Height:7'1 Feet / 214,89 cm
Weight:245 Lbs / 111,13 Kg
Nationality:United Kingdom
Wrestling Informations
Entrance Music:
Scarlett is a DPS fighter. She attacks with the intention to inflict the biggest pain as possible to her opponent's in the shortest amount of time. She doesn't if she gets damaged as long as she can wear her opponent down. Despite being that brutal Scarlett always seems to have some sort of plan when fighting.
Finishing moves:
Skull Crusher
At first, Scarlett tries to get her opponent against the corner and then attempts to trap him by putting the legs behind the middle rope and the hands of her opponent over the rope. When Scarlett's opponent knows trapped she puts her right hand on the head of her enemy and then with the whole strength she squeezes with her fingers into the head of her opponent like she would want to squash him entirely. To add more pain to this Scarlett will also punch her opponent's belly with her free hand.
Body Breaker
Scarlett punches her opponent into her belly making her bend forward. Then she will go behind her and wrap her arms around the waist of her enemy. The white-haired woman then lifts her opponent up in the air and squeezes her arms together crushing her foe between her powerful arms. She will keep this up for a while until the audience has seen her opponent's painful expression. In the end, Scarlett will jump up in the air and let herself fall forward so that the one she is fighting against will get hit by the entire force from the impact.
Other Moves
- Giant Swing
- Belly Claw
- Torture Rack
- Piledriver
- German Suplex
- Bear Hug
- Powerbomb
Fighting Style
Brutal Brawler
Favourite matches:
Scarlett prefers to attend Hardcore matches and tag team matches.
Attitude towards hentai: "If my partner can take participate in this too I will accept it."
Physical Stats
Endurance: 5/5 - Her stamina might be comparable to a monster. Under normal circumstances she can almost last forever.
Strength: 5/5 - Scarlett knows just brute force so it is no wonder that her strength is really high.
Defense: 2/5 - Scarlett's motto is forward and never back. Also, she might not know the definition of defense. She tanks nearly every hit with her body and focuses to get her opponent down first.
Speed: 3/5 - She isn't the fastest woman out there but for someone her size it is not to underestimate.
Technique: 1,5/5 - The same problem with the defense. Scarlett has not a real clue what technique even means.
Combat Stats
Strikes: 5/5 - It is better to not get hit by a punch with her full force or it might end badly.
Submissions: 2/5 - Scarlett focuses to punch her opponent's until they give up. That means there is not much room for a submission move.
Powerhouse: 5/5 - Her strength is Scarlett's best attribute.
Aerial: 1/5 - She prefers to stay on the ground
Counter: 2/5 - Scarlett doesn't think much of countering people. It lacks the technical expertise to counter most moves in the first place.
Born in the UK Scarlett grew up on the streets. Her parent's sold the white-haired woman at the age of six. Apparently, they needed money for drugs and a child got in the way of there relationship anyway. At this time Scarlett was young and had brown hair instead of her now white ones. She couldn't do much against there parents and so the girl was sold to a couple. This couple had plenty of children and even paid good money for Scarlett.
At first, Scarlett cried as she got separated from her family. Despite her being sold to other people Scarlett wanted to go back to them because she didn't know what she should do. Not long after she started to cry the man kicked scarlet in her stomach and told her to shut up and that they would have no use for stupid brats and if Scarlett wanted to survive she had to get strong. That was, however, easier said than done after all Scarlett was just six years old.
The woman showed her around and explained to her the rules. She told her that Scarlett had to get enough money until the end of the month or she would get punished. Scarlett how she should get money anyway. It is not like someone would give her a job just like this. Her answer to that question was just a cold smile from the woman. "Better think fast or suffer the consequences. The month is soon over so better start now."Scarlett was in shock as she heard that.
Scarlett asked around in her neighborhood if someone could give her money but no one wanted to give someone like her anything. She got desperate and tried everything. The girl tried to steal other peoples money which resulted in getting beaten up by others. It was no surprise that at the end of the month Scarlett had no money at all. What was worse was the fact that she would be able to see what kind of punishment they had to suffer.
"Please I will get money next time I swear. I don't want that." She tried to beg the couple to not getting punished but they showed no mercy. They grabbed Scarlett and carried her into a room. in the middle of the room was a chair which the couple put them on and put handcuffs on her feet and hand. Because she wasn't sure what would happen to her Scarlett started to cry which just pissed the man off. Then she felt how electroshocks were running through her body. It felt like an eternity but the torture itself laster maybe for a minute or two. "Don't disappoint me to often or we will have to find a place for your body."
