Francine 'Frankenstein' Smith

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Roy (abracy)
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Francine 'Frankenstein' Smith

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Name: Francine Smith

Alias: Frankenstein, Fran

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 27

Birthday: November 20th

Eye color: Left eye - Yellow | Right eye - Blue

Hair color: Peach

Height: 153 cm // 5’7''

Weight: 83 kg // 183 pounds

Alignment: Face

Entrance Music: Skillet - Monster [HQ]

Twitter: Fran Smith - @Frankenstien

Wrestling information
Fighting Styles:
Boxing, Pro-wrestling

Favorite Attacks:
She likes strikes and power moves the most

Signature move(s):
Blasted Tree
She first attacks her opponent with some sort of suplex and then immediately right after while still holding on to them, she goes for the Romero Special

Preferred Matches:
Hardcore (potentially)

Attitude towards Hentai:
Fran nods, silently saying it's fine

Physical characteristics:
Endurance: 4/5

Stamina: 3/5

Strength: 5/5

Speed: 5/5

Defense: 4/5

Technique: 3/5
Personal information
Francine was an orphan who got adopted by a family of three consisting of a mother named Elizabeth, a father named Victor and a sister named Caroline. They adopted Fran because the parents wanted wanted one more kid than the only daughter they had at the time. Turns out Fran wasn't like other kids, she's not the best in picking up social cues that many others would, she would often look away from people when she talks to someone or when someone talks to her and she never talks much. Fran's sister and mother both got sick and while Fran's sister got through, her mother died and so Victor, being fed up with Fran's mental abnormalities and to cope with the loss of his dead wife, sends Fran back to the orphan. Because of her previous parents' frustration and ignorance of Fran's mental abnormalities and because of the bullies she's forced to grow up with, she has developed to having explosive rages that comes out when she bottles her emotions too much. She does get accepted again and she would stay with this family, the new family not only taught Fran everything she needed to know but also they figured out that she was actually really intelligent. Despite of Fran's better family life, she still has deep hatred because of Victor and his family abandoning her and the bullying she still had to endure. Fran went to college and while she had a interest in a lot of things, she never wanted to become anything that her teachers thought Fran would be perfect at. She saw a TV show of wrestling one day and decided that's what she wanted to do, so she created her persona and joins LAW into the Young Lioness Program

Fran doesn't really talk all that much, she usually maintains a rather neutral/bored expression on her face. Both because it's part of her persona as a humanoid monster and because it's actually part of her personality, she doesn't really like to talk unless she has to do so as such she would use noises and grunts to communicate simple ideas. She strangely doesn't have as much of a problem answering questions or responding to people with using one or two words but she still likes to limit herself to using noises instead.

Wrestling outfit
Christmas-themed wrestling outfit
Halloween-themed wrestling outfit
Boxing outfit
Maid outfit
Suit and tie dress
Beach 1
Beach 2
Beach 3
Fran trying to look sexy and cute
Cheerleading outfit
Casual outfits
Summer outfit
Winter outfit
Fancy outfits
Bunny outfit
Other prop weapon
Fran's first boxing match
Fran kicking ass + being really angry

Friends: None

Allies: None

Rivals: None

Enemies: None

Lovers: None

Interesting facts:
1) She has studied in Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Biology
2) She knows how to speak Japanese, English, Italian, German and Russian fluently
3) She knows where Victor and Elizabeth are to this day
4) She has an interest in floriography
5) She knows Sign Language
6) The lightning rod and two mechanical ear muffs things were also created and designed by her. The mechanical ear muffs don't do anything except flash and make electricity noises, the lightning rod horn can be pressed down to make it smaller and pulled out to make it stretch back out.
7) Her two prop weapons were created and designed by her

Matches information
Wins: 0/ Losses: 0/ Draws: 0




Championship Belts and/or Achievements:

Last edited by Roy (abracy) on Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:01 am, edited 3 times in total.

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