Alice "Busty Brute" Atkins

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Alice "Busty Brute" Atkins

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Alice "Busty Brute" Atkins

General Info

Real Name: Alice Jasmine Atkins
Ring Name: Busty Brute
Age: 39
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Blonde
Height: 6'2
Weight: 201lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: German
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Theme
Backstory:Alice's life mainly revolves around one thing, and thats her mean streak. Very few people like her one bit, due to how crooked she is, often pushing in during queues, shouting at people for no apparent reason and pushing everything to the limits if the law, and occasionally breaking them. It would cone as a surprise to know that Alice took in Amy Schmidt for her final stint, before Amy fled for good. As expected, Alice treat her daughter poorly, forcing her to stay indoors outside of school hours, and only giving her the bare minimum in food. She was seething when she found out Amy had fled to LAW for sanctuary, and decided to give chase. Upon finding out LAW was all about, her tactics changed. She no longer cared for Amy, instead, her sole focus would be sowing the seeds of chaos into LAW.

Personality:Alice can best be described as a conniving brute. She is highly aggressive and will push the rules to the absolute limits before even considering defeat, and even then, she would never do it. She often utilises her charm to flirt her way into situations, or if that was sure to fail, barge her way into things with her high and mighty attitude. To her, nobody is above her, and all must bow before her.
Wrestling Info
Fighting Style: Being a newbie into LAW (Not that you should tell her that), she doesnt have much of a style. But she will try to use her size and her large breasts to smother her opponent out, but not before using low tactics to get her way.
Preferred matches: Any, prefers apartment fights, hentai and titfights
Attitude towards hentai: "You think your pathetic body can resist mine? You are a fucking idiot. Come here so I can fuck your body until its a shriveled up mess!"

Picture Gallery

Bikini Attire


LAW Match Record

Won: 0
Lost: 0
Draw: 0

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