Jinako 'Ganesha' Carigiri

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Roy (abracy)
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Jinako 'Ganesha' Carigiri

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Name: Jinako Carigiri

Alias: Ganesha

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 29

Birthday: November 3rd

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Brown

Height: 153 cm // 5’0''

Weight: 83 kg // 183 pounds

Alignment: Face

Entrance Music: Shin Megami Tensei V OST - Battle Theme V8

Twitter: Jinako Carigiri - @GaneshaLAW

Wrestling information
Fighting Styles:
Boxing, Pro-wrestling

Favorite Attacks:
She doesn't really have much of a favorite aside from slam attacks that involves either using her body, her butt or just picking them up and slamming them

Singature move(s):
Ganesh Impact
She will bounce off of the ropes to build up speed to knock her opponent down with a clothesline and then she'll climb as the top of one of the corners to do a massive body slam on her downed opponent

Preferred Matches:

Attitude towards Hentai:
"O-Oh um...m-maybe later?" (She does want to do it at some point to see what it's like but not right now)

Physical characteristics:
Endurance: 5/5

Stamina: 4/5

Strength: 5/5

Speed: 1/5

Defense: 5/5

Technique: 4/5
Personal information
When Jinako was born, she was born into a really well-off family with her mother and father. Everything was pretty ordinary as there wasn't really anything special about her or her family or anything that they were doing other than the fact that Jinako always got good grades in her classes without even really trying as she became a top student in her school. However when Jinako was 11 years old, tragedy would strike as she would receive news about her parents meeting their demise in a traffic accident. She became so afraid of the outside world and so distraught over her parents' demise that she isolated herself from the rest of the world. It wasn't entirely a conscious decision to shut her herself off from the rest of the world for as long as she did, however there wasn't really anybody to really tell her that she HAD to come out so she just stayed there.
While staying in her home for the next 18 years, even though that she pretty much dropped out of school at a young age, she became smart enough on her own that calling her a genius would be pretty accurate. As well she gained herself even more wealth and fortune, a part of it is by investing, but also by selling her art to get a bunch of money. She sold digital and traditional paintings, a book or two as well as creating her own web comic, web novel, a manga series and sculptures as well as figurines. Though it's not like she was working the whole, she also delve into learning a bunch of different subjects to occupy her time as well as play a bunch of video games.
As successful as she became despite her shut-in lifestyle, all of this was a large part of her attempt to deal with her own loneliness and overwhelming sadness she feels everyday, not by deal with the problem but to just avoid it all together and focus on something else. Soon enough though...after some time of thinking and reflecting on her life, she decided that enough was enough. She knows as well as anyone that she can't live like this and that she HAS to interact with society again, she has to stop running away from her problems and face it head-on if she wants to have a chance at being really happy again. She looked into what she could do try to make her mark on the world and sees the wrestling organization known as LAW, she decided to go there mainly on a whim as she thinks wrestling is actually really cool and what's a good way to make her mark than to be some sort of celebrity. She knows that she hasn't really learned that much of wrestling but she feels that she can do it though and plus she'll just join the Young Lioness Program as she'll be a newbie anyways so it helps. She makes her own wrestling outfit as well as her wrestling identity and go out to join LAW

On the outside, she puts out a very strong front. She acts confident in herself and what she's capable of as she plays into it in her persona as 'Ganesha' as no matter the opponent she'll see them as an obstacle for her to overcome. She acts like a sort of wise figure who have experienced many things in her life and is always there ask any question about anything. She also acts as if she's like a pillar to other people's strength or at least wants to be like that for other people as she would tell them that there's obstacle that they can't overcome and that you can't do anything without the right attitude. She also wants to be praised and worshipped like the goddess that she is and as such she'll want her opponent to praise to her after she wins. She doesn't ask for much though, as just a simple "I admit that you are stronger than me Goddess Ganesha" is enough. However the truth is that even though that she's willing to go outside and interact with other people, she's actually still scared and anxious to do so as she very much cares about what other people will think of her which is why she wants to present herself as best as she possibly can as someone who's strong, smart, wise and strong-willed. She also has the logic that if she fakes it for long enough then eventually it'll become real. She's desperate for real friends and she thinks that putting this strong persona will be her ticket in getting there.
All of this is without mentioning the fact that even though she IS taking steps to deal with the problem concerning her loneliness and sadness, there are some days and events in which she just can't muster up the energy to go back into her persona again. She tries to avoid people so they won't have to deal with her problems though if someone clearly WANTS to stay with her despite that, she'll keep saying that everything is fine and how she's just tired even if it's obvious to the contrary.

Standard Wrestling outfit
Same but without her hat
Same but Christmas Themed
Ganesha being smug
Embarrassed by something?
Eating something sweet before the match
Promotional work
Showing off her dancing skills
Ganesha winning a match
Bed Match/Potential Hentai outfit
Alternate bed/Alternate Potential Hentai outfit
Ignore the four arms here, she doesn't have them obviously.
Swimsuit match outfit (with some friends)
Bunny outfit
Workout clothes
Casual Outfit
Playing a game while eating chips
Alternate Casual outfit
'Casual' swimsuit outfit
Summer outfit
Winter Outfit
Rolling around with high society (second on the left in case you don't know where she is)
Seems like she doesn't like it too much or maybe it's the company she's with
"Sad? I'm not sad, I'm just tired that's all"

Friends: None

Allies: None

Rivals: None

Enemies: None

Lovers: None

Interesting facts:
1) She can speak English, Japanese, Hindi and German fluently
2) She's very knowledgeable on various sciences, various forms of art including dancing and business
3) The reason she knows a lot of things is mainly because that she's a very fast learner
4) She loves video games and eating junk food a lot
5) She hates hot weather
6) Her favorite food is pizza (she would say that potato chips are her favorite but she knows that it's not a real meal)
7) Her favorite dessert is ice cream
8) She's insanely rich, even if she doesn't look or act like it she can definitely sit at the rich table
9) She has a pet hamster named Sonata

Matches information
Wins: 0/ Losses: 0/ Draws: 0




Championship Belts and/or Achievements:

Last edited by Roy (abracy) on Mon May 01, 2023 8:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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