler is Ayla, a brutal...cave woman type of personality, she is not very bright...short tempered, brash and wild. She fights and shows dominance wherever she can. She is a primal warrior who shows only respect to strength and power, works to assert herself as an alpha in every match.

She takes everything at face value, as she isn't exactly the brightest...which has led her to be somewhat easily manipulated at times. As such is the case for her entire role in wrestling. As she would easily follow the words of someone who can twist her head and thinking around to follow their whims. Being only interested in eating, sleeping and most of all fighting, she isn't exactly difficult to control should you be a manipulate sort of person. She will form strong trusting relationships should they be kind to her and offer her what she desires...and be quite protective of her...benefactor.

When it comes to Colleen, she is a different story. Always having been a shy and rather timid girl, despite her size. She is what could be considered a nerd to a degree. She spent most of her time when she was younger buried in a book. Not very good at dealing with people at all, she is difficult to approach and doesn't have the same bravado and tough alpha attitude of Ayla. Instead she could easily be considered a beta...or even an omega type personality. She prefers to slink into the background and stay hidden.

While quite intelligent, she isn't very tough as a person, responds quite poorly to insults or miss-treatment. Her self-confidence is pretty crap...and usually the easiest way for Ayla to come forth as a personality is when Colleen gets overwhelmed and wants to simply retreat.


Collen didn't have what you could consider a perfect childhood, not really a good one either. Without going into too much detail, her relationship with her parents had always been bad. While they weren't exactly physically abusive, they could be very cruel, mentally abusive would be the more correct way to describe it.

She wasn't every really built up as a child, never given the proper encouragement that she should have needed as a child. Instead, she was simply pushed down, demeaned and denied. For years this went on...she didn't exactly have it well in school either, as she was often picked on by other girls. When she found herself at her lowest, in her early teens...she retreated.

When she retreated though, the beast came out. Ayla fought back for her, knocking some bullies head and bashing them into nothing. She knew who it was that helped her though, when she was a kid she'd had a best friend, a big cat with fans like swords...an imaginary friend of course. Ayla she had called it...and she'd come to help her! Fighting away the bullies, Ayla then stayed with her, Ayla became her protector, when her parents where cruel, when people bullied her...Ayla was there for her!

Sure, she got into a lot of trouble because of her...and she lost a lot of time in her life to Ayla doing...whatever Ayla did. Yet, her friend did protect her and kept her company. The other personality of Colleen, was a tough no nonsense, not too bright alpha who sought dominance and took no ones shit. She got in a lot of fights and when Ayla was in control she was even someone who went into activities at school, starting out with wrestling. Taking people down on the mat and pinning them down underneath her, she loved it.

It was during her later years in high-school that Colleen and Ayla actually met someone...a friend? A woman named Yuka, who started to help them. To protect and aid them, she got people to back off when Colleen was in trouble, she made things work for the duo in school...hell she even got a lot of fighting opportunities for Ayla. Life had turned right around for them...though none of them were really the wiser of what reason this Yuka had to help. Colleen suspected that she was in it for Ayla, to get Ayla into these fights and earn money, as she called herself the manager of the beast. Yet, Ayla wanted to fight, and Colleen...was to timid and to afraid to be all alone again. She didn't want Ayla or Yuka to go away...so she came to accept it with time.


Ring Attire



Friends: Yuka Yamashita
Allies: Yuka Yamashita
Last edited by Devastated on Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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