Name: Henrietta Okulte
Gender: Female
DOB: 20/1/2001
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Violet
Height: 6'3
Weight: 229lbs
Nationality: German
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Entrance Theme: Castlevania Dawn Of Sorrow OST: Demon Guest House
Alternate Theme: Smash Bros 4 OST: N's Castle
Wrestling Outfit


Hentai attire

Gym attire

Weaknesses: Henrietta is adept at what she does, but those that can do what she does but better will be able to run her into the ground. Also despite enjoying getting under her opponent's skin she herself can be susceptible to getting wound up by verbal taunts aimed at her.
Endurance: 5/5 - A tough fraulein indeed.
Strength: 4/5 - Naturally powerful and has built atop it
Speed: 2/5 - She can stumble if she runs too fast
Defence: 3/5 - Knows how to block and grapple against attacks fairly well
Technique: 3/5 - Great at what she does best, not so elsewhere.
Strikes: 3/5 - Untrained but knows how to hit hard
Submissions: 3/5 - The ways to make you break~
Powerhouse: 5/5 - Only a select few can avoid being ragdolled by her.
Aerial: 1/5 - Don't even think about it
Counters: 2/5 - Not all that good at turning the tide of battle on this end
Signature Moves
Pain and Pleasure: Done when the opponent sits in the corner, Henrietta will bolt full steam ahead and slam her hips into their head. Usually followed by a stinkface afterwards.
Finishing Moves
Ritualistic Sacrifice: Henrietta hefts up her opponent and slams them down for a tombstone piledriver, usually then followed by a breast smother pin.
Personality: Henrietta is usually a loner who keeps to herself for the most part, she will often keep her distance from people unless she finds one that interests her. At which point she'll often ironically go out of her way to help them out with things and make them her main priority. In the ring she usually enjoys playing mind games with her opponent but if approached outside in a wholesome manner Henrietta can easily become flustered and stutter. Past: Henrietta was raised by a mother who owned a bookstore with her dad being a construction worker in Berlin. Her mother was heavily into the occult and was often away on seminars regarding the topics out of town, growing up Henrietta was often the subject of frequent bullying by her peers for her stutter and her tall frame. The girl would frequently retreat into her books until eventually a boy at school expressed an interest in her, only to then stand her up.
It was at this point that one of her father's friends suggested Henrietta could look at taking self defence lessons whereupon all those who bullied her would be found late at night with several bruises and injuries and a refusal to reveal how. Following graduation Henrietta would take to pro wrestling to earn income for her book collections and to sate her own lust for inflicting harm, signing onto AFW after being scouted at a local indie show in Germany.
Fun Facts
Henrietta can speak German, English and Latin flawlessly. Currently trying to learn French.
Her stutter may or may not be real, no one has ever asked.
Romance novels are her favourite, currently working on one in her spare time.