Kailani Hale

Nationality: American/Hawiian
Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Weight: 184 lbs.
Alignment: Babyface
Orientation: Bisexual
Social Media:
Personality: A sweet, kind heart, and fun loving person. She might be a little rough in the ring but she means well and never wants to hurt anyone more than she has to in order to win.
Favored Matches: Standard, Smother, Multi fall, anything
Attitude towards hentai: "Oh... ummm sure... I guess, could be fun"
Likes: The beach, surfing, the ocean, the sunshine, hot and warm weather, fruit
Dislikes: Cold weather, rats
Born in Hawaii her father was stationed at the local naval base for most of her life while her mom was local and owned a bar. At an early age Kailani learned to surf developing quite a talent for it as well as most other sports competing in soccer, volleyball, and wrestling. The latter becoming more interesting for her as time went on, it order to compete more and more Kailani began to be strict on herself about what she ate as well as spending more time at the gym, and so by the time high school came she easily dominated in armature wrestling winning the states wrestling championship three years in a row! After high school Kailani went to college on a wrestling scholarship but felt overwhelmed not being able to juggle classes, working out, and wrestling all at once so she dropped out and soon discovered powerlifting, something that she soon became very good at doing some body building and modeling on the side for extra money as well as surfing competitions.
Things were going well and Kailani managed to find success in her endeavors though she did miss wrestling. Luckily for her though LAW seeing someone with muscle, good looks, and a wrestling background due to a magazine she modeled for soon gave her the opportunity to do so, and longing for some physical competition once more Kailani accepted on the condition she was given six months to train and learn more professional wrestling. Training and learning from local pro talent, using her armature background, she took to power moves like a fish to water and then a few months later officially joined LAW.
-Really loves fruits and smoothies.
-Rarely lets herself eat junk food
Fallaway Slam

Belly to belly or running belly to belly

Cradle belly to belly toss

Big Boot


Kailani Lock

Ku's Embrace

Thousand Islands Slam

General Statistics
Endurance: 9/10
Strength: 10/10
Speed: 7/10
Defense: 7/10
Technique: 7/10
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: 7/10
Submissions: 8/10
Powerhouse: 10/10
Aerials: 4/10
Counters: 7/10
Friends and Foes: