Sex: Female
Age: 25
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Height: 6'3
Weight: 215 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music:
Strategy:A strong brawler who will use every inch of her strenght to roughly slam her opponents around and alternate that with strong strikes to both belly and face.
Type: Power/stikes
Preferred Attacks:Slams/Heavy punches and limb focus with them
Preferred Matches: Any
Endurance: ★★★★★ - She is Massive
Strength: ★★★★★ - Of course she is strong look at her!
Speed: ★★ - Begin big means begin slow!
Defense: ★★★ - She relies heavly on her body
Technique: ★★★ - She is cool with grappling
Strikes: ★★★★★
Power: ★★★★★
Agility: ★★
Counter: ★★★
Background/personality: Ayane was an ex Yakuza girl who decided to drop that style of life for something...better. At least in her view. She wanted to be an ojou like the mangas she read in her free time. But her fighting nature would still stop her to only become a princess. Then she decided to mix both things but would that be allowed? Would a place that allow a girl like her to fight while begin...raffinate? Nah.. there would be no way right? Then she decided to watch some sports, and discovered something huge: LAW. There were actually some ojous, especially one who caught her interest and they would be actually fighting! That was the perfect place.
So Ayane went right there to finally be a part of them and find a fellow ojou to fight with, not that she would refuse any form of fighting, she was very good at that. This type of fighting would be stress free and for once maybe someone could become a friend of this girl with attitude....
Ayane was always a good girl in the beginning but the Yakuza life really changed her, started to become bossy and training at the same time for begin strong, she just beated the shit of every competitor, the people called her the Red trouble. She had enough of that. Ayane wanted to be.. different and this was her occasion to find.. friends or.. other sworn enemies?
Wrestling attire:

