Kaiju Akira

Real Name: Akira Gogata
Nicknames: Yankee-saurus - Thugzilla - The Beast from Togata - Kira
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 195 pounds
Alignment: Tweener (Monster)
Orientation: Bisexual
Hometown: Togata Island, Japan
Social Media:
Akira is simply…well…a simple woman. To her the best solution is always the simplest one. If you lost something, buy a new thing. If you don’t like watching the tv, stop watching the tv. You eat too much good meat and feel sick, keep eating that meat cause it tastes good. And most importantly, if someone hits you, thank them by hitting them back a lot.
Throughout her life, Akira has been best described as a vast lake of calm water. Appearing reserved and almost peace at a glance, but just below the surface a god damn crocodile is waiting to burst out and tear you to shreds. While never seen as outright cruel, when Akira finds herself a real fight she gives it her all.
Do to her size and power, Akira has become somewhat arrogant and tends to underestimate her opponents at first. When she faces an opponent that isn’t giving her much a struggle, she will act bored and uninterested in the match. Appearing as if she is simply going through the motions while waiting to put an end to the match. There have been times were this has led to her being caught by surprise and ending up in dangerous positions due to her cockiness. However, if her opponent proves to be the real deal, Akira will quickly become excited and start putting her all into the fight.
Lacking the temperament for training, the big muscle monster keeps her overall move set simple. Luckily was she lacks in discipline for practice she makes up for in a love for weight lifting. Outside of actual fighting, there’s nothing Akira loves more than to lift weights for hours to pass the time. As a child she would get a couple of weights and just zone out for long periods of time. Her parents encouraged this to keep her out of trouble growing up (Even though this led to her causing more harm when the eventual brawls started).
Favored Matches: No Rules, Cage, Cells, Hardcore!
Attitude towards hentai: “So you’re a masochist, huh? Fine but if you bore me I want ah hundred yen.”
Entrance Theme:
Akira grew up in the boonies of Japan. Living on a small island with a matching population, the girl was born to a family who ran a popular restaurant for tourists. Her father was American while her mother was born on this island who met during his vacation. Keeping in touch, he would eventually migrate before marrying her and having three children. Akira was the youngest and the only girl. Like her dad she had blonde hair and was sometimes teased for it by the other children. Despite this, Akira seemed mostly uninterested with the neighbors and spent most of her time alone. Despite showing signs of ADHD her parents failed to get her tested until over a decade later.
Most of the time she would be with her older brothers while her parents ran the restaurant. Being raised by two brothers and having no friends her age seemed to have a big impact on her as well. Often she refused makeup or dresses. Preferring to dress and act like her brothers who raised her. Much of her personality seemed to stem from copying her brothers. Whether that was running around, playing sports, wearing boyish clothes, and defending people from bullies. Most of the time her brothers were defending her from the other kids’ teasing. However, by the time she was twelve she started to need less and less protection. No one in her family was very tall. Her brothers grew to be five foot eight, her mom was only five foot, and her father was only five foot ten. However, her dads family did have a few relatives who were over six feet tall. And like those relatives Akira would grow to be over six feet tall by the time she was only fourteen.
Her height wasn’t the only thing that stood out with her, though. Due to her ADHD, Akira had a tendency to zone out while doing simple activities to pass the time. And most of the time she ended up lifting weights. Her brothers had always given her one pound weights to use so she could ‘play’ lifting with them. However, as years went by she never stopped. Even when her brothers got jobs and stopped exercising as much, Akira would spend ten hours a day lifting while completely zoned out.
At this point she was well over a foot taller than her former bullies. Not to mention she was well over twice their weight in muscle. And now that their roles were reversed, Akira made sure to get herself some payback. Soon she’d be beating on her old tormentors. Sometimes pummeling groups of them at the same time. At this point not a single kid on the island was willing to mess with Akira. However, she liked getting into fights. To her the giving and taking of fists was a blast. It reminded her of playing old video games with her brothers. But instead of pretending to hit things on a screen, she was actually hitting people in the face however she wanted! (Although she was kinda bummed when she couldn’t do a hadoken.)
It became a near daily occurrence that multiple adults would have to pry her off the other kids. The only bright side was that she didn’t fight at school since she knew her parents would be sad if she got kicked out. Still to most she was the biggest delinquent on the island. Sometimes she’d take some money from people she fought when they were a let down. Her bored and unfocused attitude in school made her seem like she was ignoring the teacher (Even though she always passed her tests). And there were the times where she’d destroy public property. Not because she meant to do it, but sometimes she’d sit against a table and end up crushing it under her. Or the time she walked through a very clean glass window of a store by mistake. Or that time she broke a guys bike. That wasn’t an accident, though, since she was beating him with it.
It took a few years, but Akira eventually stopped getting into fights when she got bored of winning all her fights with ease. She mellowed out for the most part and finished with good grades in school. Her family was thankful, believing that after graduating she’d work at the restaurant. However, had a few “friends” in school who wanted to move to Tokyo. When they did, they were surprised to find Akira tagging along to see the big city. Everyone was under the impression that she was just going to visit and see the sights. However after a few months it became clear she was doing who knows what during the day freeloading on their couches at night. Although sometimes the situation was reversed as she disappeared all night and came back to sleep all day on the couch.
It eventually came to light that Akira was fighting again. This time going from bar brawls, street fights, oil wrestling at a strip club, and one run in with a cock fighting ring. It wasn’t really clear what she did there although she brought back a rather large rooster as a pet and a lot of bruises so she was probably fighting the birds owner if anything. While she still went home for visits it was clear that the blonde woman had no plans on stopping. Eventually she convinced one of the people she was staying with to be her fight bookie. The friend’s name was Nori and she was actually an accountant. But when she was laid off she decided to give it a shot to pay the bills. Luckily for her Akira was a fucking cash cow. She almost never struggled against the women, so she started fighting male fighters too. Still, Nori wasn’t sure she wanted to make money like this long term. So after telling Akira her plans to get a new job soon, the blonde woman went out and found a legal way to fight people. She came back having signed a long term deal with a wrestling organization where very little was off the table. Needless to say her family was horrified, and Nori was guilt tripped/threatened by them to stay with their daughter and keep her from going off the rails. Meanwhile, Akira is just happy she gets to fight (She didn’t even read her contract).
Standard Attire

