Gabi Green - Amor da Amazônia

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Gabi Green - Amor da Amazônia

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Gabi Green - Amor da Amazônia
"Are you ready for the luscious Amazon?"


Wrestling alias: Gabi Green
Nickname: Amor da Amazônia
Real name: Gabriela Oliveira
Age: 25
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blueish-Black
Height: 5’7 (169cm)
Weight: 175lbs (79kg)
Nationality: Brazilian
Alignment: Rookie Tweener

Entrance Music: Anitta feat. Jhama - Essa Mina É Louca


Has not been part of AFW.


Gabriela, or Gabi, is a very adventurous and carefree woman - even if at times a bit absent-minded as well. After some tough events in her life, she is finally feeling free and empowered to find her own place and success in the world. And she doesn't give a damn about what anyone thinks of how she decides to do it! She lives her life to herself - but that doesn't mean that she would be ignorant or mean towards other people, in fact, she can be very friendly, loving and kind, especially towards those that are the same to her.

When it comes to wrestling, Gabi appears rather serious and indifferent at the same time. She gets into the ring to do a job and takes her craft seriously, but whether she will turn out to be a mean punisher or a helpless victim inside the ring depends on the match setting and evolution, and how she interprets her own role in it to be.

Wrestling Information

Strategy: With her background in semi-competitive erotic wrestling, Gabi aims to grind her opponent down as soon as possible, or down them with a few strikes, and then engage in mat wrestling/grappling with a variable degree of eroticism involved. Her thivk thighs, scissors and smothers usually prioduce the best results.

And that's her only strategy as those kind of battles have been the only ones that she's ever been in, so any deviation from that setting is going to leave her without a pre-planned strategy.


Semi-competitive, semi-erotic wrestling, her aim is to give the viewers a show worth of their money, regardless of her winning or losing.

Preferred Attacks: Scissors, smothers, kicks and erotic moves.

Preferred Matches: She's actually open to everything.

Gabi considers LAW to be first and foremost her job, and she is here to fulfill any assignments that the management gives her. With that said, she is subconciously expecting her job description to include mostly Hentai/POW -style battles.

Attitude To Hentai:Isn’t that what I was hired for?
Sexual Preferences: Bisexual, preference towards men, but very willing to play with women as well - especially for money. With background in the erotic wrestling industry, very open and willing (and shameless) to try out different things.

Physical Statistics

Endurance ★★★ – Gabi has lots of stamina, but isn't used to taking painful hits or moves.
Strength ★★★½ – Gabi's lower body and core strength are excellent, but her upper body strength is comparatively lacking.
Speed ★★ – Gabi is more used to grappling than needing to jump around a ring.
Defence ★½ – Her background in erotic wrestling scene hasn't really favored or encouraged developing defensive tactics.
Technique ★★½ – Gabi is more used to intuitive grappling and grinding her body against someone than executing textbook pro wrestling manouvers.

Wrestling Statistics

Strikes: ★★★ – Gabi hasn't traditionally used strikes that much, but with her lower-body strenth, her kicks can be devastating, and she knows how to do chops too.
Submissions: ★★★½ – Smothers, scissors and chokes are moves that Gabi excels in - unfortunately they're practically the only moves that she excels in.
Powerhouse: ★★½ – Gabi has not really used them, but she has seen them and knows some of them, and the last half star comes from the clear potential for development.
Aerials: ★½ – She has never really executed them, the half a star simply comes again from the potential of them becoming a powerful weapon for her.
Counters: ★★ – Her countering ability relies solely on her lower-body strength, so she's usually an easy target.

⦁ Thick thighs (her lower-body produces mean scissors and smothers)
⦁ Core and stamina (rarely the first one to get tired first)
⦁ Lewd wrestling experience (skilled in Hentai and unfazed by erotic elements)
⦁ Open-mindedness (curious and confident to battle in any kind of scenario)

⦁ Inexperience with pro-wrestling moves (background in semi-competitive erotic industry)
⦁ Unpreparedness for hard-hitting and painful moves (her fights haven't been all that serious)
⦁ May start focusing more on the erotic side (regardless of being on top or not)
⦁ Indifference towards winning (considers LAW as her job and doesn't hold athletic ambitions)

Finishing Moves

Drowning in the Amazon: Basically an inescapable, wet facesit smother

Piranha Attack: Brutal reverse headscissor hold accompanied by oral stimulation of the opponent's private parts - and variably subtle nibbling as well

Gabriela grew up in Manaus, Brazil, in the middle of the Amazônia by the confluence of the Rio Negro and Amazon rivers. Tragedy struck her family already when she was an infant, when the boat that her parents were fishing in got overturned in the middle of the river, and the resulting drowning caused the girl to find herself in an orphanage.