This torture continued for a few more months until. The torture caused her hairs to go all white over the months and her body changed. He got more endurable and so the pain from the torture got less and bearable for her. It needed a bit time and training before she was finally able to collect money. At first, Scarlett stole the pocket from a few people and little children but as she turned eighteen she stepped up her game. Scarlett's body changed and as she noticed that certain people would get interested in her she got a new plan.
At night many people wanted to hire her for sex. It was mostly men but sometimes even woman. She accepted but before it would even come close to sex Scarlett knocked them out and stole everything she thought would get money.
As Scarlett was wandering around the street she thought why no one would come and hire her for sex. To know the reason for that she asked around. A group told her that one woman with white hair always beats up her customers and steals from them and because of it people around here would get cautious. "Fuck." Apparently people got wind of her sooner than she thought. For the next and the following month, she had enough money but she needed more so she asked around again if anyone could help her. One woman told her a location where she could get plenty of money.
Scarlett wasn't sure how trustworthy the tip of her was but it was better than nothing. The white-haired woman would follow the way and come to an underground arena. It seemed like a place for cage matches. Scarlett asked around and wanted to know what is going on and asked a person. This person told her that you can bet money on fights or even fight yourself to win money. If all she had to do was beating up other people to collect money she accepted and asked whom she had to ask for participation. The person pointed to the manager who told Scarlett that she just had to get in the ring and wait for an opponent.
The white-haired girl stepped in the ring and waited for someone she could beat up. Her first few opponents were nothing and she beat them without great effort. Scarlett collected so much money that she could buy herself free from the couple and from there on out she was free to do whatever she wanted. Since she licked blood Scarlett wanted to continue participating in these arena fights. It didn't take long until Scarlett was the number one in these fights.
A few years later she meets another woman in the ring. She was a bit smaller but not too much. The fight was different from the others because Scarlett lost against the other woman. Instead of getting angry because of the lose Scarlett laughed and wanted to know the name of the woman who just defeated her.
The other woman's name was Laura. From now on it happened quite often that these two women fought against each other and every time the other woman would win the fight. One day they were talking after the match. Scarlett made it mostly for the money but Laura had another reason to fight. She wanted to become stronger so that she would be able to fight in a league called LAW. As Scarlett heard that she asked Laura if she might be able to join her. Laura smiled and said only when we will be tag team partners. She said yes and so both woman trained with each other from now on even more and shared the money they collected so that they would be able to get into LAW.
Scarlett gives always 100% when she is fighting against someone. She doesn't see the need anyway to hold back. When someone can't stand against her or her power than he shouldn't stand in front of her in the first place.
No matter from whom it comes Scarlett will always accept a challenge. In her opinion, she looks intimidating to others so when someone has the guts to challenge her to a fight the woman thinks that this person might be worth her time.
Scarlett is also really competitive. Not only in the ring but also outside by other things. For example, even when she plays board games with her partner Laura, she will always win and can get upset when this isn't the case.
Scarlett respects Laura because it was the first person ever who could defeat her. But because Scarlett has a record of losing against her she really wants to win against her and even fights regularly against the brunette.
Another thing is that she isn't the brightest light under the sky. She even knows that but can get really angry when someone is saying to her face that she is stupid or so.
Other Appearences
Normal Appearence

Fighitng Outfit (normally without the animal ears)


Outfit for hardcore matches (Uses this outfit only when weapons are allowed)

Laying around after a hard fight

Just sitting and thinking about stuff

Friends: Laura ( her tag partner)
Allies: Laura - They know each other from an underground fighting arena. Laura was the first and only person so far who could defeat her. After a few fights, they talked with each other and started to get friends with each other. Laura then talked with Scarlett about her plan and so they joined forces for a team in LAW. Despite their Mutual respect for each other Scarlett wants to win at least one time against Laura and she doesn't want to lose against Scarlett.
- Her team partner Laura
- Strong opponents
- Her own strength
- Fighting
- People that are mean to Laura
- Weak opponents
- To go soft on someone
Scarlett goes often outside to play with street cats or other animals.
She wants to have a pet but doesn't have enough money to take care of.
Scarlett often challenges Laura to a match but loses usually.
Their current record is 5 to 0 for Laura.
She doesn't care if she is getting naked around other people. That is because she got through a lot worse things than being nude.
Scarlett and Laura really like each other but it is not confirmed that both are lovers.
Like her partner, Scarlett has a strong weakness against sexual attacks.