"Wow she's really flexible. Oh he looks strong...hmm? Vacation pay? Who the fuck gets paid to work on a vacation. Forget that and tell me who this big bitch is. She looks like fun fuck to fight." - Note from management: Omg she's signing it. I can't believe she's signing it. I literally told her we could triple what she makes in a year fighting and she said nah I'm good.

"Oh I like this picture. I look like a fighting game character!"

"I don't know why everyone wants me to flex for them. Maybe they wanna learn weight lifting?"

"Did you just say my tits are amazing? ...Thanks but I was born with these...now the abs I worked a ton on though!" - Proceeds to explain ten years of weight lifting.

"What's wrong? I thought we had to bring our own weapons. Nah I don't know what the fuck it is. But it's metal and easy to swing...so I grabbed it."

"You're challenging me? Ok but I want 100 yen if you waste my time."

"Everyone's calling me mommy for some reason..."

"Less Chest Wrappings - I still don't know why this is actually more..."

"They asked her to try this pose and it was so cute that everyone died. The end. Stop asking" - Nori the Agent

Hentai Attire
"Why would you agree to this! Your parents are going to have me killed!" - Nori the Agent

"Ok so if these pictures make money I get to fight more? Sounds good to me." Starts striping.

"Accident's will happen...but she said she doesn't mind." - LAW Management

"Ok so if these pictures make money I get to fight more? Sounds good to me." Starts striping.

"Accident's will happen...but she said she doesn't mind." - LAW Management

"I heard I could dress like a bunny but this wasn't what I expected. Still bought it though."

"Hey I used to wear this stuff for gym class! Mind if I keep these for working out? Oh sweet you've got more? How much do I owe...For free!? Hell yeah I'll wear more!"

Wrestling Info:
Strategy: “Hit. hit. hit. Slam. Hit with chair.” - Inner thoughts…probably.
Kaiju Rush

Running Single Leg Kick
Kaiju Attack - Spinning Rack Attack

Yankee Bomb - Delayed Elevated Powerbomb

Tokyo SOS - Spinning Twirl a whirl Blue Thunder Bomb

DTA “Destroy Them All”
Torture rack hold into over the knee backbreaker. Sometimes will lift opponent into gorilla press before dropping them on her knee. Follow up with either a pin attempt or over the knees submission hold.

Dragon sleeper with hand job and/or foot job combo

Kaiju in Heat
Fucking her opponent in a Mating Press with a Strap on
Pussy Destroyer
Gorilla Press Hold with fingering until orgasm, possibly end with backbreaker
General Statistics
Endurance -★★★1/2
Strength - ★★★★★
Speed - ★★
Defense - ★★★★
Technique - ★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes - ★★★1/2
Submissions - ★★★1/2
Powerhouse - ★★★★★
Aerials - ★
Counters - ★★★
Friends and Foes:
Nori: School friend, roommate, bookie, and now reluctant manager due to unintentionally getting Akira into LAW and being forced by the woman’s family to keep an eye on her. However this four foot eleven inch accountant can’t even push her out of bed let alone keep her from doing what she wants. So while she definitely enjoys being with Akira, she’s also her main source of stress.
Fun Facts:
Likes animals
Hates background music in public settings
Has no shame about people seeing her body
Loves meat
Bad at studying / practicing due to her short attention span
Loved watching the Godzilla movies growing up
Wants to own one of the human sized kaiju costumes they used for movies (Will definitely want more once she gets one)
Grabs in her sleep so is practically a hazard to sleep in the same bed with