Sex: Female
Age: 35
Eyes: Green
Hair: White
Height: 6'3
Weight: 230 lbs
Nationality: Russian
Alignment: Tweener
Wrestling Information
Strategy:Despite her size she can do very good grappling other than just powering her opponents with strenght and slams!
Type: Power/submission
Preferred Attacks:Slams/Heavy punches/Chops/And a good variety of grapples
Preferred Matches: Any
Endurance: ★★★★★ - She is a TANK
Strength: ★★★★★ - Main source of POWER
Speed: ★★ - Slow but not too much
Defense: ★★ - She does her best to resist by relying on her instincts!
Technique: ★★★★ - She is good with grappling but prefers power
Strikes: ★★★★
Power: ★★★★★
Agility: ★★
Counter: ★★★
Mother of Lynda the White tiger, she was born in a very strong Russian family of wrestlers. She trained from very young age to reach the pinnacle of her muscles so she could be able to lift even the biggest girls! Then she had to pause for 2 years since she got a daughter but sadly for the little girl she wouldn't give her a normal life and putted her through the same hellish training she went through! But.. she would be nicer than her teachers, she still loves her daughter after all..
Zofia is just a scary mom but can be nice to the people who deserve it. Also since she couldn't rely only on power Zofia decided to training against most submissions possible since they are a weak point of powerhouses! And after all that training she heard a legend of a black lion hiding into a forest. She went to fight it, and after a very brutal fight which gave her a scar she managed to kill it and now she wears it! Then she heard about LAW after her daughter told her about it and decided to follow her to thrive more challenges and... watch over her.
Wrestling/entrance attire:
South of heaven (chockeslam)
Vs Akira Gogata:viewtopic.php?p=381350#p381350 (win)
Vs Yuna Matou:viewtopic.php?p=385859#p385859 (win)
Vs Xiao Weijiang: viewtopic.php?p=385511#p385511 (win)