She lived there until the age of 16, when she got acquainted with a few years older guy, who quickly wanted to date her. Despite him having some clear commitment issues and side hustles with other ladies, Gabriela decided to marry him at the age of 18 in hopes of finding a better and wealthier life with him.
Her husband wasn't exactly wealthy though, but still considered it to be important for her wife's physical looks to match his own desires. As a result, with no money to spend on plastic surgery, he forced Gabriela to go on a strict workout routine to train her core, legs and behind, according to his (traditionally Brazilian) tastes.

After a few years, violence stepped into the relationship. Gabriela was forced to be on the receiving end of a beating a few times, until the day when she decided to fight back. Suddenly, she found out that due to her strict workout routine, her husband wasn't actually able to match her strength, and she could wrestle him to the ground whenever he decided to try beating her...

Astonished by the turn of events, the Brazilian woman got immense, newfound confidence in her own capabilities. Empowered by them, she decided to divorce her husband and start living her life on her own - for herself, and only for herself. But she had to find a way to make a living... And without any formal education, Gabriela turned to OnlyFans.

Gabriela became Gabi Green, posting suggestive and erotic content themed by her natural surroundings, the Amazon rainforest. Her account quickly became popular, and she took note of some "fans" making comments about how her body would be suitable for a wrestler... And how much they would like to see that kind of content from her.

Inspired by this, Gabi started steering her content increasingly towards the erotic wrestling scene, eventually making it her main focus of content - and main source of income. She also enlisted on a company specializing in creating suggestive and erotic wrestling content, and her videos quickly became popular. Sometimes they were a bit more competitive, other times with a predetermined outcome... Sometimes she would be dominant, other times an absolute jobber... Sometimes she was facing a male, oher times a female... Sometimes the matches would be more about just wrestling, other times a fuckfest... But every time she enjoyed of what she was doing, and felt like being good at it.

And she was good. So good in fact, that her "career" caught the eyes of the LAW talent scouts... And soon Gabi received an offer from Japan - an irresistable one.

Appearance & Attire

Wrestling attire ... and some stretching
View from the side
Fanservice view from behind
Some more stretching...
You better watch out for these!
Oh, and for these too I guess...
I should have watched out for him...
He was really strong...
And took me upside down!
But I came on top in the end...
He still wasn't getting these off just yet!
Alt Attire... If you can call it one!


LAW Record: W: 1 L: 2 D: 0
(Ongoing: 2)

Match history:

1. Gabi faces another, tall, big and strong heavyweight in her debut. It is a standard match, but maybe not the most standard for the newcomer... How will she cope with the new type of challenge?
Loss via pinfall
2. Gabi's second match sees her pitted against another wrestler from the jungle: Cathy, who calls herself the Jungle's Pride! This time it's a submission match, so will that turn out to suit Gabi's experience better this time?
2-0 Victory via submission
3. Gabi's third match is finally more on the lewder side, as it's a best 2/3 one, but with the requirement of getting the opponent to cum before scoring each fall. It sounds promising, but her opponent turns out to be the powerful Hentai giantess, Bianca Garcia...
Loss via pinfall
4. Gabi's first encounter against a male in LAW sees her facing a masked luchador called El Rey Del Cielo. On paper, this best 2 out of 3 falls match sounds like playing into Gabi's strengths, with Hentai allowed and the second fall to be scored as a Hentai fall... But how will the green-thonged Brazilian cope against the bigger male in the first, more standard round?
5. Gabi's second encounter against a male sees her being pitted against "Bill the Crusher". Hentai is once again allowed, but her opponent's appearance is very ominous indeed... Will the Brazilian be able to overcome the challenge?







Match Ideas: Gabi is experienced with semi-competitive, (sometimes semi-)erotic matches, and she is fully expecting her popularity with those kind of scenarios to be the reason why LAW has hired her!

However, her contract stipulates that she can be placed in any kind of matches, so taking advantage of her inexperience with more standard match types could also easily happen...

Possible Opponents: Pretty much the whole LAW roster!

Fun Facts

- She has never travelled outside of Brazil or Japan, but knows the English language still surprisingly well

- She used to think that the meaning of the stance of the Cristo Redentor statue in Rio de Janeiro was to encourage everyone to dance samba to their heart's content
Last edited by Jaystar on Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:26 am, edited 8 times in total.
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